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Fan Fiction

The Journey Part 6: Fight for the Weapon (Finale)
Posted By: monitor101<wasup1989@hotmail.com>
Date: 17 February 2005, 12:05 AM

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Part 6: Fight for the Weapon (Finale)
(September 23, 2552, Ninth Age of Reclamation, 300,000,000 miles from solar system, Covenant battle fleet Unsettling Silence preparing to engage earth, Covenant Holy City "Divine Grace")
'Unamee held on with all his strength as the Phantom sped towards the Weapon. He tried crawling to another spot, but when he let go of his handhold the rushing air threatened to throw him off the craft. 'Unamee held as tight as he could and closed his eyes tightly as the slipstream roared past. Then the Phantom began to decelerate, he looked up. The craft landed on a platform that jutted out of the Weapon structure. He made sure that his whole body was on top of the Phantom and stayed still. 'Unamee watched as Attarus and two other Brutes exited the Phantom and walked towards a set of double doors. The High Priest Prophet of Magnificence floated after them. The group entered the double doors and disappeared into the innards of the massive structure.

'Unamee got to his knees and jumped down from the top of the Phantom. He slowly and silently crept up to the double doors, his plasma rifle drawn. The doors' sensor noticed him and the doors opened revealing a dimly lit hall. 'Unamee was about to enter when he heard the familiar sound of another Phantom, he whirled around and looked up. A Phantom and two Banshees approached. Smiling 'Unamee entered the hallway; he recognized the strange calligraphy that was imprinted upon the walls and floors, remnants of a race long since passed. 'Unamee knew where to go from his previous visit to the structure and he slowly made his way towards the control room. He walked down a hallway and looked to the corner ahead; around that bend was the entrance to the hallway. He heard voices.

"When will they be done?" one voice roared.

"Wait, once they are done the Great Promise will be fulfilled!" a second replied.

Both of the voices were deep and croaky...obviously Brutes, 'Unamee thought. Two of them would be hard to take down alone...where were the others? He checked the weapons on his belt. He had his plasma rifle and his energy sword and three plasma grenades. 'Unamee pulled a grenade from his belt and silently crept down the hallway. When he was near the edge, he primed the grenade. He jumped out and lobbed it at one of the Brutes who were standing guard in front of the door.

The grenade landed on one of the Brutes' leg. For a split second the Brutes were shocked at the sudden appearance of 'Unamee and were slow to react. The Brute with the grenade on its leg screamed and started to run for 'Unamee who dove down the hallway. The plasma detonated and blew the Brute into the air. The second Brute dove out of the way and ducked as the grenade erupted in a blue fireball. There was a wet smack as the first Brute's bloody hulk crashed to the ground. 'Unamee wasted no time and jumped to his feet and activated the energy sword. The blade of energy shot out and 'Unamee ran to the doorway.

The other Brute who had survived got to it feet and saw 'Unamee charged at him. The Brute was quick to draw its plasma pistol and fired at 'Unamee. Five plasma bolts struck the Elite in the chest and his energy shield flared. 'Unamee sidestepped the barrage and when he was within four feet of the Brute he swung his sword. The Brute jumped hack and the plasma sword cleanly bisected its plasma rifle. The front half of the weapon clattered to the ground. The Brute leapt forwards and tackled 'Unamee who held his sword straight out. The sword entered the Brute and went straight through it but that did not stop the ravaging beast. The Brute and 'Unamee hit the ground with a loud bang. The Brute grabbed at 'Unamee's throat and slammed its fists onto 'Unamee's head.

'Unamee struggled to stop the Brute from crushing his skull. 'Unamee grabbed the plasma sword—which was still stabbed in the Brute's chest—and with his other hand tried to block the ferocious blows that the Brute threw at him. His vision blurred and he became lightheaded as the Brute began to punch his head. 'Unamee felt blood run down his face and he blacked out.

The Brute pounded its fist into 'Unamee and with the other it held the Elites' neck in a death grip. With more blows the Brute drew blood and 'Unamee went limp. The Brute grabbed 'Unamee by the arms and dragged him through the double doors and into the Control room.

Attarus and Magnificence were next to the Control in the middle of the massive room. Five Covenant Engineers hovered around the Control, running last minute repairs. The Brute dragged 'Unamee over to them and dropped the Elites' hands.

"What is this?" Attarus demanded.

"Chieftain, the Elite attacked us. Zanarius was slain," the Brute replied.

"Tragic," Attarus said with no emotion, he stepped closer. "Ah, the great Ona 'Unamee, you shall witness the beginning of the Great Journey, but you will be left behind."

'Unamee gained consciousness and stared blankly at Attarus and the Prophet of Magnificence. "Do not activate this Weapon. It will kill us all."

