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Halo the Aftershocks
Posted By: Nestor Nazario<nestornazario@yahoo.com>
Date: 19 November 2003, 2:38 AM

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Halo the Aftershocks
By Nestor Nazario

The masterchief looked out the window as he saw the blue planet, Earth. He hadn't seen it ever in his life since he was raised on Reach. He was exhausted from the driving of the Warthog, which saved his life from the big explosion from the pillar of autumn. He had destroyed Halo.
He was proud of it and also disappointed. All the marines had died, but not because of the explosion, but because of the covenant and the flood. As the aircraft shook as he and Cortana reached the earth's atmosphere, he grabbed hold of the controls and flew the ship right through the ozone.
They eventually landed on land. Fortunately next to a military base in what he believed was near the New Mombasa, Africa. He put back on his helmet, which he took off on the ship. He stared through the transparent part of the helmet and saw a startled uniformed man run towards him.
"A Spartan!" Yelled the man. "Oh my gosh what an honor it is to meet you!" Continued the man as he stretched out his hand for a shake.
The MC (Masterchief) shook his hand as he asked for info on the base. He was right about where he was. He was one city away from New Mombasa. Johnson was there. He was one of the leaders of the marines, who fought the covenant in Halo. The rested at the base as Cortana told the base officials of what had happened in Halo. She told them all about the pillar of autumn and the flood.
As Cortana spoke the MC was having dreams about Halo and Reach. He was having nightmares of the covenant destroying Reach, the Spartan fortress. He woke up with sweat all over. He got up from his bed and ran outside to see the aircraft he arrived in. The ship's nose was dug underground. He looked around the ship until he noticed something flashing near the bottom.
He kneeled down and saw a little plasma looking thing beeping continuously. He immediately knew what it was. It was a covenant tracer. They were tracking the MC. They probably knew already about earth. He grabbed it and crushed the tracer in his hands.
He knew something awful was going to happen, something with the covenant. As he ran to wake up the officials, he saw a blue blast in the corner of his eye. He looked towards his left and saw a large blue plasma ball emerging from the clouds heading towards the city of New Mombasa. The MC thought right away, Covenant.
He watched as the plasma blast came down to the city and hitting a standing skyscraper. The sound was ear breaking. The cracking and crumbling sound of the energy hitting the building. He saw the debris falling from the remaining structure.
Johnson ran out of the base with officials who had their eyes focused on what was happening. Then, suddenly out of the dark sky came out Covenant drop ships with a new covenant ship that none of them recognized.
"Masterchief!" Called Johnson. The MC looked as if saying "What". "Go inside and get your new suit on!"
The MC was questioning his mind about the new suit, but obeyed and went inside to get on his new suit. He walked into the invention room and there he saw the new Spartan II suit. It was improved in many ways, such as its structure and shields. He strapped it on and had no denial of its new comfort.
He looked on the rack and saw two weapons he didn't recognize. He grabbed one of each with a little ammo of each. The one he took as his primary weapon was the New Battle Rifle and the secondary one was The Sub-Machine Guns (SMG).
By the time he set up, Johnson walked in ordering him to get on the bird, which he meant the aircraft that was waiting outside to take the MC to New Mombasa as reinforcement.
He walked outside into the night sky. He saw the bird, which brought memories of the death of Foe-hammer, which happened when he was trying to escape the pillar of autumn in the destruction of Halo. He jumped in the back of the pelican and waited for take off with some marines. Smoke came from the mufflers of the wings as it rose up into the sky.
During the flight the sun was rising up and the MC was checking out his Battle Rifle. He looked through its scope with interest. This gun was his new favorite one. As they approached the city, they were being shot at by the new Covenant ships. The MC heard one of the marines talking about that the New Mombasa residents named those "Phantoms".
He also heard the pilot yell onto the speaker, "We are being shot by Covenant Phantoms, requesting for marine to get in gunner seat!"
One of the marines got up and got on one of the new gunner seats that were recently installed on the pelicans. Machine gun bullets shot out of the gunner into the Phantom, but the ship was obviously created new from the Covenant and had better shields.
