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Fan Fiction

Shadow Ops II: Nowhere to Run, Chapter Four
Posted By: Nemesis<shadow_agent13@hotmail.com>
Date: 8 November 2003, 6:14 AM

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Chapter Four

General Banton leaned forward in his chair, facing the Vice Admiral. Casar grinned, and leaned forward as well, the light from his desk lamp illuminating the fires in his eyes. Banton nodded.

"I met with one of their members yesterday. I told him our plan, told him what we needed from him. He asked for a reward, and I granted him whatever he wished. He asked for a home, money, stocks, and a job of some sort, which he would choose. That sounded reasonable to me, so I accepted. The Shadow Ops II squad is planning on attacking one of our three private banks here in Washington. He isn't sure of which one, but I'll meeting with him tomorrow morning, so I will find out, however I'm pretty sure they'll be robbing the one on Avery Street, by the old stadium" Banton began. Casar's eyes widened.

"Christ, our stocks, half of our credits are also storied there, not to mention valuable minerals and such" he said.

"Exactly, this makes it the prime target here. The squad member told me that they would be intercepting one of the guard shift vans, kill the new shift of guards, and then use the vehicle to get into the garage at the back. When the old shift of guards comes out, they'll be shot. Shadow Ops then move into the building, and take everyone else inside hostage. The garage door will then be locked and a single squad member will stand outside the main entrance, preventing anyone from getting in. They'll grab what they want, kill the hostages, then leave. Should only take them around twenty minutes at the latest" Banton finished. Casar leaned back, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Jesus...perfect plan, they won't know what'll hit them...how do we stop them?" he asked Banton. The General winced somewhat.

"Well sir, regular UNSC marines probably don't have the skill to take these guys down. They'll be wearing somewhat medium-sized body armor on, but they work a lot like the Spartans and can bring down anyone who enters the building. Because of that, I've asked for someone to help us out" he said.

"Before you continue, who's the guy you've gotten a hold off? Who's the squad member who's rating all his friends out?" Casar asked.

"His name is-BEEP!" The Vice Admiral and General looked up at the door, to see it open, revealing a large figure standing in the doorway. It stepped inside, the door closing behind it. When the light from the office hit the figure, it revealed a Covenant Elite, dressed in a magnificent black armor suit, with a simple headdress over its head. The Elite bowed its earrings and dressings hanging near the ground.

"Special Field Master Quala 'Qualamee, reporting as ordered General" it growled deeply. General Banton stood and shook the Elite's hand. He then turned to Casar.

"Vice Admiral, may I present Quala'Qualamee, head of the division of Black Ops Covenant troops here in Washington" he said. Casar walked around his desk, smiling. He also shook the Elite's giant hand.

"Pleasure to meet you, please sit, we have much to discuss" Casar said. The Elite took a seat beside the General and looked at Banton, who nodded.

"I brought Special Field Master 'Qualamee because I felt he could be of some use. He commands fifty Covenant soldiers, who all belong to the Black Ops division, a group of soldiers in the Covenant army, superior skills and power to that of the regular army. 'Qualamee wishes to assist in this endeavor" Banton explained. Casar nodded and crossed his arms on his desk.

"Special Field Master, do you know who we are up against?" he asked. The Elite nodded. "Do you know of the skills and power that the Shadow Ops II squad possesses?" he asked again. The Elite paused for a moment, before nodding.

"The Spartans" it whispered. Casar sort of shook and nodded his head.

"In a way, yes, they are much like the Spartans. Taking them out won't be easy, which is why I believe combining the Field Master's Black Ops soldiers with UNSC marines should be enough to bring these guys down" Casar said, looking at both the Elite and Banton. The General nodded and looked at Black Ops Elite, who also nodded. Casar leaned back in his chair.

"Getting our troops there is going to be a problem. We can't send them in transport vehicles along the road, there sentry standing outside will notice them a kilometer or two away" he said, shaking his head. Banton looked up, staring at the Admiral.

"Pelicans?" he asked. Casar raised an eyebrow, and then smiled.

"Perfect. We'll have our troops in Pelican dropships, that'll be hovering above the bank, once the squad is inside. How high would they have to be so they wouldn't be heard?" he asked Casar. The General winced again.

"Sir, we would have to have them fairly low in altitude, so they can drop off the troops quickly. Because of that, their sentry will hear them the whole time" he said. 'Qualamee sat forward.

"Covenant troopships are much quieter then your dropships and can deliver the troops quickly" it said, nodding.

"How many are here in Washington?" Casar asked.

"Fifteen was what I last counted" 'Qualamee said.

"How many soldiers can each hold?" Banton then asked, looking at the Elite.

