
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Chapter 5 A New Enemy
Posted By: monitor101<wasup1989@hotmail.com>
Date: 11 March 2003, 2:23 AM

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(Sigma Octanus 200 yards south of Cote d' Azur)
Stacker's radar screen filled with red,covenant patrols swarmed the outskirts of Cote d' Azur. Stacker stepped on the brake and told the other drivers to do the same. "We should be close theres enemy activity everywhere," he said to Private Travis. Travis glanced at his radar which was filled with red. "Ok Travis you take point, Harland take the back the I'll stay in the middle if you see any covies send 'em to hell."
The three warthogs took formation and slowly drove to a long narrow clearing. "Activate mufflers lock and load the .50 cals keep an eye out theres covie patrols within 500 yards on our left," Stacker said into his com link. He flipped a switch and activated the warthog's muffler. The drone of the engine died as it was silenced. He heard the same from the other two warthogs.
Harland kept his sweaty hands glued to the firing control of the 50mm chain gun. He ajusted the small optical scope mounted on top of it to thermal imaging. He put his eye to it and looked through it. Something caught his eye. Several small and large masses stood walking parallel to their position, a lot of heat came off of them. Harland counted eight of them walking in the opposite direction of them.
"Sir I got a possible covie patrol about 20 feet to the right of our position walking in the opposite direction," he said into his link.
"Well do they look like covenant?" Stacker's voice crackled back.
"Yes sir they do," he answered. "Then don't give them a chance to notice us," stacker said.
Harland acknowleged, took aim and squeezed the trigger. He watched as tracers burnt through the air and ripped into the heat masses. The bushes ahead of him exploded into clouds of dust and leaves. Plamsa bolts shot past him and some slammed into the proctective plate mounted on the 50mm. He fired until he could no longer feel his shoulders. The entire warthog shook violently. The driver stopped the warthog and began spraying the area with his MA5B. Stacker stopped and looked back. Travis stopped and turned around to see what was happening.
Harland saw several of the red masses disappear. The masses were now unmistakably covennant. harland watched as the last of them vanished from red to blue. "Nice shootin," Stacker said. Harland nodded with a big grin on his face.
Stacker's attention turned to the radar. the red dots were now moving towards them. The little firefight must of caught every single covie patrols's attention. "Move out now we must of awoken up every damn covie on this planet," he yelled.
Travis immediatly stepped on the gas and the warthog sped ahead. Stacker told his gunner to cover their left and right. He got a brief ackowlegement as he concentrated on driving. Harland jerked back as the warthog sped ahead.
Travis was ordered to turn left out of the clearing and find a hiding spot otherwise they would have a lot of covie patrols on their ass. Travis was about to turn out of the clearing when he saw it.
The shape was only a blurr at first but then came into focus. The large blue creature came from out of no where. Travis saw it for only a second. He barley remembered it, saying it wore blue armor was very tall and had exposed blue flesh in the middle of its abdomen. A bright green light of regenerated plasma shot from its arm.
Stacker looked ahead to see Travis's warthog disapear in a bright green flash. He immediatly hopped out of the driver's seat and ran towards the first warthog.
Stacker's gunner Private Maddox swerved the 50mm around to see at least four covenant patrols running towards him. He sprayed a concentrated burst at the closest then opened up with full auto on them. Then gunfire erupted like a volcano as plasma shot from all directions. Maddoz swerzed the turret around and fired in what seemed like every direction. Plasma seemed to come from everywhere. The warthog looked like a sponge as it was pocket marked with plasma.
A commander Elite in bright gold armor popped out from behind a bush and lobbed a plasma grenade at the him. Maddox ditched the 50 and hit the dirt as the grenade landed on the chain gun. The grenade sizzled and exploded. The blast lifted Maddox into the air and came crashing down several feet from the warthog. A plasma bolt smacked into his leg. Hot blood poured from the wound and onto the ground. Maddox screamed in pain as he struggled to drag himself to the barley operable warthog then he passed out.
