
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Sgt. Nathan
Posted By: Noc<anjlssentinels@charter.net>
Date: 24 October 2004, 1:25 AM

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11/10/04, 15:03 hours
Sol, Denmark Earth
Mission Log, Delta Company, 1st squad, id# 784322359

Sgt. Nathan Holzrichter regained consciousness. His eyes slowly opened, and
he saw the Lt. yelling at him. But all he heard was the high pitched noise
that filled his ears. He looked to his left and saw that Cpl. Hotches was
hit with plasma. The Cpl. was doubled over, gasping for air but came to no
luck as the blue hot liquid, melted his insides. Nathan looked back up and
still saw the Lt. yelling at him, Then he remembered: Their team, Delta had hot
dropped into Denmark Germany to counter the covenant forces that had landed
there. Intel reported that there were at least 4 enemy dropships that
occupied the area. Then the UNSCšs Beta Air squadron was to support Delta
with air support and retake the city. It was simple, and a good plan, the
only problem was that when Delta dropped in, they were given the wrong
coordinates and instead of hitting outside of the city, they landed dead in
the middle of it. Also, at least half of Beta had been wiped out by Seraphs fighters
escorting the Covenant dropships. Nathan snapped back to reality.
"Holzrichter! Damn it! Man that MG and give suppressing fire so that the 2nd
squad can get over here and support us!"
Apparently the Sgt. wasnšt deaf anymore.
"Sir! Where is the rest of our team?"
"How the fuck am I supposed to know that?! Now stop jerkin around and get on
the MG!"
The LT. had a huge gash across his cheek, which was dripping blood all over
his ODST uniform. The SGT stood up, felt his dizziness, then pushed the pain
in his leg aside and headed for the MG mounted on the tripod.
Nathan tried to access his COM to get 2nd squads position, but the entire
frequency was filled with to many screams, orders and desperate requests for
assistance. The small building they were in viewed the City Square. Every
thing was in utter chaos. Cars were destroyed and on fire, plasma seemed to
fill the sky and he had to bear the screams of the wounded men behind him.
The building adjacent from them exploded about half way up when a
Covenant mortar tank had decided to add to the atrocity. The tank had been
just sitting the center of the square shooting randomly as it tried to
locate the humans that had visited their aquired city. The ODST couldnšt do a thing
about it cause the engineering squad was vaporized when they took the square by
one of the random mortar plasma bombs that were littering the city.
Out from behind the wraith appeared 4 grunts cautiously securing the
surrounding area of the tank. Nathan manned, reloaded, aimed the
"Spitfire" and pulled down on the trigger. The grunts were cut in half as the
rounds penetrated their armor and ripping their guts to shreds.
"That one was for Hotches you covenant bastard!"
The wraith tank turned towards the marinešs position, locked on and then
suddenly exploded with plasma. Smoke rose from the now inoperable wraith as
it fell from it earlier hovering state.
"Holy shit" whispered the shocked Lt.
Static buzzed in from the squad radio then finally a familiar voice got
"I know that kicked ass but we still gata find the Lt. so keep off the
frequency you jackass itšs flooded as it is."
Lt. Victor Horning or just "Richter" grabbed the communicator
"Unknown friendly please identify"
"Sweet!! Hey sir! Were on our way to your position, I thought I heard the
"Roger, we got wounded, do you have a medic?"
"Affirmative sir, we will be there in a Jif"
Nathan tensed as he saw movement across the square but relaxed when he saw the
rest of 2nd squad Delta of the infamous ODSTšs. 12 men and women of the UNSC
armed forces rushed through the square in a staggered formation. Some of
their rear had trouble but were receiving aid as they limped across and
carried their wounds. The sarge waved towards the rest of the squad, he
grinned as he saw that ass hole, Corporal Louis Young had the lead. But
Nathan felt his insides churn as he counted what was left of the squad. So
many KIAšs. He looked behind and saw the original group of his squad.
Hotches was dead pale, the Lt. was breathing heavily, and the other two
privates, he couldnšt tell who they were by the destruction of their plasma
burns that covered their faces and limbs.
Holzrichter heard an opening barrage of plasma fire. Hearing screams
from behind he turned and saw the horror of hopeless war. His team hit the
tiled ground and returned fire. One marine ran for better cover dove and
took hits to his skull. He fell dead, blood oozing from his lips. Richter
stood in shock, unable to move his body. Nathanšs mind raced, searching for
anything he could help his squadmates with. He didnšt have a shot because
the covenant was on the right side of the building, which he was in. The
only way to get a shot was to step outside and expose him self. He heard
more screams from the center of the square. Louise was screaming at him,
begging for assistance, but the sarge couldnšt here him from all the
deafening fire. An old saying popped into his head. "He who hesitates, dies"
"No way am I letting that happen to my men!
Sgt. Holzrichter, grabbed his old MA5b and ran out the front "door" and took
a crouching position right in front the rest of the squad. He saw the 12
elites that were raining fire in the dome shaped building. Nathan cocked his
rifle, rested the butt on his shoulder and gripped the trigger with his
finger. He squinted through the blasts of his own fire and let out a
terrifying yell.
"Eat my shells you obsessed religious FREAKS!!!"
Plasma zipped past his face. One round caught him the knee, but the
physical pain meant nothing to him. He would have much rather been slowly
decentigrated by a fuel rod cannon than to have watched the men under his
command suffer and die. His ammo counter read zero. He dropped the assault
riffle and went for his side arm. He popped in a fresh clip to the pistol,
loaded, aimed and suddenly felt incredible pain. He looked down, and saw that his
stomach was gushing out blood. He lifted his powerful M6D pistol and took 9
crack shots at the ruthless killers. His vision got dark, he fell backwards
as the last empty cartridge hit the blood soaked ground.
"So this is what itšs like to be dying." he thought. "I donšt care where I
go, as long as the squad survives."
Something large suddenly appeared in front of Holzrichter. It came so
quickly that he didnšt even see it approach. It was green, man shaped and hefted a
Jackhammer Rocket Launcher over its shoulder. The ground around the sarge
shook as this savior shot 2 perfectly aimed round towards the covenant
bunker. The building set aflame and shot out debree and burning corpses of
the elites that once occupied it. Nathan didnšt take his eyes of his sentinel.
He watched how pebbles bounced of his golden layer of protection. The man
turned and knelt down to the sarge.
"You are an angel?" the sarge asked. The sage armored cybernetecly enhanced
super soldier knelt closer and said
"No, Išm a Spartan."
Nathan grinned, choked on his own blood, remembered the lives and ultimate
sacrifices made that day and then fell into peace.

Spartan 117 stood, saluted the fearless soldier, and moved on. There were
more lives to save, billions in fact. So he headed for the next hostile zone
and added one more hero to his endless list of the men and woman of the UNSC armed forces.
