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Fan Fiction

MJOLNIR, Prologue
Posted By: Nemesis<shadow_agent13@hotmail.com>
Date: 8 October 2003, 9:12 PM

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MJOLNIR, Prologue

~*Author's note*~

Hey guys, just so you all now, this is actually Agent Shade, I just changed my name, mainly because I like this one better. For those of you who are wondering about Survival, don't worry, I shall continue it. I just wanted to try writing two stories at once. Won't be easy, I know, but I'm going to try. Please enjoy this and let me know what you think. Cheers.

~*End note*~

Dr. Catherine Hasley sighed deeply as a warm sunshine beamed down on her face. She felt relaxed here, no government officials yelling at her, no media people yelling questions at her. Nothing but peace and tranquility. She sat on the deck of a small cottage, on West End Beach. The waves lapped across the golden sand. In the distance, white caps marked the tips of bigger waves hitting the coral reefs. The wind shifted what white hair remained on her skull. Majority of the times she went outside, she wore a hat, but today, since she was far away from society, she felt safe. As the sunshine continued to glow on her, she was forced to put on a sun hat, which would protect her wrinkly, fragile skin from the harsh rays of the bright sun that shone down on her. Sighing again, she grabbed hold of the scrapbook that lay on her lap and opened it. She had made it herself, when her hands weren't as weak as they are now. The front cover had three pictures on it. One was a picture of the Master Chief of the Spartan-IIs, John. The second was a picture of the Master Spartan of the Spartan-IIIs and the final picture was that of the MJOLNIR combat armor, the idea and creation that made her famous and valuable today. The other pages in the book were articles about the Spartans and MJOLNIR, ones that she had collected over the course of her service to the UNSC.

After looking through the book for a few minutes, she put it down, forcing her emotions back. Her Spartans were now dead and even if they were alive, they weren't needed. The Covenant threat was over and the entire alien caste was dead. The planets that once belonged to the Covenant were now planets that belonged to the humans. Slowly, the UNSC was attempting to establish an everlasting peace. However, now that the Covenant was dead, the rebel factions that were created before the Covenant were back. Numerous military facilities were being raided for weapons and supplies. Huge mobs attacked UNSC offices and buildings. The once unstable human society was back. Catherine almost wished that the Covenant were still alive. However, her prayers would not be answered this time around. She couldn't put to use her mind again and improve the MJOLNIR project. It was destroyed and everyone who worked on it was literally brain washed. All except for Catherine. For the time being she was being kept alive, but because of the knowledge stored in her brain, she couldn't be seen by the public. The rebel factions were at large and were looking for new strategies to use against the UNSC. Project MJOLNIR could be one of them, and for that, she was tossed into the depths of space, under guard by four bored UNSC security officers. Catherine shook her head and leaned back into the sun, letting her hat fall off. After a few minutes of doing this, she heard footsteps coming from inside the cottage.

"Dr. Hasley, you know that sun hat should be on your head" said Lieutenant Trainee Grade Fredrick McConnell. The young man was dressed in a combat jumpsuit, a gun belt strapped around his waist. He had shaved his hair off, allowing his German blue eyes to shine brightly. Catherine smiled.

"Oh yes, I'm sorry Fredrick" she said, leaned back to get it. Fredrick quickly snatched it away and placed it on her head.

"This sun is going to burn you Miss. I think you should come inside for now" he said. Catherine was about to resist, but she knew in her mind, she wanted to go. She stood.

"Would a strong man like you please offer your arm to a little old lady?" she asked. Fredrick smiled and stepped beside her, offering his arm. Catherine took it and allowed the security officer to steer her into the cottage.

The interior was quite spacious compared to the other ones she had been on. There was a large recreation room, which included their kitchen. Five master bedrooms and a small monitoring room branched off from this large living area. Sitting on the couch of the large room was First Lieutenant Jonathan Graham, Chief of Security. He was buried in his book, but looked up and nodded at the two people walking inside.

"Almost lunch time Doctor" he said. Catherine wasn't hungry.

"Thank you Lieutenant, but I'm going to go for a quick nap first. It's beautiful outside, you guys should go for a swim" she said. Jonathan chuckled, revealing white teeth. His hair was extremely short and spiked up slightly. He shook his head.

"Don't think any of us packed our swimming trunks ma'am" he said. Catherine nodded and slowly walked into her bedroom, Fredrick still helping her.

"Well, please feel free to do what you wish" she said as she disappeared into her room.

Unlike the other bedrooms, Catherine had a quite large one. Mainly because she required a large bed. Because of what she experienced during her service for the UNSC, she often had nightmares and these nightmares caused her to roll around a lot. Twice, she had woken up from a nightmare and found herself on the floor, pain running up her back. The bed was large so that she roll around all she wanted. The mattress was a gel formula, which molded to her crocked back and was quite comfortable. Most days, she didn't have any blankets on her, since it made her too hot, however, on winter days; she would cuddle up inside luke warm blankets. Catherine sat on her bed.

"Thank you Fredrick, you may leave" she said. The young man bowed slightly and left the room, closing the door behind her. Catherine slowly swung her legs around and almost immediately fell into a deep sleep.

