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Fan Fiction

Shadow Ops II: Nowhere to Run, Chapter Six
Posted By: Nemesis<shadow_agent13@hotmail.com>
Date: 13 November 2003, 4:06 AM

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Chapter Six

"Split up and meet back at the apartment"

"Roger, see you there." Colin Thompson clicked his radio off and watched as the bullet-scarred Warthog Fredrick Owens was driving took a left at the nearest turn and disappeared down the street. Colin on the other hand kept on going straight and nearly ran into the afternoon traffic. Swearing, he quickly backed up, forcing two cars to move off the road, then made a right and drove down a side street. Colin followed it to the end, and then made another left. He looked around at the buildings and signs, but didn't recognize a single one.

"Where the fuck are we" he whispered, turning onto a new street. Jamie Fisher shook his head.

"Fucking clueless here" he said, looking out the window. Bullets fired from behind them suddenly pinged off a traffic sign that had passed Fisher's head. He quickly sat back inside; his hair all messed up from the wind.

"Jesus Christ!" he yelled. Colin looked out his side mirror and could see a Transport Warthog, filled with six marines on the back accelerating after them. Two of the marines were holding MA5B assault rifles and had them pointed at the van. He saw one of them at down at the tires.

"Shit" Colin whispered and swerved quickly to the left. The marine fired, but luckily missed. A car came driving at the van from the opposite direction, forcing Colin to brake and move to the other side of the street. The Transport 'Hog accelerated rapidly, and pulled up along Fisher's side. The medic pulled out his M6D pistol and fired at the jeep, the bullets pinging off the armor around the driver. He backed off, but three of the marines jumped off the 'Hog and were able to hang onto the side of the van. Fisher looked over at Colin.

"We got company" he said. Colin nodded and moved to the far side of the road, bumping over the curb and pressing closer to the wall that surrounded a landfill site in Washington. Two of the marines jumped off, but the last one stayed on for a second. However, when his armor began to scrap along the concrete wall and tear it apart, he jumped, his body smashing into the wall and hitting the sidewalk. Colin quickly drove back onto the road, but the Transport 'Hog was right beside him. He took out his pistol and fired, hitting the passenger in the head. The remaining three marines in the back stood up and leveled their assault rifles. Colin quickly swerved the van to the left, smashing into the 'Hog. One of the marines in the back fell over the side, while the remaining two hung on. Colin did it again, forcing the Warthog into the opposite lane. Cars and trucks honked at them as they drove past. Colin pressed harder on the well, continuing to force the Warthog over. The marines on the back jumped off, onto the roof off the van. Realizing this, Colin took out his pistol again and fired twice at the Warthog, killing the driver, and then shooting out the front right tire. It zigzagged along the road out of control, before flipping over and smashing into a building. The marines on the back both leaned over off the roof and fired their own pistols at the front tires of the van, then at the engine. Without warning, the front tires stopped moving and the back end of the van flipped high into the hair, sending the marines on the roof flying. The van landed upside down on the road and slide along it, crushing the two unconscious marines beneath it. It finally came to a stop at the end of the street, steam hissing from the engine.

Coughing, and waving smoke away from his face, Colin unbuckled himself from his seat and landed on what would be the roof of the cockpit. Jamie Fisher hung from his seat, his legs and arms dangling in the air. Colin felt a pulse and was glad to find one. He unbuckled the man and caught him as he fell. Jamie's eyes opened.

"Fucking Christ man" he said. Colin chuckled and set him down, then opened the door and crawled outside. The van was a total wreck, covered in bullet holes and leaking gas and oil. Flipping it wouldn't be heard, but trying to get it started again was impossible. The engine was also old and was already starting to fall apart. Colin was about to inspect it more closely, when a wail of sirens interrupted him. He looked down the street and could see three police patrol cars zooming in towards them. They passed by the bodies of the marines and the Warthog, and came to a halt near the flipped over van. Five police constables climbed out, pistols at the ready.

"Freeze!" yelled one of them. Colin took out his own pistol and fired three times, before rolling backwards, and hiding behind the van. His bullets slammed into one of the constables, who had been hiding behind the door to his car. He fell backwards, blood flowing from the bullet holes in his face. The other four constables fired wildly, but Colin was well hidden. He fired the odd round, but hit nothing.

