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Fan Fiction

Halo: The Remnant Era Promo
Posted By: Noodle Boy<guyjr@lycos.com>
Date: 22 October 2004, 12:04 AM

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This is me Noodle Boy(not real name of course) this is my first story. This is actually a, by me, story that isn't supposed to be out yet until a few more came out. This is my first story so give me a break.

The Invasion on Earth Part 1: by Guy Duran. Based on the award winning game Halo!


The year is 4552. Earth still exists, and space travel was achieved more than, about, 2000 years ago. But because of overpopulation the former residents were forced to colonize other planets. Through the United Nations Space Command, the government unified. The UNSC controls the government and military power. Yet, one thing eludes planet Earth and her children. What of the stories of Halo? Halo... is one of the most common words now. 2000 years ago a powerful collection of races, called the Covenant, united to wipe out Mankind. Master Chief was a savior, not a hero. He helped the Military beat the Covenant. Master Chief was enlisted, and a hundred others, as a child, age six, to be in a special project called The Spartan Project. He was the best. So, since Earth still exists it is likely to say Master Chief and Earth won. However people question Halo, the Covenant, and the savior Master Chief. Was it true? No records were ever kept, or maybe they were but were destroyed. The only thing left was the short stories. Some people say it was true. Planets described in the story were lost and the coordinates were dead on the Planets too. Some say it was fake, made by the UNSC. Why else did the weapons, vehicles and space ships fit VERY closely to the stories? The story, however, was soon forgotten. A new alien race appeared... The Remnants. Claiming that the galaxy was once theirs. They have viciously attacked planets by infantry, and what helped Remnants the most was their advancement in the science of plasma. Remnant ships used plasma mortars that can destroy an entire UNSC ship if not careful. All of The Remnants infantry and vehicles used plasma. But, Earth was prepared. With superior defense and Space Ships Earth and other Planets can defend itself. Guessing that the Halo story was true, they collected children, age six, to be enlisted in the Unreal Project. Supposedly better than the original Spartans, Unreal soldiers proved very effective against The Remnants. With personal shielding, strong armor, fast reflexes/reaction time, and great accuracy. Unreal Soldiers are HIGHLY recommended in any front-line defenses or offense. Unreal armors carried a personal shield, HUD (heads-up display), and small jets for gliding in space; Unreal soldiers are the masters of any weaponry and vehicles. Too bad there are only thousands, when The Remnants have billions of soldiers ready too die in order to reclaim what they thought they lost. Two planets supply Mankind's infantry and Ships, Earth and Terra. Earth supplies both Main Infantry and minor ships. Terra on the other hand supplies both Unreal soldiers and the most powerful ships. If any of these planets were to fall Mankind would be doomed. Fortunately, every Planet knows that and every planet tries to protect Earth and Terra. Even luckier for Mankind is the appearance of T-rex Ancient and Shadow and Shadou Luna. They and T-rex's squad, The HellBringers, are the best of the best. They try to protect anyone they can, and with the help of Bahamut, T-rex's AI, it might just be possible. Bahamut is an AI; made to hack into Remnant computers and translate them. He is the best AI out there. He is "part" of T-rex through an artificial layer that, kind of, merge the AI's mind and T-rex's. These are the stories of T-rex Ancient, and The HellBringers.

