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Fan Fiction

MJOLNIR, Chapter One
Posted By: Nemesis<shadow_agent13@hotmail.com>
Date: 11 October 2003, 4:39 AM

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MJOLNIR, Chapter One

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are slowly pulling into the New Toronto spaceport. If you could all please remain seated until the vessel has come to its mornings and docked, we can have you all out in no time. On behalf of the company and crew of Space Voyage Flight B12, I would like to thank you all for flying with us this afternoon and hope you have a pleasant stay here in New Toronto." The large passenger starship slowly steered itself along the ground, inside one of the spaceport's massive hangars, which was already loaded with starships of the same brand. A single shaft extended out of the hangar wall and attached itself to the ship, pulling it to a complete stop.

The passengers sitting inside the vessel took their safety belts off and began gathering their luggage. Sitting near the front of the craft, a man dressed in a black trench coat snapped awake and took off the headphones he wore around his head. The music he was listening too (Disturbed) blared into the room, causing many people to give him suspicious looks. Office of Naval Intelligence Special Field Agent Colin "Nemesis" Thompson quickly shut his small music player off and stuffed his headphones within a somewhat large bag he carried around his back. He allowed the people from the back of the vessel to get out first, while he double checked he had everything. Once finished, he breathed in deeply and followed the long line of civilian passengers out of the starship. He entered the long shaft that had attached itself to the ship and slowly began the long trek to the spaceport terminals and security checkpoints.

Special Field Agent Nemesis was a tall man, and because of the bulky Kevlar II bodysuit armor he wore under his trench coat, it gave the appearance that he was somewhat overweight. However, at other angles, it showed him as a bulky, muscular man, which he was. He had long, spiked up hair that was dyed blonde, but since he never had luck with hair dye products, it looked more highlighted than it did fully blond. His blue eyes surveyed the area around him, as he marched down the hall to the first security checkpoint. There were three guards stationed there, who had metal detectors and also a scanner to see what was in the passenger's bags. They stopped Colin and gave him a very frightened look, since he pretty much towered over them. The metal detector went crazy as the one guard scanned it around his body. Another guard was holding a small computer pad up to Nemesis's bag. His eyes went wide and he looked at his friends. Nemesis smirked. The probably found his modified MA5B assault rifle stored in it. The Agent sighed and reached into his pocket, pulling out his large wallet. He flipped through his various phony and true ID cards, before finding what he wanted. Putting his wallet away, he flipped the card in his hands and showed it to the lead security guard who was eyeing him with suspicion. The guard took the card and nodded at it. It was a simply black card, with the Office of Naval Intelligence's symbol centered in it. Nemesis was given his bag back and he moved on. He hoped the security guards called him through, so he wouldn't have to do that again.

They didn't. Agent Thompson passed through four more security checkpoints, receiving the same dark looks as before. He merely grabbed his card and showed it to them, and then he was allowed through. He hated traveling by public transport. He much preferred the private ships that ONI often provided, but since he had tried to retire several months ago and had only been reactivated two days before, he wasn't exactly allowed to get private transport like that.

Nemesis soon stood out in the sun, staring at the airship filled sky. Because ground cars were rarely used, a special highway system of force fields and barriers had been set up, basically ruining any chance to look at a sunset. The Agent stood still for several minutes, observing the large parking lot before him. He was surrounded by civilians, all trying to either get into the spaceport, or find their cars. However, Nemesis knew he was being watched. He glanced over to the rooftop of a large underground garage. Two repairmen were on top of it, working on some sort of antennae. However, Colin's sharp eyes could easily make out the small microphone on the one man's sweater and his partner's pair of binoculars. He looked slightly behind him to the left and could see a man sitting on a bench hide his face behind a newspaper. Nemesis smirked. ONI spooks were very bad at trying to hide themselves, especially since they had been trying to stalk him for many years. He was just too good for them.

A single man, dressed in a black suit, approached Colin from behind. He took out a cigarette and attempted to light it. He looked up at the back of Nemesis's head.

"Got a light?" he asked. That was the word. Nemesis turned around and nodded. The man nodded back and began walking towards the back of the parking lot. Colin waited a full five seconds, before following him. He passed several sky cars and could make out a pair of eyes watching him through the rear view mirror. Nemesis merely ignored it and followed the man to a black sky limousine parked in the very back of the parking lot. The passenger door opened, allowing Nemesis to crouch and get in. The man in the suit got into the driver's seat. In a matter of seconds, they were flying into the air, heading towards downtown New Toronto. Colin looked out his window, then tossed his bag beside him and sat back, trying to relax.

