
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Battle: Part 1
Posted By: Mike
Date: 11 March 2005, 4:16 AM

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Battle: Part1
Chris turned the saftey off and shot the Covenant targets, one by one. The Elite ran behind some rocks and threw a grenade right at his feet. Chris jumped and threw a knive over the rocks hitting the Elite in its arm as the explosion behind him filled the air with thick dust and debre. The Elite drew its Plasma Rifle and shot Chris in the arm, freezing his arm and armor dropping his Pistol. The Elite pulled out a Plasma Sword and went for Chris as he regained movement in his arm. The Elite slung and missed as Chris picked up his Pistol and cocked a bullet in the barrel. They both lunged at each other, the Elite swung as Chris blocked and shot the Elite in the groin sending blood up the Elites throat. Chris punched it in the face, took its sword and cut its head off and spit on its limp bodie. Five marines came in on a Pelican and picked up Chris, and took him back to the Dark Wolf Boot Camp on Planet Zoogamot II. The ride was a short ten minutes as Chris stood up and walked off the Pelican to meet up with May. Jordan was busy lifting weights as John was running his regular laps around the camp. The alarm on the base went off and a loud crack went off, that of a bomb.The speakers were loud and sreechy as they sounded a Blue 12 on all sectors and immediate departure to all stations was blared across the Base. Chris and May split up to their stations as Jordan and John met up with Chris and a pack of Marines heading for the gun lockers. Guns were cocking and ammo was clicking as the Marines all loaded up for the front line. The doors opened and the air was filled with smoke as the Marines ran for cover from the Covenant fire. The Covenant were everywhere hiding behind anything they could, trying to overtake the Base and kill the Marines. The three Spartans went on a suicide run killing most of the Covenant within range of the front fencing. The Covenant were backing down as the Marines stepped over the fences and unleashed all hell on the damned Covenant.
May saw the scene on camera waiting for orders from her field commander as the Spartans were on their suicide mission killing the Covenant. The Base took a direct hit from the south wing as the defenses went down on the Capital Ships to recharge just long enough for the Marines to shoot them down with Jackhammer Missles and send them to the ground exploding into bits on impact. The Marines were attacked from the back by a Capital ship, destroying the five Prepulshin Jet Engines and thrusters on the Multa VI hovering above the stratoshpere sending it into the atmosphere strait for the base. The ship was free falling so fast it cracked through Mach 1 and piecies ripped of the sides of it. The Marines were to busy to notice the ship untill it cracked into Mach 2 and echoed across the area. The Marines begain to flee from the area but the Spartans stayed behind to anihalate the rest of the Covenant. May watched the battle from the base and began to yell at Spartans to run and started going histerical as they fought. Jordan and Chris ran behind some rocks for cover, as John was attacked by ten Brutes. The Brutes drew their Turbines and aimed their Rocket Launchers at John and Chris and opened fire. The blasts came in sequence and made a big smoke cloud as dust suffocated the area. The Chief had been blown back by the exposions and slammed into to a tree. Chris and Jordan threw all of their grenades at the Brutes distracting them long enough to get to John. John's armor was cut open in a couple of places as Jordan and Chris picked him up and began to carry him to a Worthog twenty two meters away. The Brutes that survived the grenades got up and began to fire on them. The Turbines were missing them by inches and burning their armor as they ran toward the Worthog as a rocket blew up behind them and knocked them down. The dust was thick but they made it out and got to the Worthog long enough for the Brutes to chase them down. Chris hopped on the Lagg and opened fire on the Brutes forcing them to hide behind rocks. Jordan strapped John in and pushed the pedal as the ship was 23 meters from impact. The Brutes saw the ship and said goodbye to each other as it crashed at a thirty degree angle toward the base. The explosion rocked the ground and shook the Worthog on two tires almost flipping it. A shock wave caused a dust wave that engulfed the Worthog while flipping it end over end. The light shown through the dust as Chris got up and walked to the Worthog now on its side. Jordan was a couple of feet from the drivers side laying face down on the dirt, as John was still strapped into the passengers seat. Parts of the ship lay scattered across the area still a flame and smoking. Chris pulled Jordan to the Worthog and lay him against it, and unstrapped John. Jordan came to and helped Chris get John out of the seat, and then they flipped the Worthog. The roll bar was a little bent as Jordan climbed in and tryed to start the engine with no prevail. Chris popped the hood and found the Transmission was cracked and the Energy Block was leaking. They got what supplies was on the Worthog and headed on foot toward the base.

