
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Manufactured Destiny :: Chapter 1.5
Posted By: MoZ<moz@failyerz.com>
Date: 16 January 2004, 8:59 AM

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1/16/04 1:35am - Author's note:
OK, just a little semi-chapter as it's late and I was suddenly overwhelmed by a need to write. More background essentially. Next, let the games begin. As always, comments and criticism welcomed and appreciated.

1131 Hours, August 12, 2562
New Philadelphia, Earth


      "Jesus !" the man shouted. The pain in is hand starting to radiate up his arm just slowly enough to be more annoying than agonizing. 'Burned ?', he puzzled over the question as well as it's implications. The time it took for the synapses to fire and the thought to actually impact him was far too long considering his situation. By the time he looked down to try to find the cause of it all the pain reverberating through his legs had reached him. His pelvis was shattered and he toppled over still wondering what could have gone wrong.

      The scene before Trevin played out like so many classic "good vs. evil" vids he had seen as a child. The unexpected twist at the moment of such dire longing coming to fruition. He saw his son's arm reach out, almost a blur of motion disguising it's cruel intent. The man, much larger and overly self confident, falling to the floor with the look of stunned disbelief still etched on his face. Above all the glow, faint as it was, confused him more so than the act just committed by an 8 year old.

      The second man whirled as the cry from his compatriot exploded into the air, weapon at the ready. 'What the ...', the thought barely forming in his mind before years of training took over and he assumed a defensive stance before the onslaught of impossibly tiny legs and fists seeking him out. Triumph cascaded through him as the first blow was blocked with ease. He never had time to see the heel, spinning at his temple, obliterating his last thoughts of a home and family he would never have.

      The hand on Trevin's neck relaxed ever so slightly. He caught a glimpse of the woman before him, the fear evident in her expression. Her second bodyguard fell, lifeless, to the ground as she turned. The sight before her, luckily, never had a chance to lodge itself in her memory before she was burned down where she stood. No one should go to the grave with the image of a child destroying the strongest men one's ever known. The blue light, her last vision in this world, passed harmlessly over Trevin's head, making it's way towards the unprotected sternum of the being holding him down from behind.

      He stood, shakily, and looked at his son. Fear, doubt, pride and disbelief warring for a place in his heart. The boy looked frightened. Most 8 year olds aren't able to thoroughly obliterate opponents 3 times their size after all. His concern was quickly overpowered by his training and instincts however and a plan formed. Out the back service door, through the first alley, there was a grate that he could pry open and lead his son out of danger. His son, apparently sensing his thoughts somehow, ran to his side and followed him towards the back of the corridor. They slammed into something along the way, causing a shower of sparks to briefly illuminate their exit. 'Nothing, keep moving,' he thought to himself and hurried his only child through the door into the harsh light of mid day.

      'Ehkilemna was thrown back momentarily. The scene that had played out before him only moments ago still conflicting with everything he knew. His hand grazed across the hilt of his weapon as he regained his composure. 'No! Observe .... learn'. What had happened was impossible. The vermin could not have learned to harness the power of the Gods. The abomination was obviously more powerful than he originally expected, he would find a hole in it's armor and plunge his naked fist through to the truth. So he followed. His moment would come, he would fulfill the destiny laid out before him.

'I knew it,' the commander confided to himself. Good thinking after all to have the thermal imaging sensors placed around the area. The sight of two fleeing humans, displayed in varying degress of reds and blues confirming his assumptions. For a moment, an image from his nightmares, the image of the crying girl on the bed, confronted him. Had she said his name ? After he said 'I'm sorry,' had she screamed "No, Jack, please!" ?. Nothing was certain anymore, so instead he focused on the task at hand. The ripple behind the 2 fleeing bodies concerning him as the seconds passed.

1218 Hours, August 12, 2562
Location Unknown

      She sat up abruptly, the images still in her vision, like the stars seen lingering by one who looks into the light directly. The creatures around her, her family, looked to her expectantly. "The gods smile upon us this day," she said to them. Their faces, while alien to most, clearly expressed the joy they felt at the news. She would be fed today. And if she guaged their reaction correctly, it would be the nutrients that her body rarely rejected. "My brother comes."

'Why do they fight the changes we know to be inescapable ?'

'Because my young friend, they do not yet understand the ties that bind.'

'But why can't we tell them ? It seems so wasteful otherwise.'

'Like you, they will have to understand in their own time. For now we must not interfere. One will survive and that ..... that will be proof enough to all.'

'Fine, but we do not approve.'

To Be Continued...