The Phantom kept firing its pink blasts of plasma at the pelican. The pilot was screaming over the speaker about something about the pelican's shields going down. The marine kept firing at the Phantom. Then, the pink blasts were directed at the marine in the gunner seat. After a few shots of plasma and moaning of the marine, the marine fell dead at his seat.
Sparks started shooting out of the mufflers of the pelican. The MC knew that the pelican would be on the floor in a few seconds. He motioned the marines that they had to jump off into the pool of oil right below them. The MC threw a plasma grenade onto the plasma and was about to jump off. He remembered about the pilot. He paused and ran back to the pilot's seat to recover him.
He grabbed him and jumped out right before the Phantom exploded with the plasma grenade. All the marines survived the fall into the pool and were out of it in no time. As for the pilot, he was scared to be in death territory. The MC was thinking fast of what to do with the pilot.
He saw a landed Banshee that was in good condition. He commanded the pilot to fly that back to where he was supposed to go. The pilot agreed and left in no time. The marines, who were soaked in oil, went out into the battle field.
The MC knew that one of his objectives was to take out as much mass destruction weapons the Covenant had. His eye caught the new human made ghost parked not too far away from him. He hopped on and started it up. He hovered around at high speeds until he reached what seemed to be a small medical center.
There he saw injured marines being helped by other marines. He heard a loud boom followed by the same sound he had heard of the skyscraper explosion earlier. He looked back to see a huge Covenant stationary gun shooting major blasts of plasma. The MC was now really concerned on that. If he didn't take it down, then New Mombasa would be soon destroyed.
As he ran closer to it he saw many marines with high destruction weaponry shooting at the huge stationary gun. Rockets and machine gun fire were not even denting the stationary gun. Then, out of nowhere came out three elites with plasma rifles. They were killing the marines that were trying to take down the stationary gun.
The MC took out his Battle Rifle and took all the elites with headshots. As the elites fall, a new covenant ship hovered by them. These were called Shadows. Suddenly a Phantom came swooping down. The MC took this as an opportunity to grab onto the back of the ship. As it swooped up, the MC pushed himself up.
He sneaked into the front and guessing what the elites piloting were saying, he guessed that they were retreating from earth. He stood up and looked out as they flew above New Mombasa. He saw the stationary gun and its real power from far away. They started to slow down and hovered above a place where Covenant Grunts and Jackals were. There was also a new Covenant known as Brutes.
All of them hopped on for extraction while the MC hid in the darkness. Cortana finally spoke, telling the MC that this Phantom was heading to the Covenant planet. The MC pulled out his SMG just in case he needed to use it. As the Phantom shot into the sky, Cortana and MC saw the death zone of New Mombasa and wondered what it would look like if they ever returned.
The flight took a while but they finally got there. The planets ground was purple and that color was practically the main color in this world. This place was a marine's worse nightmare. Elites were everywhere and every corner you looked there was a hunter. The MC knew that if he was seen, he had to kill the witness or he was dead.
Cortana led him through the ship using the Covenant's Battle Net. As he walked through corridors with many lights of purple. He was in a really bad predicament. As he used his stealth skills to get around the ship. He got to this door which he managed to open. Inside was a long corridor with no walls but just a floor, similar like a control room in Halo.
At the end of the corridor there was Covenant the MC had never seen before. It was sitting on what looked like a floating seat. It was yellow and had like a purple pharaoh headgear on. It also had a few tentacles floating out of it. It turned around and looked at the Masterchief.
"So are you here to stop the destruction of earth?" Said the Covenant.
"You can speak English?" Replied the MC.
"I'm the prophet and you must be the Spartan that survived the fall of Reach. The earth will fall too. The Covenant War has begun."
"What, War, destruction, your going to fast, I don't understand what your saying!"
"Thanks to the 343 Guilty Spark or as you know the Monitor survived the explosion of one of the Halo ring world. Well anyway he came to us and made peace for we both hate Flood and their creators, Forerunner. They also built the Halo rings."
"Forerunners! You mean ring not rings, rings is plural."
