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Halo 2: From the Maw Onwards (Part 3) (Chapter 1)
Posted By: Mr.Master<Mr_Master_BB@hotmail.com>
Date: 12 October 2004, 1:23 AM

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My third installment……yippee!!!!

1226 Hours
Exact Date Unknown. Approx. 2 Days Since Destruction Of Halo
Central Planet Of The Plenusian System, Plenus Prime
Planet Surface

Stepping out of his Pelican John saw that the others had all landed safely on a high plateau. John also saw four Zeppelin-class crafts unloading scorpions, all kinds of Warthogs, over one hundred additional Marines and Engineers, crate after crate of food and ammunition, prefab building supplies, and additional weaponry. Watch Towers had already been set up, along with prefab buildings and a command structure, where John was heading. Plenus Prime was a lot like Earth, with Frozen Wastelands, baking deserts
(like the Plateau they were stuck on), and beautiful forests and jungles. However, all the water had been condensed into huge Polar 'pools', perfectly circular giant oceans of a deep green colour over 20000 feet deep. Inside the Command structure John met Major Harolds, currently in command of the Marine Corps Of the Plenusian System, or MCOPS for short. "Master Chief Reporting, sir." "Ahh...Spartan 117. Take a look at the mapdisplays of the planet. They describe our current situation." On the largest display John saw hundreds of green dots reading 'escape pods', along with red triangles reading' suspected Covenant Positions', and large red hexagons reading 'Covenant strongholds'. Also on the map were yellow Octagons with no readings. "What are these yellow Octagons, Major?" "Those are search and rescue parties manning Troop Carrier Warthogs aiming in the directions of the Escape pods homing beacons. We estimate that there are over 200 Marines out there, separated from our main group. Unfortunately, we can't get to all of them very quickly. Also, their comm. and NAV. beacon channels have been jammed by the Covenant. You and Sgt.Bellhouzer's platoon of 48 will take to the air in your 5 Pelicans, designate a staging area that's near all of the Pods, and manually set NAV. beacons in all the marines' helmets. Once you've designated a staging area, send us the NAV beacon and we'll sent supplies to the location. Once you've set the NAV beacons, which you should be able to do at point blank range on ground level with the Marines, report back for you're next assignment. Clear?" "Clear, Major". "Good. You are Dismissed."

Staring through a pair of binocs out the back of his Pelican, john called out to the Pilot: "Head to that clearing. See the smoke?" "Aye Aye, Chief. I'm Bringin' her down." The Master Chief and Sgt.Bellhouzer's Marines had already spotted 5 Pods, with no casualties so far. With eight Marines in each pod, the Sergeant's Platoon had already rescued 40 Marines, with no enemy contact. It had been exhausting. This was the last pod his Pelican was scheduled to rescue. It had taken quite a while to find, and the rest of the Platoon in the other Pelicans had already completed their quota and had landed at Camp. The Chief had chosen another Plateau as the Staging area, and reported its coordinates back to Major Harolds at the MCOPS Camp. That had been over three hours ago. The Pelican was running out of fuel. Only the Chief and a few Privates remained outside the Camp. As the Pelican lowered to the ground, a bolt of Plasma slammed into the face of the Marine opposite of John. Instantly the Chief unbuckled and jumped onto the ground, rolling behind a stump. First Contact!!! Time to try out this new Rifle, thought John as he popped up and took aim at a nearby Elite. Three consecutive shots brought down his shield, and another two in the chest sent him toppling over to the ground. By now the rest of the Marine's were out and picking targets. Shouting with joy, a group of marines taking shelter behind their Escape Pod ran out and met up with the Chief. A Corporal explained how they had been surprised and forced to retreat. The Pilot and two of his Marines were KIA, leaving only six men in addition to The Chief and his six Marines. The Covies were backed up behind a group of boulders. There were six elites and four Jackals. All seven Grunts had been eliminated. Quickly the Chief barked out orders "Okay Marines, on the count of three I want half of you to pull the pins on your grenades and wait one second before lobbing them over the boulder. The other half of you, have your Battle Rifles aimed and at the ready. One, Two, THREE!" A second later, six Frags flew over the bolder, detonating almost instantly, killing all four Jackals and decimating the Elites shields, injuring them also. The elites jumped out of the way, only to be massacred by the Marines. "Good work marines. Grab you're dead's dog tags and pile in".

Back at the MCOPS Camp in the Command Structure, The Chief was being debriefed:"....nearly 200 Marines! I'm impressed, Chief!" "Thank You, Major. My next assignment?" "Ah yes. You, Sgt.Bellhouzer's Platoon of forty-eight, and fifty-two additional Marines will board one of our Cormorants along with portable artillery, Scorpions, Warthogs, and supplies. You will be accompanied by several armed Pelicans. You're objective is simple: Discover the location of The Relentless, and rescue any survivors, especially Admiral Kardoza and the Command Crew. You're leaving in 0052 hours. Be ready. Is that clear?" "It's clear, Major." "You are dismissed".