Shaking his head, Jamie Fisher slowly began to crawl out from the cockpit. For some reason, the crash had temporarily made him deaf. He wiggled his ears around, but couldn't hear a lot. He couldn't hear Colin, who was yelling at him to get down. Jamie crawled out completely and stood. The sight of four police constables pointing their guns at him shocked him.

"Oh shit" he said. His ears suddenly popped and hearing returned. One of the constables fired his pistol. The bullet flew straight and true, rupturing right underneath Jamie's armor and piercing his stomach and intestinal area. The pain seared through him like a red hot razor. He grunted with pain and slowly fell to his knees, holding his stomach.

"Jamie! No!" Colin yelled. Slowly, the medic began to fall backwards. Colin rushed out from behind the van and grabbed him. He fired off several shots quickly with his pistol, while dragging the man back behind the van. He appeared again and fired, hitting another constable in the neck. The remaining three tried to split up and flank him. One officer provided cover fire from the cars, while the other two moved along the right. Colin saw them coming and fired twice, hitting both of them in the head and neck. They fell over without a scream at all. Colin looked over at the last officer. He looked at his dead colleagues, and then jumped into the nearest police car.

"Oh no you don't" Colin growled. He grabbed Jamie's pistol and rushed forward. He stood in front of the officer's car and fired into the cockpit. The bulletproof glass exploded, and the bullets slammed into the last constable. His body danced as Colin fired continuously. Finally, both pistols ran out of ammunition. Thompson tossed them aside, and then ran back to Jamie, whose stomach was bleeding badly.

"Oh my god Shade" Jamie whispered. Colin covered his mouth.

"Don't talk" he said. He had no medical supplies on him. Colin quickly lifted him up and carried him to one of the police cars. He laid the injured medic in the back and did his best to tape up the wound with the small medical kit that was in the car. Thompson then grabbed the keys from a dead constable, and then jumped into the driver's seat. He turned them and the engine started. Colin accelerated forward, looking back at Jamie, who was starting to freak out.

"My hands! Oh my god, my blood has covered my hands!" he said. Colin would think that the sight of blood and a gun wound would be normal for Jamie. Obviously not if it was him that had the wound.

"Shade! Fuck man, Shade! I'm fucking dying" he screamed.

"You're not gonna die man okay? You're not gonna die" Colin repeated, keeping an eye on the road and Jamie.

"It hurts, oh my god, it fucking hurts" Fisher continued to scream. Tears began to well up in his eyes and fall down his face.

"Hey! Come on now Spirit. Give me your hand," Colin said, reached over and grabbed one of Jamie's bloody hands, "You aren't going to die. We're gonna get you back to the apartment, and fix you up, you hear me? You're not gonna die"

"I'm so scared, I don't want to die" Jamie cried. He was starting to become delirious. Thompson found the main road that they had taken in the morning and followed it back to the apartment.

"We're almost there, just hang on" he said.

"Oh my god! Oh my god, my liver, my fucking liver!" Jamie began screaming. He was coughing up a lot of blood and seemed to be choking on it.

"Spit it up man!" Colin yelled, driving inside the garage of their apartment building. Jamie coughed up more blood.

"Fuck, my liver!" he cried again. Colin successfully parked the police car and shut the engine down. He climbed out and opened the back. He grabbed Jamie by his shoulders and lifted him into his arms. Slamming the door shut behind him, Colin walked briskly to the elevators, Jamie in his hands. He grimaced as blood from Fisher's wound began to seep into his uniform. When he got there, a man and a woman were about to walk into the elevator, but Colin pushed them aside.

"What the fuck?" the man yelled, but Colin ignored him. Using his knee, he closed the doors and told the elevator to go to the top floor.

"Fuck, so much fucking blood" Jamie cried, looking at the hole in his stomach. Colin agreed with Jamie in his head, he was loosing a lot of blood. And worst of all, it was getting all over him. The elevator pinged as they arrived at their floor. Colin rushed into the hall, and found their locked apartment door. He put Jamie down, supporting him with his shoulder, as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the key. The door opened, revealing their empty apartment. Colin took Jamie inside and cleared a spot on the floor, in front of the TV. He laid Jamie on the floor, who was turning deathly white.

