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Fan Fiction

Halo: Hunted-Part Two
Posted By: Overwhelming Force<iamapsychopathichemit@hotmail.com>
Date: 20 December 2003, 6:18 PM

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0900 hours UNSC time

After several hours of running, they finally stopped to eat. Even UNSC rations were welcome, they felt like they hadn't eaten for days, which, Benson mused, could have been true for all he knew. As he wolfed down said rations, Jimmy Watt, who had been scouting back the way they came ran up to Harland and whispered something to him. Harland nodded and called for the attention of he squad.
"Okay men, the squad we fought don't seem to be the only one out here. Watt saw four Covie dropships landing about four clicks behind us, so we're moving again. Keep formation loose, but don't stray too far. We're going to have to take it slow and careful. We need to keep a steady road north. Don't ask me why, it just seems right."
Benson knew what he meant and, by the looks of everybody else, they did too. They all had a gut instinct about north, but Benson couldn't decide whether it was good or bad. They set off several minutes later, Benson once again acting as rearguard.

Lanadai knelt on the hill and looked over the grassy landscape. He revelled in his own brilliance. He knew the humans would be slower and more careful if they thought there was more than one team hunting them. The dropships had been empty, doing flybys to create the illusion of more squads. He had only received small reinforcements for himself. This way he would cost the Armies of the Covenant less in manpower in protecting the objective. They were heading in the right direction, but didn't seem to have their route planned...there was something wrong here...but Lanadai dispelled these thoughts. He was simply biding his time now. With his squad now greater than it originally was, he would capture the humans easily and swiftly and be back on mission before his superiors could even think. He stood and turned away from the plain, then went to rejoin his team.

Captain Jonathan Kowley looked into the eerie blackness of space through the pilot's viewport of the Cold Shoulder, a large, bulky flagship of the human fleet. Lieutenant Thompson, one of his Lieutenants at the Tactical console, walked over with a status report.
"Captain, fifth squad has crash landed. They are on objective, but..."
"But what? Spit it out, lieutenant."
"They seem to be doing it by accident sir."
"What the hell makes you say that?" the Captain asked, irritated by the lack of a straight answer.
"The way they're moving sir. Its like they don't know what they're doing."
"What the...get them on the horn, I'll speak to them."
"We lost radio contact last night." The lieutenant looked down as he said this.
"Why wasn't I informed sooner?"
"We assumed it was a technical fault sir."
"Okay...we got any detached squads we can send down there to see what's going on?" the Captain asked.
"We have sixteenth squad. I have them ready and waiting now, but we have to set them down somewhere south of the plain fifth squad crashed on."
"Because of the Banshee's that got Fifth's Pelican."
The Captain paused for a while before answering.
"Make it happen Lieutenant."
"Yes sir." The Lieutenant turned and walked off the bridge.
"Damn it." The Captain murmured. They had to reach that structure; they had to get what was inside...

Benson crept silently through the grass, keeping his head down. The grass was long, about five feet long in most patches. He had heard something. He knew it. He checked that the safety was off on his rifle. It was. Suddenly, an Elite came out of nowhere, swinging a plasma blade. Its own momentum carried the red-clad Elite forward, and Benson got to his feet and took out his combat knife. Before its shields could activate, he leapt onto its back. His knife bit deep. It only struggled momentarily before dying and slumping to the floor. Benson let go and scurried to his feet, sheathing his knife and taking up his MA5B. It seemed clear. He turned back to where the rest of the squad to see a silver-clad Elite sneaking up behind Burton.
"BURTON! LOOK OUT!" Benson cried, sprinting towards it and taking out his M6D pistol. He activated the magnification and took aim at its head. The Elite swung its plasma blade. Burton turned. A shot from Benson's pistol rang out, and the Elite collapsed as the round hit it right between the eyes. Burton fell backwards in shock just as a cry went up and Covies were suddenly pouring at them from everywhere. Benson holstered his pistol and levelled his MA5B at a Grunt near to him. A quick burst felled it. A Jackal on his right suffered the same fate. A blue-clad Elite burst through grass out of his position of ambush, but never made contact as a sniper shot from Watt exploded its head. No time to nod his thanks, Benson plunged through the grass shooting any Covenant he came across until he came across Jaime firing his assault rifle into a group of four Grunts, knocking down two. The other two were cu down by a long burst from Benson. Benson was about to say something to Jaime, but as he opened his mouth to speak, a plasma rifle shot punched a hole straight through the medic. He fell forwards, revealing a crouched Golden Elite. Somehow Benson could tell it was the one who had led the attack on them before. He raised his MA5B but that got him nowhere as the Gold-clad Elite knocked him to the floor. It leapt onto him and swung its rifle at his face, but he blocked it with the body of his own weapon. He then swung it into the Elite's face, knocking it backwards off of him, then lunged, unsheathing his combat knife as he dived, firing his assault rifle. A three round burst to the head took care of its shield, and the combat knife tore into its weapon-bearing arm. It bellowed in pain, kicked him hard in the chest, winding him and knocking him backwards, then set off running through the long grass, calling for his soldiers to pull back. The engagement ended, and the Covies fled.
But Benson was not finished. He took out his M6D and activated the zoom once more. He aimed at the Elite's back and fired. The shot missed as the Elite ducked under it. Holstering the pistol, he set about searching for his squad.

Lanadai ran on to the rally point, the agreed circle of rocks. The rest of his men were already there. His shield now regenerating, he began to walk normally. The humans had held on, but two more of their numbers were dead. Their healer and their demolitions soldier were dead, and he still had seventy-five percent of his manpower. He would, he decided, kill the one they called Benson himself. He would be his mark. They still had many points at which they could stop the human squad. A river ford lay ahead. That would be the site of their next ambush. There the humans would pay.
I know this section doesn't develop that much, but something big happens in the next part, so keep reading this series. Please give me feedback on this part.
