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Fan Fiction

Jaffa Part 1
Posted By: Neal Stack<LazerP0inter@yahoo.com>
Date: 12 October 2003, 10:08 PM

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"Report!" the bewhildered captain yelled as his ship, The Jaffa, was struk by a unknown object. The Jaffa was a custom ship but unlike most custom ships it was just as large as most Carrier class ships. it was carrying a precious cargo of Covenant prisoners, mostly elites, it was a great victory for humans when they captured these elites. It was assigned to Captain Jackson to use the elites as a means to board a covenant cruiser and gain knowledge of their homeworlds location, the same mission attempted by The Pillar of Autumn
"Shit, its the covenant!" replied the private sitting at the controls of the ship, "They've boarded on deck 12."
"Notify the troops down there to grab their arms and get ready for one hell of a ride." Captain Jackson had seen the covenant before, he had blow away a spec ops elite in a fury of rage after seeing it blast his best friends head off with its Plasme Rifle. After it was down he had done something he was still not proud of, he used his Pistol to blow holes in its neck then took its head to a airlock and launched it into the vacuum of space. " And get me a goddamn rifle!" he wasnt going to let his men lose their friends. a private ran from the room to retrive a rifle, not wanting to upset his captain. "Major! Your incharge while im gone" Major Torelli was arrogant but knew what to do, Jackson hoped he wouldnt do anything stupid.
"Yessir Captain" replied the excited Major. "The ships safe with me" Major Torelli knew if he ensured the safety of The Jaffa, he would have a much higher chance of getting that to Captain his own ship when the returned to Earth or Reach.
"Just don't die or let them anywhere near the controls if they get in here!" the Cpatain knew the covenant would do anything they could to get to the bridge, he wanted to do everything possible to prevent it.
"here is a rifle and some extra clips sir" said a approaching private holding a Assult Rifle out to the captain.
"Good Luck people and seal off the bridge after I leave, the covenant must not learn the access codes to the cargo hold, Godspeed" It was time like these when Jackson wished he had gotten a AI Construst to pilot the ship when he had the chance. He ran to the nearest elevator to get to Deck 12. The elevator doors opened and there was a Blue Elite standing right there, the captain raised his rifle and said, "hi" just before he opened fire blowing the suprised elite back against the wall, its blood splattered on the wall and ground.
"Awwwww captain thats sick!" a nearby soldier complained about the Captains kill.
"be glad he isnt saying that to his friend about you, LOOK OUT!" a small group of grunts had almost whacked the soldier in the back of his head, but he and the captain managed to kill them before any fatalities.
"Holy Shit! thanks Captain that was way to close! by the way im Ryan"
"just shup up and reload, we dont have time to talk lets go!" they set off looking for more of the bastards to kill. nearing the next corner the captain put up his hand signaling to Ryan they should stop.
"whats up captain?" Ryan inquired
"Its a fucking Hunter, you got a pistol Ryan?" Jackson knew a hunters armor didnt protect the back and wanted to make it face its back to Ryan.
"yes sir but I only have one clip left for it why"
"Just shoot it in the back when you get the chance" with that he ran out and shot a few rounds at the hunter to make it chase him.
"Shit he has got to be the most insane captain" muttered Ryan to himself watching the hunter run around after Jackson, seizeing his chance Ryan shot the hunter square in the back the hunter groaned and fell over almost ontop of Jackson, unfortuneatley, two yellow elites head the noise made by the hunter and Ryans pistol.
"Ryan lets go frag em!" yelled the captain, there was a hint of fear in his deep voice.
"I dont have any left sir, i used them to get some jackals." Ryan's fear was much more evident than Jacksons but he never ran or steped back, he followed the actions of his captain and prepared to fire his rifle.