"Shade" he whispered.


"I'm gonna die"

"Shut up okay? Just shut up Spirit you aren't going to die. Do you know where you got shot? The stomach. Stomach shots like these take a few weeks or so to die from, not like a shot to the chest or head. We'll have fixed you up by then, and you'll be up and kicking before you know it. You aren't going to die" Colin repeated. Jamie rolled over and slowly began to fall asleep. Colin checked his pulse. It was weak, but still there, which he was thankful for. Jamie was young and didn't deserve to die, not right now. Colin would make sure he didn't die.

The apartment door suddenly swung open. Colin whirled around, his pistol up. Johnny Colbourne stood in the door frame, his hair and face covered in sweat. He walked inside, his hands shaking and his face twitching. Colin looked at him.

"Jesus, you all right?" he asked. Johnny shook his head and sat down.

"It's all wrong man, it's all fucking wrong" he said, stamping his foot onto the floor.

"Hey! Take it fucking easy" Colin yelled, looking down at Jamie.

"What the fuck happened to him?" Johnny asked.

"Ran into the authorities. Took the round as we were getting out of the van. Where's everyone else?" he said. Johnny stood up and began pacing.

"I dunno, I don't fucking know" he said.

"What happened?" Colin asked.

"We must've rushed through seven different road blocks set up all over this fucking city. The Warthog eventually ran outta steam at the last one. We killed everyone off, and then took separate cars. Only fucking god knows where they are" he said.

"Shit" Colin said.

"I'm telling you man, we were fucking set up" Johnny said, waving a shaky finger in Colin's face.

"Set up, what are you talking about?" Colin asked.

"You fucking saw it man. 12:00, right on the dot, bam! Fucking dropships hovering over us, dropping off those fucking Covenant Black Ops and marines. Not only that, but all the fucking road blocks. They knew we were there, we were fucking set up. Someone fucking ratted us out" Johnny said. Colin laughed. "What's so fucking funny?" Johnny growled.

"You man. Every fucking sentence, you said "fucking" Colin said.

"Because I'm fucking pissed and fucking scared man. We were set up! Those assholes probably know where the fuck we leave" Johnny screamed. Colin stood up and grabbed Johnny by the shoulder.

"Come on, let's get you washed up" he said. He led the heavy weapons expert to the kitchen, who was still yelling.

"Fucking set man. Not only that, my good friend is fucking dead. Wraith is dead, my fucking friend. Set up, fucking set up" he repeated. Colin turned on the sink and dipped a cloth into the hot water. He then rubbed it over Johnny's face, who sighed.

"Set up" he whispered. Colin used the cloth on his own face, and then grabbed a package of cigarettes. He took out two, offering one to Johnny, who took it and used Colin's lighter to light it. The two of them breathed in the toxic fumes for a minute, before Colin turned to look at the man.

"How could we have been set up, there was only six of us that knew about the plan" he said.

"That's what I'm saying, one of us ratted us out" Johnny growled.

"That's fucking bullshit man, no one ratted us out" Colin said.

"I'm telling you man, someone ratted us out" Johnny growled.

"I didn't fucking squeal, our leader wouldn't have squealed, he invented this fucking idea. It couldn't have been Wraith, he's dead. Like, seriously, this is bullshit, no one ratted us out" Colin said, shaking his head. Johnny looked down at Jamie.

"Probably that fucker" he said. Colin looked up.

"It wasn't Spirit. He was fucking shot by the police" Colin growled.

"To make it seem real, yeah" Johnny whispered, still looking at Jamie. Colin grabbed Johnny by the collar.

"Don't you fucking talk like that, he's a fucking kid, he didn't do shit" Colin yelled.

"Get your fucking hands off me" Johnny yelled, pushing Colin. Thompson's temper flared and he shoved Johnny, who fell backwards. Colin rushed at him and kicked him, but Johnny rolled away, and then grabbed his pistol. Colin took out his own pistol and pointed it down at Johnny, who pointed his weapon up at Colin.

"Don't fucking do this" Colin growled.

"You fucking ratted us out" Johnny yelled suddenly.

"I never ratted on nobody! Fucking nobody!" Colin yelled.

"You ladies really should learn to play nicely..."

By: Nemesis (aka Agent Shade)