"Ten on both sides, twenty soldiers" the Black Ops Elite said.

"Two dropships for your Black Ops soldiers and maybe three more for our marines. That makes five in total, think that'll be enough?" Casar thought out loud, looking at the two soldiers before him. Banton nodded.

"We should have a group of maybe four or five Pelicans on standby, each loaded with marines, in case the Shadow Ops break out" he said. 'Qualamee showed no objections at all. Casar then stood up.

"Meet with our friend tomorrow, and get some attack times down. Find out when we should assault and such. Also tell him that I personally thank him for what he is doing and plan to make the rest of his life as good as I can" the Admiral said, standing. Banton and 'Qualamee also stood, and saluted the Admiral.

"We'll talk quickly tomorrow after your meeting with our man" Banton suggested. Casar nodded, and then watched the two of them leave his office. He sat back down, and held his head up by his hands. Whoever this soldier was, he was taking quite a risk, ratting his friends out and helping out ONI, after they ruined his military career. He stood and began to shut down everything in his office. Grabbing his coat, he began the long walk out of the ONI facility and to his home.

24 hours later, 10:00am.

Colin looked around him and could see nothing but a red fire that surrounded him. He turned in all directions and saw nothing but fire. The heat was intense and he tried to block it by holding his arms up to cover his face. Slowly, it closed in around him. He tried to scream, but nothing happened. Suddenly, the fires exploded and he began to fall into a black void, voices screaming at him. He saw the six members of his Shadow Ops squad, all glaring at him...Jamie Fisher's face was the last one seen, before everything went black.

Colin sat straight up, the blanket on him falling off. He looked to the door of his bedroom to see Fredrick poking his head into the room. The leader grinned.

"Morning Shade. Breakfast is made, I want us all ready to go by ten thirty" he said. Colin nodded, and then swung his legs over the bed. He pulled a pair of pants on he had been wearing yesterday, then walked into the kitchen.

On the couch were Johnny Colbourne had been sleeping last night, M6D pistols and three MA5B assault rifles lay on it, extra clips of ammunition beside them. Colin grinned at Johnny, who was already polishing a pistol. He saluted at Colin, who nodded and sat down at the table, helping himself to some pancakes. Andrew Kreutz Kamp was at the kitchen, making more as Todd Maddox walked out of his bedroom. He merely nodded at everyone and sat down. Colin swallowed a mouthful of the breakfast and looked around the room.

"Where's Spirit?" he asked, referring to Jamie. Owens appeared from his bedroom, combing his short, blond hair.

"Gone to get some more eggs for Wraith here" he said. Andrew shrugged and held up an empty egg cartoon. Colin merely nodded, but finished his breakfast quickly. He handed his plate to Andrew, and then went back to his bedroom. He had laid his clothes out for today last night and went to the dresser they lay folded on. First, he put on a pair of boxers and an undershirt. Next, he grabbed a heavy, thick, black body suit and zipped it around him. He then grabbed his Kevlar III torso armor, shoulder/elbow/knee pads and chin guards and attached them around his body. Lastly, he snapped a belt around his waist and placed knives into the holsters. He grabbed his M6D pistol and slammed a clip of 12.7mm semi-explosive, armor-piercing rounds into the gun handle. He cocked the weapon, and then holstered it, keeping it unbuttoned so he could take it out easily. He looked at himself in the mirror briefly, making sure everything looked right. He finally breathed heavily and walked outside.

Johnny and Fredrick were already dressed and ready. Todd Maddox had come out just as Colin did and Andrew was just going to get changed. The door to their apartment clicked and opened. Both Fredrick and Johnny pulled their guns out and pointed it at the door as it opened. Jamie Fisher walked inside, beat red and carrying a cartoon of eggs. Fredrick grinned and patted the medic on the shoulder.

"Gave us a little scare there Spirit, we didn't know where you were" he said. Fisher nodded and dropped the eggs onto the kitchen counter. He then tossed his coat onto a nearby chair, and walked into his room to get dressed. Colin watched him go, and then looked over at Owens. Their leader however didn't seem to care and went back to loading one of the assault rifles.

Andrew and Jamie got dressed quickly, and before Colin knew it, the six of them were standing around the kitchen table, fully dressed and armed. Blueprints for the bank lay on the table, Owens leaning over them. He looked at his men.