"Oh, Masterchief I said it correctly. As you can see there are more Halo's out in the universe", said the Prophet as he nodded towards the window. The MC looked out the window and saw something he'd thought he'd never seen again it was another Halo. "You see. But in this one there are Forerunners because the Flood did not extinct them. You see in the other Halo ring, the creators, Forerunners made experiments, which came out to be Flood. The Flood took over and infected them all, and made Halo their home. Wisely Guilty Spark stopped these Forerunners from creating experiments such as those. So that's why there are no Flood in this ring.
We Covenant also want this Halo for ourselves, so we are in war with the Forerunners and wanting to destroy all of them. If you haven't noticed we are sending Covenant troops to war right this second."
"I see. But why are you destroying earth and how!" Yelled the MC.
"Well of course you humans are our enemies, that's one reason. The other is simply for another, but that is for you not to know. One race isn't extinct yet, and believe me it's not humans. The new Halo ring has a better mass destruction weapon that Guilty Spark is using and activating this very second. This weapon you can say is sort of like a cannon that is charged up and shoots out a very strong plasma blast. This blast is powerful enough to destroy planets of great size.
I'd say that the cannon should be done in within half an hour. In that time the Forerunners are fighting in war with us and the destruction of the human race is within minutes." As the prophet said these last words, the MC ran out of the room in search of a fast ship that can get him to this Halo fast.
As he ran outside of the building the Covenant started to realize he was human and started to pull out their weaponry. Right before any of them could get a hit on him; the MC jumped in Banshee and took off.
He didn't get off the hook that easy, he was being chased out of the planet by a Phantom with its strong blasts of plasma. The Banshee was dying until the MC had no control of it. He was heading towards Halo at extreme speeds. He was about to crash until he used right coordination and jumped out at the right time. He landed rolling down on the ground.
He got up and pulled out his SMG's fast. He was in a place that the war had never reached yet. He found a Forerunner and asked where the Plasma Cannon was. The MC got directions that he was about 25 miles away. He was frustrated and grabbed hold on to a revised Forerunner ghost. This ghost could fly and hover, which ever desired. The MC flew to get there faster.
He finally arrived and there was two hunters protecting the monitor, who was operating on the cannon. He noticed that the cannon was almost ready and that the hunters were protecting the monitor from the Forerunners.
The MC switched to his Battle Rifle and turned on the scope. He shot down both Hunters down in their weak spot. When he got to the cannon, he met his old friend, the Monitor.
"Hello Spark!"
"Oh! You Masterchief. I advise you to go away before I call on sentinels."
"Please Spark tell me why your trying to destroy earth!"
"Because of the Flood."
"Yes Flood. Earth was created by the Forerunners. It was one of their early creations. Humans were one of their experiments, which succeeded. However earth was one of the first places the Flood was experimented on. The Forerunners knew the Flood was an unsuccessful so they placed the race in the core of the earth. The Flood reproduces fast so, by now there's probably thousands of them trying to reach the surface.
All those earthquakes earth gets is the Flood down there. That was the only creation the Forerunners regret creating. Now you know the truth behind earth. All humans are truly part Forerunner, that is another reason Covenant want to destroy earth, because humans are part Forerunners. The covenant hates them. Now if you excuse me, I have some blasting to do."
"No you don't!" Yelled the MC as he swung his Battle Rifle towards the monitor. There was aloud crack as the monitor started sparking up. He grabbed the monitor, placed a plasma grenade on him and threw it out far away where it exploded later.
The monitor was destroyed and soon would be earth if the MC didn't do anything. The cannon was about to fire in 45 seconds. The MC thought fast and used all his strength to push the huge nozzle in a different direction that wasn't earth. Instead it was the Covenant planet.
The Masterchief and Cortana were in gratitude when they started hearing the final charge. Then, the blasts shoot out at extreme force pushing the MC back onto the ground. He looked towards the covenant planet as it exploded into millions of pieces. Suddenly waves of debris came down and hit Halo.
An elite skull fell write in front of the MC. He kneeled down as more debris fell from the sky. He grabbed it and examined it. He smiled inside his helmet as he heard a Forerunner speak to him.
"I knew humans were one of our best creations. I thank you Spartan for destroying the Covenant planet for the universes sake. But the war isn't over. Soon the Covenant will reach here slaying many Forerunners. Good thing their the last of them in the universe, except for the ones in New Mombasa."