Stacker ran as fast as he could to Travis's warthog. The hog was flipped over on its side the front end completly melted.
The only one moving was Travis. He was sprawled on the ground shaking uncontrollably his pale face was covered in mud and dirt. Stacker had no time for chitchat he flung Travis over his shoulder and ran towards his warthog. His hog was riddled with plasma scoring. He ducked ducked behind a rock as plasma slammed into it sending bits of glassy rock into the air. He got up and ran to his hog taking cover behind it. He hopped out from behind it and blasted five Grunts with his MA2B. The gold Elite popped out and threw another grneade but Stacker shot it detonating it in mid-air.
Stacker had no time to waste he lifted Travis into the passenger seat and threw his assault rifle in the back and saw Maddox lying unconsious on the ground. He ran out grabbed him and dragged him to the warthog and lifted him in. Stacker ran to the drivers seat and turned the ignition switch...nothing happened. "Damn it com on," he screamed. Already the four covenant ppatrols were advancing towards him. He then remembered the muffler. He jammed his foot on the accelarator and sped ahead running over the covenant patrols.
Harland opened up with the 50mm chain gun on the remaining covenant patrols. The Grunts ran in confusion and cowardice as they were torn to pieces. Those blue things he had saw had disapeared.
"Sir wheres the Sarge?" Private Fincher the driver looked up at him his face full of confusion.
"Hell if I know, but we're gonna find out. Everybody hop out! We're going to find the sarge," Harland said.
The four men hopped out of the hog and slowly made their way towards the clearing. Harland took point, his MA5B at the ready.
They slowly made their way to Travis's warthog. There was a deep glassy crater. The warthog was a heap of twisted burnt metal. Two charred bodies lay beside it. Stacker's warthog was nowhere to be found.
"Sir-Grunts! Hundreds of them. Closing fast." Walker, the heavy weapons specialist screamed.
"Retreat! Fall back to the hog," Harland yelled as the hundreds of Grunts charged after them. They ran, blindly firing their assault rigles at anything that moved.
The world around them exploded as the Grunts shot needles at them. The four marines ran into a dried steambed where their warthog was parked and ran towards it. The Grunts were slow as they charged in en masse after them, slipping in the mud. The rest tripped over the others.
A banshee flew overhead. They instantly dropped to the gound in the red mud, staying until it flew past. "Damn, that was close!" Private Cochran said with a sigh of relief. He got up and stretched as he did a pink needle smacked into his stomach and exploded. He screamed and crumpled to the ground.
Micro shrapnel sprayed onto Harland. "Go, go, go!" He screamed. He got up and saw that the crowd of Grunts had caught up.
He picked up Cochran and ran as fast as he could towards the warthog. He didn't look back. The brainless Grunts ran past. When he came to the warhog Walker and Fincher were already there.
Harland laid Cochran down and looked at his wound. Harland pried Cochran's hands from the wound. A river of blood flowed from the gaping hole in Cochran's gut and mixed with the soil forming a sticky brown-colored pool. His insides were ground meat.
"Walker, get the bio-foam and seal him up. Fincher hook him up to an IV drip, and pump some painkiller into him," Harland barked.
"Yes, Sir," They said in unison. Walker grabbed the "self-sealing" bio foam and sealed the wound. Fincher came back with a med kit. He opened it and pulled out a small clear plastic container of morphine painkiller needles. He took one out and poked it into Cochran's upper thigh. Then, he took out a clear bag containing the intravenous solution. He stuck it in Cochran's arm. They managed to stop the bleeding.
Harland relaxed and pulled out a cigarette. He pulled off the safety strap and tapped the end to ignite it. The cigarette's end flared and he puffed a cloud of smoke.
"Sir, several covie patrols closing fast on our six. I'd say about two--maybe three of them," Fincher blurted.
"Okay, move out/ Let's get these covie suckers. Finch, see if you can get LT. McCaskey on the narrow band. If not, then try firebase Alpha," Harland ordered.
The warhog roared to life and headed back to the ambush point.
To be continued...