"The van comes down this road to drop off more guards at eleven o'clock. Thanks to Death and his valuable resources, we've obtained two rows of tire spikes, which we'll plant somewhat ahead of the warehouse we'll be stationed at, since the van won't stop immediately. Once the van has stopped, and the driver and possibly the passenger have gotten out investigating, we move. Silenced weapons here people, we don't want to alarm anyone. We'll then replace the tires with the ones we found in that warehouse and head to the bank. Death and Spirit will be in charge of driving the Warthog. The garage door opens and we go inside. Before anyone gets out of the van, we must wait for all four of the security guards to be outside. Myself and Shade will be in the front. The Warthog will be parked along the side, so the guards don't get suspicious. When we start shooting, everyone else should be moving in. Death and Spirit, you two will hide out of sight, and then move in when the shooting starts, you move in with the rest of us. Once the guards are dead, we then head into the bank itself. Take the secretaries hostage, but use the two managers to unlock the vaults and help us gather the stuff we wish to steal. Specter will also be hacking into the banks system and taking away stocks, and also taking money from secure accounts. Once we've gathered what we need, we kill everyone, and then leave. Remember, our rally point is here, since they don't know we've taken up residence in this place. Questions?" said Owens.

"Alarms?" asked Johnny. Maddox looked up from the map.

"Two, positioned near the front entrance. If they are triggered, a response team of police officers will be sent. Basically, if they go off, our mission is over and we get out of there" he said. Johnny nodded. Owens leaned back and crossed his arms.

"We'll be okay; this'll be like taking candy from a baby. Grab some extra ammo or weapons if you want, then head down to the garage" he said, throwing the map out. Colin turned around from the table and walked to the couch. He grabbed another M6D pistol and fastened its holster to his right hip, while his original pistol was on his left hip. Johnny already had one of the assault rifles slung over his shoulder. Andrew and Fredrick grabbed the last ones, while Jamie and Todd simply picked up extra ammo for their pistols. They walked out of the apartment in a single line, and took the stairs all the way down to the garage. They walked by a senior couple, who looked at them strangely. Fredrick smiled at them.

"UNSC marines, nothing to worry folks" he said, flashing his old Shadow Ops ID card. This seemed to relax them and the couple continued to climb the stairs. Descending the stairs took awhile, and Colin was already starting to break a sweat. Luckily, it was a cold day in Washington. The humidity was low and it was extremely windy. The group of six reached the garage and found their Warthog quickly. Because it only had room for three, they had purchased a small car to carry the remaining three people. Colin climbed into the passenger seat of their car and buckled himself in. Andrew got into the driver's eat, while Jamie Fisher got into the back. Owens was driving the Warthog, with Maddox sitting beside him and Johnny on the chain gun. The motors of the two vehicles started up. Andrew shifted the car into gear, and drove out of the parking space. The Warthog followed behind them, Johnny ducking low so his head didn't scrap the roof of the garage. The two vehicles ascended three levels of the garage, before finally exiting it and emerging onto the busy street of New Washington. They eventually poked their way into the lane and began to long drive to Avery Street. As they did, Colin looked out his window, watching the people go by and wave at the Warthog behind them. No doubt, they all thought they were regular marines, which was what they were hoping for. Johnny was waving back at everyone, while Maddox worked away at a small computer in his lap. Owens gave the odd wave, but kept his attention on the road.

Colin looked back at Fisher, who was looking out the window as well. The kid was shaking somewhat and also seemed to be sweating. Colin raised an eyebrow.

"You okay Spirit?" he asked him. Jamie turned slowly and nodded at Colin, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Are you sick comrade?" asked Andrew, looking into the mirror. Jamie simply shook his head and looked forward. Colin shrugged and shifted himself around. Andrew glanced at him briefly, but Colin simply shrugged again. Andrew nodded, and then turned his eyes back to the road.

They eventually reached the old, unused road of Avery Street. The stadium towered over them, and created a huge shadow on the ground. Andrew turned the vehicle and slowly pulled into the warehouse positioned along the road. The garage doors had been left open overnight. The German took the key out and got out, as Owens carefully pulled the Warthog inside. Colin slammed his door after getting out and ran over to Johnny Colbourne, who was looking for his spikes. He found them in two duffel bags in the back of their car. He handed out several rows of them to the squad members, and then rushed out to the road.

"We got like five minutes until the van comes, let's move!" yelled Owens. Colin set his row of spikes down first, Johnny placing his row beside his. Using the six rows of tire spikes, they made two columns that covered the width of the road. Johnny and Colin remained on the road, trying their best to cover the spikes with dust and dirt. Owens ran out of the warehouse, after securing their equipment.

"Time's up! Get inside!" he yelled. Colin pulled Johnny away from the spikes, and then ran into the warehouse. The large doors were pulled shut behind them. Andrew turned the overhead light on and they waited. There were two windows facing the road on either side of the warehouse. They were gathered around them, looking for the black van. After a minute or so, Jamie Fisher squinted his eyes.

