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Fan Fiction

Earth vs Covenant part 1
Posted By: Packer7834<Cs31590@aol.com>
Date: 10 December 2003, 1:10 AM

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Earth 2552 Nasville, TN
Football Stadium

As Chris got done with a long hard day of football practice, he took of his pads and laid them down on the bench.He took off his sweat dripping shirt and threw it down.He went over to the showers and turn one on.His other teamates were already taking their showers.He took off the rest of his clothes and stepped into the cooling sensation of the cold watter prickling all over his body.AFter that all the teamates went to their rehabilatation tubes.Chris was the last one to get there as he was about to get in, he heard a sharp noise.It sounded like a car going out of control.

He went up the steps and stepped onto the field.He could see a U shaped ship on the 50 yard line.Right away he knew what it was.He had never seen covenant but had heard about them.He ran back to the lockers and tried to get everyone out.He told them all to get shotguns and load them up.David and Clay were the first to get out and get ready.They were Chris's best friends since the age of 10.

When they got on the field, some of the players were shocked , others were scared, and others had faced covenant before and werent scared.They huddled up and started to make a plan.Chris said for Damarcus, Jermaine, Josh, and Haley to go behind the little grunts and hit them upside the head since they were quick and silent.Then Chris, David, Michael, Brock, and Tony would go and distract the 5 elites since they were stronger than the rest.While Clay, Matt, and Forest went to get the rocket launchers out of the secret compartment.

The first team went behind the grunts and knocked out fifteen before one woke up and warned everyone.They all turned at them and shot.Haley got hit ten times from the waist and up.He feel dead while still frying.Michael ran foward knocking a blue elite over with his weight but he couldn't shot.Three plasma grenades lands on his stomach.He just stood there screaming as he went up in flames, killing the elite on the ground.CHris thought to himself,
"Damn it, where are the rocket launchers!?!?"

Right when he said that, three rockets went zooming by killing the last of the grunts and killing to elites.Only two more elites.Everyone ran at the two remaining elites at the same time.One went down due to too much shotgun fire.The other just pushed a button and laughed.He blew up Damarcus and Jermaine.Red blood was splattered everywhere.Everyone else was thrown fifty feet in the air.

We thought it was all over but then all off a sudden two big hunters came out from no where with twenty grunts and two more elites.Clay took no time to aim and shot one rocket.It went flying towards the hunter but he sidestepped and deflected it.It when right at the grunts and killed ten.The hunters charged up their weapons and shot.One stupid idiot named Eric ran at him screaming and was quickly torn in half by the shot.

Brock and Brian were looking for the elites and soon found them but never got to see them.They were quickly hit in the head and killed.Chris and David turned around shooting ten rounds of shotgun each into the elites.One fell on his stomach still breathing while the other charged..David ducked and the elite went over him.David lifted his shotgun and shot at his butt.He quickly went down.Chris walked over to the down elite and said,"You sorry son of a bitches.You shouldn't have messed with this species." The elite talked back and said,"Human fool.You shall all die soon.We will destroy you an-" He was quickly shut up as Chris stuck the shot gun down his move and said bye-bye and shot his brains out.

Chris turned around to see forest shot his rocket launcher at the hunter but it didn't stop him.He raised his shield and hit Forest.He shattered all his bones and sent him flying 100 feet in the air.Clay was behind the hunter and shot three rounds into the orange stomach.He fell dead.His brother yelled in fury and was looking for who killed him.Clay picked up Forest's fallen laucher and put it on his shoulder.Clay shot both rockets at the hunter and he was blown from the 50 yard line and through the goal post.Clay whispered,"Fieldgoal!"

The rest of the grunts were taking care of very easy.Chris and the rest of the players went to Washington D.C. in Africa.It was a floating capital now.They had to warn everyone else.For now he would go take another shower and wash off the covenant blood.......

Sorry if this sucked.Next one will be better.
