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Fan Fiction

Jaffa Part 2
Posted By: Neal Stack<LazerP0inter@yahoo.com>
Date: 13 October 2003, 5:32 PM

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Authors Note: In regards to a comment made on Part one I did take names from a television show, Stargate SG-1. unfortunately it is now aired only on the scifi channel.
-End Note-

The yellow elites raised their plasme rifles and took aim to kill Ryan and Jackson, "Goodbye assholes" was heard just before rocket fire ripped into the elites. A small squad of marines stepped out of the shadows, one holding a smoking rocket launcher busy reloading it.
"Nice shot soldier." said a relieved captain.
"Anytime captain. Im Jeff this is my squad, Ben, Nick, and Chris." Jeff introduced his squad "I see you've had the unfortune of meeting Ryan." he joked.
"Yea heh heh. Hey Ryan how was the Shitter, when the covenant hit us did it scare you shitless?" the marines laughed and Ryan looked clearly annoyed.
"Yea yea real funny dickhead." was all he could say.
"I only joke cause I love you" Chris came at Ryan with outstreached hands "give me a hug pookie."
"AHHH GET AWAY!" Ryan screamed.
"ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!" yelled the captain, "If they hear us and kill you all i wont cry."
"Sorry Captain, we just kinda like to fool around.

"Lets get moving Marines, we have to find where they boarded, it will most likely have a small base of operations there." With that the marines went in search of the covenants base of operations. They encountered minimal resistance, with the exception of a group of Jackals and a red elite.
"Eat lead mother fucker!" The marines opened fire on the elite, killing him. Jeff took aim with his rocket launcher.
The Jackals screamed, knowing what would happen next, and were incinerated.

One Jackal survived, his name was Nawix. Nawix knew if the marines thought he was dead he could make it to his feild master and alert them that the humans were searching for their boarding party tech grunts, who had found The Jaffa's layout making it simple for them to locate elevators. But the humans had sealed all the elevators except for one. He could either hunt down the humans himself, a poor choice one of them had a high explosive weapon, or he could goto the feild master and have him send out spec ops elites to kill the renegades.

The Jaffa lurched just as it had when the covenant first boarded, it threw the marines to the floor
"STAY THE FUCK OFF MY SHIP!" Jackson yelled at no one in particular.
The voice of Major Torelli came over The Jaffa's speakers, "Captain they boarded deck 15. Any marine resistance there will be defeated, its the sick bay. you must get there and provide assitance, we will seal of that deck after all the wounded are gone."
"Ok marines new plan we find the base of operations later, now we have to get to Deck 15. Jackson lead the marines back to the elevator where he had killed a blue elite and met Ryan. They all fit in the elevator and trained their weapons on the doors, incase the covenant had a suprise by the exit. The doors opened and what the marines saw could not be explained...

Nawix stood up and ran as fast as he could to Chack, the feild master. "Excellency!"
"what is it, jackal?" replied the Black elite.
"the humans they are searching for the tech grunts but are currently going to the sick bays of this ship to intercept our forces there."
"That is good some of my best friends and greatest warriors were assigned to attach to that deck." Chack seemed to think it was a good thing that the humans were going to the sick bays or 'deck 15' as they called it.
"Excellency these humans are deadly and one carries a high explosive 'rocket launcher', which is capable of killing forces very quickly and effectively." Nawix hoped Chack would understand these humans need to be taken out at all costs. "I believe one of the humans in that group is the captain of this vessel."
"you dont say now that is a human worth killing, GRUNTS! divert all avalible spec ops elites to the sick bays, leave none alive." a cold shudder ran throught Nawix for reasons he couldnt explain.
"Thank you for listening Excellency, umm where are the healing grunts?" Nawix indicated his injuries sustained from the human projectiles.
"That way." Chack pointed to the makeshift medlab set up in their boarding craft.
"Thank you, Excellency." he walked to the medlab and the grunts gave him painkillers to begin the procedure of human projectile removal.