"Vehicle spotted from the north" he said. Colin looked carefully and could make out a large black van heading towards them.

"All right, here we go. Check your weapons, check yourselves, there's no going back now" Fredrick said, running to the door. Each sliding door had two small windows on them, which they looked through, watching the van approach their trap. It was accelerating at top speed, and the driver didn't even see it coming. It's front and back tires ran over the spikes and blew open. The van was lifted off the ground for a few seconds, before slamming hard onto the road, unmovable. Both the passenger and the driver got out to look at the wheels. Suddenly, the back door of the van opened and three more guards came out.

"Okay, we got five guards, which means that there are most likely five guards in that bank. Wait for my command" Owens whispered. Colin knew that Fredrick was waiting for all five men to be within vision and right now, only three guards faced them. The remaining two guards were slowly making their way around the vehicle and finally joined the others.

"Now!" yelled Owens. The two doors were opened and the squad moved into the open. Colin brought up his one pistol and fired twice, hitting the guard on the far left in the ear and shoulder. Owens and Johnny fired their assault rifles in short bursts, taking out two of the guards. The remaining two went for their weapons, but a quick burst shot from Andrew silenced one of them. The last guard got his pistol out, but Todd Maddox raised his own pistol and fired once, hitting the guard in the face. He fell backwards, lying beside his dead comrades.

"Move!" yelled Owens. The bodies were policed quickly, and then stored inside the warehouse. It turned out that in the back off the van were four extra tires, which they quickly screwed on. It took them a total of seven minutes to take off the old tires and put on the new ones. Once that was done, Johnny and Jamie Fisher ran back to the Warthog and activated it, while the others got into their captured vehicle. Shade got into the passenger seat and reloaded his pistol, while Owens turned the engine of the van. It rumbled to life, and then began to move forward as Fredrick pushed his foot on the accelerator. The Warthog drove out of the warehouse and followed closely behind the van.

Officer Paul Brown sat in a chair in the lobby of the ONI private bank he worked in. His hat was tipped over, allowing him to sleep, since he hadn't slept all night. He looked over at his partner, Officer James Scott, who was already asleep. The roar of engines startled him and the two secretaries working at the desk. Paul stood and looked out the main entrance. The familiar sight of the black guard shift van slowly approached the building. He grinned and patted his friend on the shoulder. James awoke suddenly and looked up at Paul.

"Time to go mate" Brown said. James nodded and stood. The two of them headed behind the desk, where the gate that blocked off the vaults from the lobby was being opened by Officer Reece, one of the vault guards. His two partners, Officers Graham and Harris were already in the garage.

"'Bout time eh?" Reece said, opening the gate. Paul nodded and yawned. He and his fellow guards had pulled a ten hour shift for the last three days and now they were done. He couldn't wait to get home and sleep in his bed. The five guards gathered inside the garage. The door was already opened, and the van was parked. Paul could make out two men sitting in the front. Normally, Sergeant Evans and Officer Hayes would be greeting them, but two different people got out of the van. They also wore different uniforms then regular security guards.

"You guys aren't the duty shift guards, you're wearing the wrong uniform...where's Sergeant Evans, what's going on?" asked Officer Reece. They didn't answer and merely jumped out of the van. Suddenly, the driver pulled out his pistol and fired, hitting Officer Reece right in the head. Blood sprayed all over Paul, who yelped in surprise. The passenger also pulled out his pistol and fired twice. Hayes took both rounds to his torso, which was ripped open and sprayed blood into the room. The back of the van opened, revealing more men dressed in black and holding guns. Paul dove to the left quickly, avoiding bullets fired at him. He landed inside the vault room, his pistol out. Officer Harris had crouched low and was going for his own weapon, when a volley of pistol rounds smashed into his body. He slammed back into the wall and lay there, dead. Paul could see James Scott taking his weapon out. Screams could be heard behind him, followed by yelling. Paul looked and saw two more men, grabbing the two secretaries and pulling them to the floor. Bullet fire startled Paul and he looked to see James fire his pistol. However, he missed horribly and paid for it. One of the men had an assault rifle, which he fired, hitting James in the head. The officer flipped over backwards, and landed on the pavement, his head in pieces around him. Paul ran for the lobby and fired his pistol wildly. However, both of the men in the lobby were gone. Paul Brown ignored the screams of the two managers and secretaries and made a dive for the alarm. He dove over the reception desk and landed hard on the floor. He stood and was about to pull the alarm, when from behind them, the two men fired their clips of ammo into Paul's back. He fell against the wall, his face brushing the siren, then slide to the floor, dead.

"Clear lobby!"

"Clear garage!"

"All clear, move to your positions, let's get this done!"

By: Nemesis (aka Agent Shade)