"What you have been told of the Weapon is lies. It will wipe out the human race with one sweep of its hand thus beginning our march into the glorious beyond. No foe has ever withstood our might nor has ever defeated us. We persisted in finding this Weapon and look at how we were rewarded. The Brute chieftain Tartarus will activate Halo and we will activate this Weapon to ensure that the Great Journey will be fulfilled. I admit you put up a valiant effort to stop us from activating the Weapon but you cannot stop the inevitable. It was only a matter of time before we finished repairs. In the beginning, we were counterparts in this campaign but all the events have led up to this point and behold now we are foes. The Forerunners bestowed this Weapon as well as the sacred Haloes upon us and now the Great Journey is at hand.

"WRONG!" a voice filled the great room. Attarus, Magnificence, and the Brute looked back to see four Elites and two Hunters standing in the massive doorway.
"'Hasamee, 'Garomee," 'Unamee said, happily.

"Sorry for the delay, Excellency. We encountered some resistance," 'Garomee replied.

One of the Hunters lifted its arm and fired its fuel rod gun. The green beam of energy struck the Brute standing over 'Unamee. The Brute hit the ground dead. 'Unamee scrambled to his feet and ran for Attarus.

"KILL THEM!" Magnificence shouted and pressed a button on his armrest. A yellow light engulfed him and he disappeared.

The five Engineers looked startled at the commotion but went back to their tasks, oblivious. A blue energy field surrounded Attarus and he picked up a Brute shot. He fired two grenades at the Elites and Hunters. The first grenade bounced off the ground and flew into the exposed flesh of one of the Hunters. It exploded blowing the Hunter in half. The second exploded in front of the Elites. One died instantly, blown to shreds. The second Hunter bellowed a deep roar and charged Attarus. The four Elites were right on its heels, their were hungry for revenge and ahead of them was a buffet. Attarus jumped into the air and dodged the Hunter. He landed behind the Elites and swung the giant blade on the butt of the Brute shot at 'Garomee. 'Garomee's shield flared and died. 'Hasamee spun around and swung his energy sword at Attarus. The sword impacted but had no effect on Attarus's shield; the Brute slammed his fist into 'Hasamee's midsection, his shield failed instantly and the Elite was thrown back. The two other Elites jumped onto Attarus but the Brute grabbed his Brute shot by its barrel and swung the blade at them. The first Elite had its shield down and did not have a prayer as the blade slashed across its chest and landed at the Brutes' feet. The second Elite landed on Attarus but was thrown onto the ground. Attarus brought his foot down on the Elite's face.

'Unamee picked up the dead Brutes' plasma rifle and shot the Engineers who were working on the Control. He whirled around and watched as Attarus defeated all of the other Elites. The Hunter shot its fuel rod gun at Attarus. The beam hit Attarus and the Brute jumped to the side. When he came out of the beam there was no blue energy shield surrounding him, it was down. 'Unamee wasted no time. He jumped forward and grabbed 'Garomee's energy blade. He leapt onto Attarus and drove the blade into the Brutes neck. Attarus crumpled to the ground, a stream of blood flowed from his neck and pooled around his lifeless body. 'Unamee stood up and faced the Hunter. He nodded and caught his breath. Suddenly a yellow light appeared next to the control. The Prophet of Magnificence had reappeared; he pressed on a holopanel on the Control and then pressed another on his armrest. A deep rumbling resonated throughout the room. 'Unamee picked up a plasma rifle lying on the floor and shot Magnificence in the head. The Prophet crumpled in his dais and fell out onto the ground. The hovering chair stayed though bobbing in the air. 'Unamee walked over to the dais. He pressed a button on the armrest and a holograph appeared on the dais. A timer counted down. 'Garomee limped over and stood next to 'Unamee, the Hunter stood two meters behind them.

"What is that?" 'Garomee asked.

"The Prophet activated the Weapon, I can't stop it but I can delay it," 'Unamee replied, staring at the timer.

"What about destroying the Control?" 'Garomee asked.

"No, it would not stop it nor would removing the seven keys. We are all going to die."

"So the fleet that is attacking earth will be destroyed?"

"Yes, the Prophet made a Slipspace jump. We are now by earth."

"How do you know?" 'Garomee asked.

"It was the plan and Magnificence hit a second button." 'Unamee pressed another button and a second holograph appeared. It was earth; around the planet were Covenant and human ships alike battling over the future of the planet. "We have direct control over the Slipspace drive of Divine Grace; I will jump to another location so we will not destroy the fleet." 'Unamee pressed three more buttons and the room shook again as did the whole city. Blue light engulfed the city and instantly it entered Slipspace. 'Unamee looked at the timer, there was only five seconds left. Ona 'Unamee nodded accepting his fate.

Within the alternate dimension that was Slipspace, a bright light filled it and spread for millions of miles in the nothingness.

The End