"I'm afraid this is no time to relax Nemesis" a voice said. The lights turned on and Agent Thompson stared into the eyes of his old employer; Lieutenant Colonel Adam Marleau. His chiseled, wrinkly features cracked into a smile. "How you doing Colin?" he asked. Nemesis shrugged.

"Pulled from my home, watched by your spooks, I dunno Adam, how should I feel?" he asked. Marleau nodded.

"I know, I expected you to be made, but this is serious Colin. This is big" he said, sipping at a glass of vodka in his hands. Adam reached beside him and handed Nemesis a large folder.

"What do you know about Dr. Hasley?" he asked, as Nemesis began looking through the bulky file.

"Top Brass Scientist, very valuable. She invented the Spartans" Colin said. Adam shrugged.

"That and she created the weapon that made the Spartans powerful. Ever heard of the term "Mjolnir?" Nemesis leaned back, putting the folder of records on this doctor.

"Norse god of war I think. It's some sort of hammer, a weapon" he said. Marleau nodded.

"MJOLNIR was the name of the armor that allowed the Spartans to be as powerful as they were. The only records that remain of it are stored in Doctor Hasley's brain"

"Few months ago, we received an e-mail from her secret staging area, where we're keeping her locked up, so that no one can gain access to her. It was from one of her body guards, a trainee Lieutenant if I remember correctly. It said that Doctor Hasley had been kidnapped. We sent a survey team over there and found Miss Hasley's entire security detail, dead. From the video records we obtained, there were seven figures, dressed in complete black that attacked and killed the guards. They then sedated the doctor and took her to a spot unknown to us, where she was taken to somewhere unknown to us" Marleau explained.

"How do you know she isn't dead?" Nemesis asked.

"Following week, we received another e-mail from an anonymous user. It merely said "MJOLNIR" which confirms that she is alive and her captors plan to use her knowledge of the MJOLNIR armor to create it for themselves" Adam replied.

"Who has her?" Nemesis asked. Marleau handed him another folder.

"So far, our sources point to Robert Watts Senior, leader of the new rebellion that's starting up again against the UNSC" he said. Nemesis found a single picture of the man. He was young, probably early thirties. His head was completely shaved, and the large wrinkles of skin hide his small watery eyes. Nemesis put the photograph away.

"Why would they want MJOLNIR?" he whispered.

"Quite simply Nemesis...if they successfully build an army of these things, they'll win this new war for sure. MJOLNIR beat the Covenant, it can sure as hell beat us" he said.

"So what's my mission sir?" Colin asked.

"We need to find and rescue Doctor Hasley, before she is either killed or her captors create a MJOLNIR combat armor. You are too infiltrate Mr. Watt's faction and retrieve whatever information you can. Once we've confirmed where the good doctor is, we send in the marines and have her freed, then you deal with Robert" Adam explained, finishing his glass of vodka. Colin nodded and looked out the window.

"Reconnaissance basically?" he asked. Adam shrugged.

"Your test and battle records indicate that's what your strong point is. You're the shadow Nemesis, you go unseen, no one can see you and those that do are killed for it" he said. Nemesis nodded.

"Any leads on Robert?" he asked.

"We've been following him for some time. I actually sent Field Agent Jackal to try and do the same mission you're starting now. He was killed by one of Watt's agents" Adam said sadly. "Today's Friday, which means that he goes to his usual strip club called "Skin." The place opens at ten, but he gets there around eleven. Go there and find out what you can. From there, we can try and help you with whatever destination or place you need to know about" Adam said. Nemesis nodded. Slowly, he could feel the sky limousine decelerating and descending to the ground. They were parked outside a small hotel. The passenger door opened and Nemesis got out. He said his goodbyes to Adam, then walked around to the driver's seat. The same man, who had confronted him at the spaceport, rolled down the window and looked up at the agent. He handed over some keys.

"Room number 17, you'll find whatever you need right in there" he said. Nemesis nodded and took the keys. He climbed the steps into the large building. The lobby was large and very spacious. However, since most people were still working, it was empty. He walked to the elevators, which took him to his destination. He inserted the key and opened the door.

The room wasn't much different than the other room he had been in before in his past. A single bed, large desk and chair, TV, bathroom with a shower. Colin flipped a nearby light switch. Not only did the small light over his bed turn on, but almost the entire wall frame behind his bed flipped over, revealing rows of guns and ammo. He flipped another switch and a highly powerful Personal Computer slide out onto his desk. Nemesis could see that there was already an e-mail there. He opened it and realized it was from Adam. It gave him the address for the strip bar Robert Watts Sr. went too. Nemesis closed the file and stood still. It was good to back...

By: Nemesis (aka Agent Shade)
