
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Last Fortress - The Rock (Chapter Two)
Posted By: Mike<mikehunter00@yahoo.com>
Date: 23 October 2004, 3:37 PM

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Lieutenant Sanderson walked into the ready room.

It was empty except for himself, and an Ensign who was in his flight group. They were the sole survivors of the Iron Angels, Naval Air Squadron 524. Lieutenant Commander McKnight walked in, and the Ensign quickly called Attention on Deck.

Must be fresh out of the Academy Jimmy thought, 21 years old, at most.

"As you were gentlemen," McKnight said quickly.

"We just got more reports from our reconnaissance mission. Totals put it now at seven troop carriers destroyed, several others damaged beyond repair. We also destroyed two of their destroyers, and damaged several others. Human casualties are now at 85 percent."

The Ensign started to shake his head, and Jimmy closed his eyes. It was all he could do to stop from crying.

Commander McKnight had a glance that always put people at ease. From the first time Jimmy met him, back when McKnight recruited him for the Iron Angels, he had always been comforted by his gaze, now all he could see in his eyes was fear.

"A few minutes ago, we lost contact with Mars colony. We are assuming it was glassed, although recent transmissions from the colony now suggest ground forces may have been landing. We expect contact with the main fleet within the next twenty-four hours."

"Our mission specifics are being deliberated by higher up back on Ea...," he was knocked off his feet, by what seemed to be an explosion fore of the ship. Immediately the klaxon sounded with the GQ alarm, and the briefing room turned into organized chaos. Then the ship's 1 MC came alive.

"General Quarters, General Quarters. All hands man your battle stations. This is not a drill."

Immediately the green light came on, and another loud siren started whaling as the training kicked in and Lieutenant Sanderson and the other remaining members of Squadron 524 ran to the hanger. Sanderson remembered the chills he got when he was at OCS, training to be a pilot and the green light came on. He couldn't help but think when a scramble would be used, but he hadn't predicated an invasion of his home, of Earth.

"Marine Detachments, Report to Combat Stations. Colonel Kilgore, report the Combat Information Center," the voice once again said over the speaker.

Lieutenant Sanderson ran and ran. He knew where he was running to, that was automatic, but he couldn't feel his legs moving, and he couldn't believe this was all happening, the Covenant, Earth, the war. He looked to his left as he ran down the passageway and saw a Petty Officer with a damage control party, ready to repair any damage caused by the upcoming battle. He saw Marines running down the corridor, trying to get to where they were supposed to be. He saw the hanger bay door, and he went through, as another voice came on the speaker, this one he recognized to be the captain's.

"Gentleman, we have made contact with the main Covenant armada approaching Earth. Contact will be in fifteen minutes. All hands, arm yourselves with personal sidearms. Stand ground and remember..." and the Captain's voice started to waiver, he was about to cry, "there is no where to retreat to. Show no mercy. Kill them all."

"Prepare to Repel Boarders"

Lieutenant Sanderson ran into his already prepped plane and did his checks. His crew chief whispered "Godspeed" into his ears. He knew he was never going to see the Lieutenant again. Sanderson nodded and slammed the cockpit cover down and accelerated the throttle to full power. His craft shot out of the hanger and he formed up with the other Iron Angels to prepare to fight his last battle.

For the Marines aboard ship, the fight had just begun, none could foresee how the covenant would fight, but Naval Intel gave the inclination that they may try to board the ship and seize it. Captain Myers was one of the Marine company commanders aboard ship. His job was to prevent enemy forces from boarding and taking control of the ship. He was talking with the platoon leaders in the passageway as several soldiers ran by loaded down with ammunition.

"We cannot let them get to Engineering. If they make it that far, we should be dead. We're going to try to stop them right here. As you can see we've set up barricades and det charges. Tell you Marines to hold ground, we've got Corpsman on our backs for our wounded. There's not much I can tell you except get good ground, good cover, and use explosives wisely. They'll probably come through our shuttle bays or escape pod doors, so position accordingly. Good luck Gentleman."

At that instant another explosion rocked the passageway.

"Enemy forces have landed, Enemy forces have landed. Repel boarders. All Marine units to your sectors. Repel Boarders."

The Marine Captain put on his helmet. "Let's go do our job, shall we."

He picked up his rifle, and walked towards his position. He could hear explosions up ahead. His Lieutenants rushed ahead to coordinate the battle. He walked towards the battle with his weapon raised, and his sights zeroed. He saw the firefight with his Marines shooting at covenant coming through the shuttle bay doors. He dropped behind some barricades and opened fire. The Marine next to him grinned,

"Nice you to join us Captain."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, Corporal. Wouldn't miss it for the world."

And the final battle had begun. Who knew how long the Marines would be able to hold. They would give them soldiers on earth enough time to prepare, and maybe, just maybe they would succeed, and win.