Lieutenant Trainee Grade Ian Coulter nodded at his partner and lover, Lieutenant Trainee Grade Melissa Hunter. The two of them sat in the monitoring room, monitoring Dr. Hasley's vital signs. Melissa stared closely at a large screen in front of her.

"Looks normal, she's dreaming peacefully" she said. Ian nodded and stood. He opened the door to the room and looked over at Lieutenant Graham.

"She's asleep sir" he said. Graham nodded. Ian closed the door and sat back down, sighing. Melissa looked over at him.

"What?" she asked, blinking. Ian smiled and shook his head.

"I've said it before, I'll say it again, this is so boring" he grumbled, leaning forward. Melissa smiled at him and took his hand.

"Even with me here?" she purred. Ian smiled again and kissed her hand.

"Yes" he said, chuckling. Melissa pretended to be hurt and slapped him lightly across the face. Ian rubbed his cheek and kissed her softly.

"Course not, thinking if you makes me feel better" he said. The two of them had started this relationship while looking after the Doctor. Although it was a rule that love relationships weren't allowed in the UNSC, Lieutenant Graham was willing to make an exception, since they weren't really part of the UNSC anymore. They still worked for it, but were so far away from it. Ian stood up again after double checking the Doctor's vital signs.

"I'm hungry" he said and walked out of the room. Melissa followed him, keeping the door open. Lieutenant McConnell was already making his own lunch; hamburger and fries. Ian walked over and stole one of his fries. Fred looked up.

"Bastard" he said, grinning. Ian chuckled and opened his mouth, revealing his chewed up fry.

"Want it back?" he asked. Fred merely shook his head and sat down at a large kitchen table that was in the center of the room. Melissa sat down as well, a cup of coffee in her hands. Lieutenant Graham remained motionless, reading his book. The four of them, although usually quite, were good friends. Chatting and joking around with each other helped solve their boredom. Each of them wanted to be out with the UNSC, fighting the rebels and space pirates. However, they couldn't, and for that, were forced to suck it up.

Ian grabbed a bowl of soup and sat next to Melissa, offering some to her. She shook her head and continued to drink her coffee. Jonathan Graham finally stood up and walked over to them.

"Mail came in this morning, nothing special, few updates about the rebels and political ideals. Pretty useless shit" he said. Fredrick raised his head.

"What's going on with the rebels?" he asked. Being the youngest, Fredrick was always eager to here about battles and fights that they had experienced or was going on. Jonathan shrugged.

"Not much I'm afraid. After that battle in New Michigan, things have gone quiet" he said. Fredrick bowed his head and continued eating. Jonathan sniffed at his hamburger.

"Smells good, I want one" he said. Fredrick smiled and took a bite out of his meat burger. As Jonathan stood up, he looked out to the front foyer.

"Ian, can you close the door please" he asked, walking to the kitchen. Ian put his spoon down and walked over to the front door. As he did, Fredrick looked up from his burger.

"Thought I closed the door" he whispered, turning around. Without warning, a group of figures dressed in black appeared on the deck. Ian froze as he held the doorknob. The lead black figure held a silenced M6D pistol in his hands. He fired a single round. The bullet drove through Ian's neck and out the other side. His esophagus and windpipe were shattered. Blood flowed out of his mouth as he fell to the ground. Melissa screamed and dove to the floor. Fredrick stood, reaching for his gun. The black figure behind the lead one fired twice. One bullet hit him in the hip, while the other struck him in the chest. He stood stock still for a moment, looking at his wounds. The black figure fired again, hitting him just above the collar bone. Slowly, Fredrick dropped to his knees. He was still trying to get his gun out, but his life slowly disappeared and he fell to the floor. Melissa was running to her room, hoping to get her gun, but the lead black figure fired again, hitting her in the shoulder. She spiraled in the air and slammed into the wall, slowly falling to the ground. Lieutenant Graham, who had been hiding in the kitchen, dove at the lead black figure as he walked into the cottage. He grabbed hold of the man's gun and pointed it at his stomach. Quickly, the man retaliated and pushed it away. The gun fired, hitting the blood covered wall near Melissa. Jonathan growled viciously and swung his head forward, hitting the man in the nose. The man screamed as the mask he wore became soaked with blood. He lashed out with his boot, but Jonathan kicked it back down, digging his shoe into the man's shin. The man fell to one knee. Jonathan fired the gun, hitting the man in the face. As he fell, the Lieutenant turned to point his gun at the other black figures, but they all fired at once. Seven bullets slammed into Graham's unprotected body. He gasped and choked on his own blood which began flowing from his mouth. Jonathan fell backwards, hitting the chair that Fredrick had sat in. He rolled off to the left and died.

Unknown to Doctor Catherine Hasley, a group of six figures dressed in black combat armor were lifting her from her bed and taking her to an old Pelican dropship waiting for them a few kilometers away. She slept the entire time, not knowing her life was in great danger. Soon after her kidnapping, Lieutenant Melissa Hunter awoke after being knocked unconscious from the bullet wound she encumbered. With what strength was left in her body, she was able to write an e-mail message to the UNSC, telling them, that Doctor Hasley was gone. Then, she crawled to Lieutenant Coulter's prone figure and slowly died...
By: Nemesis