Part One: An Unknown Arrival

Admiral Nylund didn't like being on defensive watch. Nothing really happened to Earth once a Remnant's assault ship attacked and was destroyed immediately by Earth's Orbital Defense Ring. The Ring completely circled Earth. Its main power was from the sun. It's main weapon, however, was very unique.
The Ring had ten Super MAC guns, Magnetic Accelerator Cannon, and fifty MAC guns. A Super MAC gun was powerful enough to penetrate a Remnant's Assault ship's shield and damage the ship itself. While a regular MAC gun blast was enough to destroy the shield, a second was enough to damage it. In the spaces that didn't have MAC guns, Archer missile pods were put. On the back of the Ring was its hanger.
Admiral Nylund was disappointed that the Ring proved effective, he was one of the ones who created the designs for the weapons, vehicles and, well, every other defensive thing out there. Most importantly, though, was that he liked creating new designs and ideas, but once the Ring proved effective, the other Admirals said no more add-ons. In fact it was the designs and ideas that got him a spot in the Admiral council. He also despised his designs, sometimes. Suddenly, someone yelled, "Incoming Remnant Assault Cruiser... looks like a heavy class and badly damaged."
The Admiral was a little happy. He just didn't like the sound of the heavy class. Heavy class of any Remnant ship would mean that the ship was a heavily armored, pretty fast, and had very powerful plasma weaponry. Although he was curious that it was damaged. He said, "Charge one Super MAC gun, and charge all the other MAC guns closest to the Remnant ship. I want that bastard destroyed before it reaches twenty kilometers of this Ring."
The gun crewman said aye aye, and prepared the weapons firing system. One said, "Sir, would you like the honors of firing the cannons and maybe blasting a Ship for the very first time?" Some crewman snickered a little.
"That's okay and very funny," every one could tell that was sarcastic.
The guns fired. The Super MAC gun hit first, the ship's shields flickered, but nothing happened. The other MAC guns hit soon after. The shields flickered. Again, nothing went through. It still was on a collision course. Most of the crewman had their jaws wide open. Some weren't paying attention. The crewman that fired the cannon dropped his soda. "I-I don't get it," He stuttered, " Those coordinates were dead on I know it."
The Admiral was scared now. Did the Remnants create stronger shields? No, he thought not without giving up more space for the plasma generators. "That's it shot that damn thing out of the sky." he said, "Fire all Archer pods and charge the MAC guns closet to that ship. Make sure it doesn't get too close."
Everyone obliged. The shields flickered, and finally blew out. Two Super MAC guns hit. The Assault Cruiser's wing blew away and one side was blown away. It still did not stop.
The Admiral was really ticked now. Why doesn't it fire its weapons? That didn't matter now. The ship's collision course was what mattered and - a crewman interrupted his thought, "Um, sir you should look at this."
The Admiral looked. The Assault Cruiser was detaching life pods. "Don't wasn't your time on those little bastards," he said, "That Assault Cruiser is our main problem. Let infantry take care of the pods."
The crewman replied, "Aye sir, and uh sorry for the remark."
"It's ok, I understand."
More shots were fired, yet the cruiser still did not stop. After twenty minutes of continues fire, the Cruiser passed the Ring. "Crap," yelled the gun control crewman, "It's out of range"
The Admiral replied, " Where is it going to land?"
The Coordinates crewman said, "It's going to land at... Tower City. And uh Admiral?"
"The... life pods seem to be following the Cruiser."
Nylund thought, shit.

Part Two: Tower City

Tower City... a name giving for it's four large towers. Tower City is the first City to have the experimental Plasma Tower, thus the name Tower City. The tower is as tall as the Eiffel Tower and uses a stolen Remnant plasma reactor. The Plasma Tower had three other towers around. These secondary towers were half the size of the middle. The secondary tower's helped power the Primary Tower. It is still experimental, however. It was designed to target any Remnants in the city and fire a very sleek plasma string at the enemy. Unfortunately, when the Cruiser came down the Tower wasn't operational... and still isn't operational, due common power failures and incorrect targets. This gave the Remnants, came from the life pods and survived, ample time to set up three bases around the city before the Marines arrived.

Part Three: The Capture of Tower City

Zama was a Hunter. His brethren were masters at close combat and at swords. They have a good sense of hearing, were very quick and athletic. His people wore an isosceles-like triangle boots and helmet. Their backhands also had isosceles-like triangle armor and under their armor were sharp claws. The chest armor was like the armor knights wore in the old ages. Their arms, legs and neck were skinny, which made them very agile. The gray armored brethren were regular Hunters. The black armored Hunters were commandos and usually have the honor of using swords. He DID have other brethren, the Impurities, Humans, called them Infantry Hunters.
The Infantry Hunters looked exactly like the Hunters. The only difference was that they wore different armor. The armor covered the arms and legs. They carried a Plasma Carbine as a main weapon. This Carbine had a long barrel and when properly gripped an armor-plated shield covers the arm to the elbow. The Infantry brethren also carried a Plasma Rifle. The Rifle needed only one hand to carry. It had an opening at the front of it, so the plasma can shot through. A blue electrical current was in the opening, to charge the plasma. Their class was the same. Grey is standard infantry. Black is Commandos.
Zama heard footsteps, "Quick hide," he whispered, "The Impurities are coming!"
Everyone of his units hide the Hunters climbed on the walls because of their claws and pointed boots and the Infantry Hunters hid behind the walls. Zama heard a Impurity say, " oh well know one is here guess they all died in the crash." The Impurity kicked a scrape of the pod.
Zama made a hand signal. Hunters strike first, Infantry strike second. The plan almost worked if a Hunter didn't slip. Zama's brethren fell into the dumpster. "Contact!" the Impurity yelled while shooting at the dumpster, "Contact in the dumpster and probably on the walls too!" he stared shooting at the walls.
Zama's group jumped from the walls onto the Impurities, slashing at their chests. The Infantry Hunters came in and mopped up the remaining Impurities. Although three brothers were lost, the battle ended before it even started.
One of Zama's brothers, Zamia, said, "That was a close one!"
"Yes," Zama replied. "Although I would've preferred the battle to last a little longer." He wiped the blood of his sword.
"True. Some did wish the battle lasted longer."
"Take the equipment out we are moving."
"Why? It isn't safe here?"
"Of course, we are in Impurity territory, we should keep moving."
"But, we eliminated their scouts."
"True, but they will send more."
"Yes, your greatness."

this is my story, contact me and tell me what you think! :)