"Are you asking for something?" Asked the MC.
"Yes. We need your help to destroy the Covenant. For our world and yours. The Covenant don't know about our secret weapons. We have an army of Forerunner Spartans, of course none is better than you, but they come close. Please join this army for the war and I'll give you the latest Spartan Forerunner suit and the key to killing the Flood!"
"I accept. But I must go to earth and stop the Flood first!"
"Fine, here's the suit and to kill the Flood in earth you must go down to the core with one of our latest ships and activate the self destruction charge. This will send an electrical charge all over the insides of earth killing the entire Flood below the surface. Here's the ship you'll fly to earth and dig into earth."
"Thanks! I'll Be Back!" The MC saw his new craft and was amazed. He left Halo and arrived in a few minutes to earth. As he approached New Mombasa he only saw marines and people, but no Covenant. He landed the ship near where the stationary gun was. He went to talk to one of the marines, which told him that the Covenant had fought and then left and that they had no idea where they went.
MC thinking they left earth started digging with the craft the Forerunners gave him. This thing dug very quickly. In no time he as at the core. There he saw so much Flood walking around. These were the pure flood, not the ones that the Flood had infected. These had nothing to infect so they were in a search to find something and that's why they started to dig towards the surface.
The MC was mad at himself for forgetting to bring a shotgun with him. He sneaked behind most of them, but some of them noticed him and tried to kill him, but he did that to them without being seen. He soon came to the core where there was no Flood, but little piles of Flood eggs all over.
The MC walked towards the center and started trying to figure out how to activate the self destruction charge. He managed to do it. The machine read that it was going to shoot out electrical charges in about a minute and it did.
The charge release made his suit malfunction for a few minutes, but it indeed killed the entire Flood. Soon enough the MC was back on his way to the Halo ring, where he found the Forerunner he talked to with the army of Forerunner Spartans. It was an amazing sight. It reminded him about Reach.
He checked in with the Forerunner he talked to earlier and joined the Spartans who were waiting for the enemy. There was a cry from n elite that was heard over a cliff. The MC felt something strike him in the back.
He looked down to see himself bleeding. He had been sniped by a covenant. His hand was covered in his own blood. He turned around to a gold elite with what looked like a Covenant sniper gun.
He brought up his Battle Rifle and got a headshot on the elite. The Forerunners saw the body fall down the cliff unto the ground and noticed that the MC was shot. The MC was feeling dizzy. The last words he heard were Cortana's. He then blacked out.
He later woke up in a Forerunner Hospital. He was cured and was ready to go help in the war. Without question for the medic he left out of the hospital with his suit and weaponry ready.
He walked out into the field where he saw many Forerunners fighting with Covenant. The MC pulled out his SMG's and proceeded into battle. He shot down an elite with a sword. He swapped the sword and started slaying Covenants all over. Their blood splashed onto his helmet as bullets and plasma flew in the air. He continues slashing and slashing until he came up to another group of elites that had swords too.
They surrounded him. He swung with his sword all around cutting most of the elites in half except for the last one that dodged the swung. The MC thought fast and threw a plasma grenade on it, and pop went the elite. The Covenant started to notice that this war wasn't on their side. They tried to call for retreat but their planet was destroyed and nothing could be done with it.
Soon all the Covenant were running away into the world of Halo where they hid for protection. Only a few Spartans died in the war, but all the rest prevailed. The war was over, but the battles weren't. The MC had a feeling that this wasn't the last time he was going to fight the Covenant.
"Thanks, Masterchief, you were great help!" Said the Forerunner who helped him earlier.
"No problem! I better get going to earth now", said the MC as he got in his new aircraft.
"Come visit again!" Said the Forerunner as the MC flew away saying, "OK".
The MC soon arrived back at earth where he landed in New Mombasa. There Johnson asked him for all the details. That day the MC and the marines helped in looking for survivors at New Mombasa. That night the Masterchief had dreams about battles that still had to come.

Keep Checking for Sequels to Halo the Aftershocks
Believe there will be More
