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Fan Fiction

Prospect Hill: Part 1
Posted By: my head is gone<ticket2ride5@yahoo.com>
Date: 17 May 2004, 3:00 AM

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Crack...Crack...BOOM "YEAH! Another one for the hill! They never stood a chance! Those freaks are nothing compared to marines!"

The last few shots were fired at the battle; a Jackal, then an elite, and finally a charred Banshee dropped to the ground.

       Prospect Hill was discovered by a group of marines on a mission to eliminate any Covenant forces on the planet Tarius, a planet a few galaxies outside of Earth. Tarius is not inhabited by many people. When the mission was completed they were to leave on a starship, but when the ship left temporarily for minor repairs it was destroyed by Covenant cruisers. The Cruisers landed and called for others to come and make Tarius a massive Covenant base. Though succeeding in many other areas, the Covenant have not yet taken Prospect Hill. This team of 35 well-trained and equipped marines have protected the hill with power. The marines only source of supplies is Longsword fighters and Pelicans sneaking ammo and food etc. through the blockade of cruisers and flagships in space.

      "That has to be the best rocket shot we've had since we found Prospect Hill!" Private Jackson said in awe.
"Yeah it was great..... except for the part where the Banshee almost falls on me!" yelled Corporal Jones.
"Aww cmon Jones. I gotta say I couldnt have done it without some great sniping from you two. I couldnt hit a 'Hog with a sniper rifle to save my life." said private Logner.
" Good fight marines," said Lieutenant Parker.
" Sure was sir... Hey what the heck is that??!! Looks like-."

A Pelican came diving down towards the ground on fire.
"Im picking up a radio transmission." Static crackled in the lieutenants ear.
" This....-ster Chief...-nyone copy..
" We read you. Chief are you there? Chief?"
BOOM The explosion echoed off the walls.
"Get over there! NOW!
The Chiefs limp figure rolled out of the Pelican. Two marines tried to pick him up but couldn't due tp the chiefs heavy weight in his armor. Three more came to get the job done. They got him out of his armor and tended to his wounds.
" How is he?"
"Not too good sir. Heavy bruising, burns, and broken bones in lots of places. He really took a beating. We are still trying to figure out why his Pelican came down. There are several possibilities but I get the feeling it was caused by a plasma shot or even possibly a missle, engine failure or a gas explosion is probably not the case. We found no sign of heavy explosives such as Lotus mines.
"How long has he been out?"
" 2 hours or so. He should be coming to any moment now."
" By the way, he seemed awfully big for any marine I've ever seen.
" Sir, he is a SPARTAN soldier. This is the first time I've ever actually seen one."
" SPARTAN? I thought it was a myth some Sergeant had come up with to keep his fellow marines' hopes up. Poor men. All got blasted by the Covenant."
" Well the SPARTAN's are completely real, as you can see. We discovered he was the leader of the SPARTAN team. Master Chief. I can't imagine all the battles he's won.... Or lost? He doesn't look to be a losing type though. Sir, we have one of the UNSC's best on our hands. He could be a huge asset to the team.
"Well he's obviously not going any where. When he wakes up, come get me.
"Yes Sir."

The Chief slowly began to wake up. His vision was blurry and he couldn't hear much but he began to access where he was. He noticed a few marines looking at him. Some staring in awe. Others simply treating it like a regular medical check up. He began to remember what had happened. He had been on the ship Wilshire It was attacked by a huge force flying near Tarius and he had a quick escape in Pelican with Cortana. Since he didn't have time for pre-flight prep or refuling he had to land on Tarius. The Pelican had been attacked by Seraph fighters and took a beating on entry to Tarius. The plane was on fire, and.... What happened then? He couldn't remember. Since he had taken a nasty blow and harsh radiation exposure due to plasma hits he was knocked unconscious and everything towards the end of his emergency landing was a blur. The Master Chief's senses began to kick in and he realized he was in an elevated base on the Tarian surface.

"Welcome to Prospect Hill sir." one of the marines told him.
Prospect Hill sounded familiar...ahh yes.
"Prospect Hill? Supposedly the most efficient base in this galaxy. I've heard a lot about this place. Thanks for your help uhh Corporal.... Private...umm?
" Jones. Corporal Jones. Top sniper here at Prospect Hill."
The Chief began to stand up. But Jones set him back down.
" Chief. You took a beating. Rest for a while. You wouldn't be able to go far anyway."
"OK. Thanks again Corporal Jones."
" No problem. I think the Lieutenant would like to see you in a while. I'll call him."
