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Fan Fiction

Force 81 Part III: Hope Takes Form
Posted By: NobleWard
Date: 8 January 2003, 5:25 am

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(To the readers: I apologize for delaying the submission of this chapter. The Holidays tied me up big time (not in a bad way, but still tie up never the less) so I haven't gotten on my comp in a while. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Post a comment or two for me. I like constructive criticism so be sure to be critique when needed. Thanks.

      VEER WALKED into Beta's war room to a multiple front attack on his senses. Consoles buzzed, whirred and chimed. Technicians ran about downloading newly arrived systems. Wires laid out everywhere as patches were hastily uploaded. A huge screen showed views from all over the planet and off it into defensive space around Freesia orbital command. The smell of coffee permeated the room. Jim never cared for high caffeine intake. His mind was to highly tuned to override it's normal outage with artificial stimulus. He marveled at the technical wizardry of the staff techs as they moved about. Order coming from chaos.  Veer suddenly became very thankful he was a simple soldier. He would much rather shoulder a rifle than work from behind this mess.
While nowhere near as sophisticated as Reach's combat systems were, Shunt was swiftly becoming ready for a fight. AIs were being shifted in from Freesia command to download to multiple battle systems while vital connections were still being made to bring up the systems they we're designed to man to operational status. Shunt command had always prided itself on it's combat readiness, but nothing had prepared them for the fall of Reach. Preparations were set into action a week ago to bring up the combat systems as soon as info came in that Reach had been attacked. Technical systems were stretched and reworked to be able to handle the newer systems being quickly brought in to fortify and streamline combat commands. Thankfully the tech staff were well versed in electrical wizardry.
"Captain Veer!" A voice boomed out over the din of the war room. Jim perked his head to receive the greeting."Colonel Curtis." Cnl. Curtis stood at a table cleared off to formulate a rough briefing surface. "Jim, welcome to ground zero. How was the trip?" Cnl. Howard Curtis was a big black man in his 40's. The diminutive Veer seemed suddenly very white as he made his way to stand next to the Cnl. despite his rather weathered tan. The two had a well rounded respect for each other, Veer because of Curtis's official position of authority over Jim and Curtis because of how much he knew Veer deserved more rank than the Captain wanted.

"As good of a trip as driving gunner in a Warthog convoy on desert terrain could be Colonel." Veer stepped over a bundle of cords lying on the floor and removed his helmet, letting his matted black hair free from it's entrapment. Curtis grinned.

"Been awhile since you last got buzzed Veer?"
Veer looked up to Howard and grinned back.

"Never enough down time Colonel. Especially now."
Curtis took on a more serious face. "Your very rarely wrong Veer." Howard quickly recovered his grin
"And I thought I told you last time to just call me Howard?"

"Of course Colonel, I'll be sure to keep that in check."

The Colonel looked knowingly at the Captain, struggling to keep face. For someone so outside the usual military protocol, Veer had quite the sense of humor when he wanted too, even in the face of such grave business.

"Well Jim, I don't want to keep you here long as I'm sure you'll appreciate what little down time you'll have here at Beta, so I want to get to business."

"Of course" Veer grew cold in tone.

"Veer, I want to let you in on some background info. First off, you know with contact lost to Reach, Shunt is next on the Covie hit list. All of Shunt's forces have been recalled to serve in the defensive front to keep back the tide, your own battalion being included in that recall. I want to be very frank with you Jim."
The Colonel's tone and volume went down to nearly a whisper. Veer inched closer as Howard looked straight into him.
"Shunt III's defensives are being set up with the sole purpose of keeping back the Covenant until Earth prepares itself properly for attack. I know and you know we can't stand against the same force that Reach fell to and stand. The idea here is to keep them back as long as we can."
The Colonel's face showed his displeasure in following such orders.
"As soon as we see Shunt is lost, we evacuate all military forces to Earth as fast as we can." Curtis lifted himself again and regained his composure.
"As well as the ensuing fleet to fleet combat, we are anticipating multiple Covenant landing forces here on Shunt."

Veer stared to the floor at this. "To land a beacon down to get us glassed, of course."

Curtis looked to Veer, catching his eyes as he replied. " Not only that, but there is another motive behind such an action. The Cole Protocol has kept the Covenant from getting a hold of Earth's location, and intel stills think they're in the dark to it's exact where abouts. They are awfully close, but they still don't know the actual location of the planet. They will most likely land groups near the main colonies, which are being evacuated to Earth as we speak, Freesia, and the Shunt military installations. Think Sigma Octanus. We'Äòre gonna have an invasion force on us Veer."

Jim's eyes flickered as he suddenly began to realize the full extent that the battle for Shunt was going to be. Multiple engagements over vast terrain, ranging from urban colonies to deep space low grav, fleet battles... this was going to be quite a messy fiasco.

"Veer, this is where your expertise comes into play." Curtis put his heavy hand on Jim's shoulder, breaking him out of his imaginative haze.

"Jim, you have personally worked with each squadron in your battalion. You know their ins and outs. You know who's expertise is needed when." The colonel removed his hand and turned his back to Jim as he brought up a holo screen display. Images flickered back and forth of human/covenant combat. Sniper shots rang out four at a time. Someone's helmet recorder of a battle Jim was involved in obviously.
"Most of all Veer, you know the enemy better than anyone of those soldiers out there."
A gold commander elite was rushing towards a marine that had his back turned to him, vibro sword glaring, but was blasted down as one of Veer's shot's went through it's brain stem.
"Jim, what I want you to do is form a team of elite troops. I want you to pick the best squads you have worked with to make up the bulk fighting force for this team. From these squads I want you to pick a specialist commando team of your choosing, of your number. You know the specifications needed most when fighting the Covenant full force. This commando team will fall under your jurisdiction, as well as the bulk fighting force. You train them as you please, arm them as you please, move them as you please. All I want is rapid response, able to do what needs done and get out of there as fast as they got there."
The colonel looked to Veer. Jim showed little emotion as this burden was placed on him. The only thing noticeable was the intensity in his piercing green eyes.

"Jim, you are now commander of Ghost Force, company 81, the specialist team that is going to form the backbone of the Shunt defensive. The brass know you are capable and reliable to get the job done. We want the Force put together as quickly as possible and briefed on what will be needed of them." Veer stared into the holo image as he heard his own voice ordering men into position and giving off the enemy's. Curtis grabbed a nearby data disk and handed it to the newly promoted colonel.
"This is every thing you will need Jim. Give out ranks and set up formation by tomorrow at 22:00."
Veer turned to the colonel and shook his hand firmly.

"Howard, I'll be more than ready by tomorrow for combat with my team."
Veer grinned and propped back on his helmet as he left the grinning colonel. Howard looked on as Jim left the war room to the barracks for a well needed rest. He had a lot to figure out before tomorrow.