May's field commander gave the order and they had to leave to backup the frontline. The Covenant were advancing toward the base and killing more Marines. The sound of battle echoed through the area as Jordan, Chris and John made their way to the base and to meet up with May. After May reached the front line the battle had brought down over one hundered marines and Covenant. The constant fire surrounding the area confused and amazed jockies heading toward it. May took the front and jumped behind some ruble, and threw a grenade into the middle of the Covenant. Two Rocket jockies took point and fired on the Hunters in the front. The Hunters saw forth the attack, and dove for a ditch ten feet down a trench. The jockies fired and missed the Hunters by a couple of feet and filled the area with thick dust, giving them a chance to attack in the open. Two Plasma Cannon rounds flew at the marines, killing three on impact and burning five. May gave an order to throw and roll, as she showed suit and tapped her fuse on her M9 HE-DP and tossed it as she ran across the chared ground. The marines did the same and ran across the field while throwing their grenades an dunking for cover. A pelican dropped ammo pods near the marines full of M6C's, BR55 Rifles, M90 Shotgun's and M19 Rocket Launchers. Johnson and three admirals dropped from the Pelican equiped with S2's ready to kick some Covenant ass. May gave them sniping positions in the rocks and ran for an M90 and two M6C's. Johnson and his friends took position in the rocks and began to fire on the Hunters, right under their necks. May took point and took out two Elites and five Grunts hiding under a downed shelter. Her commander gave May command and ran into the Covenant strapped with six HE grenades ready to blow. She was shot down when the grenades went off knocking May on her back. The Covenant retaliated and went suicidal on the marines successfully killing twelve of them. Three Hunters ran in the foothold and fired nonstop on a suicide attack and blew out the roof around them. May took cover in the rocks with Johnson as they made their way inside the base. The Hunters charged their Rod Cannons and began to assault the doors when Chris, Jordan and John blew them away with three rockets. They jumped down to where Johnson and May were and asked the situation. Johnson knocked Jordan down and blew a Brutes head off wth a 14.5mm round. Jordan stood up and patted Johnson on the back when two Hunters came in view and charged thier Rod Cannnons. The five ran and jumped out of the cover of the rocks and slammed on the ground. The blast shook the rocks causing a rock slide that buried the two Hunters instantly. May grunted in pain as she took off her helmet and checked her neck. Chris ran to her side and saw the shrapnal in her neck causing massive bleeding. Chris put a rag over it and put her on his shoulder. They all ran for the base door the Covenant had tried to get in all day. Johnson typed in a code to unlock it and ran inside the now open blast doors. He closed the doors and helped May and Chris to sick bay, while the Covenant finally made their way inside the facility. A strike team of Swordstalkers swormed in the front blast doors and began their assault in the base. They marines had them held off with Rockets and grenades at the main sign in office just at the front doors. Chief and Jordan got out the med supplies and began to work on May's neck which had been bleeding for ten minutes. Johnson walked down the corridor and saw a hole in the ceiling. Two high ranked Elites jumped down and stood near the hole. Two Prophets slowly hovered down to the ground and started toward his position. Johnson ran back and shut the lights off in the room, grabbed May off the table and crouched under a desk. Chris, Jordan and Chief pulled out grenades, set them under the door and crouched behind two turned over operating tables. The Elites walked past the doors and around the corridor. May's head fell and she yelled loud enough that the Elites heard it. They knocked the door down and pulled out their Plasma Swords. Johnson lifted May's head and pulled out his shotgun while Jordan, Chris and John took aim on the grenades with their Battle Rifles. The Elites advanced in a flank formation at ready for hand-to-hand combat. The Prophet of Regret hovered in the room and gave the Elites orders to escort him and Mercy to the Capital Ship. The Prophet along with the Elites exited the room and made way to the back blast door. Johnson raised slowly and made his way to the door ready to fight and heard no one near the area. They left the room and made way to Captain Heyes office in the basement of the facility. They were ten feet away from the room when the door blew and two Brutes walked out with Heyes body and ran opposite of the marines. Johnson walked down the corridor and signled the Spartans to move into the office. They looked around and took a long look at the torn up room. They then ran to get Heyes from the Brutes who were now at the back blast door waiting for it to open. The Spartans moved in on the Brutes while Johnson carefuly pulled out the knob on a door and took sniping position. John and Jordan pulled out their combat knives and slowly walked toward the Brutes. Chris was left with May on his shoulder and behind a door that was barracaded by two chairs. The Brute holding Heyes sat on its knees and pulled out his radio and smashed it on the ground. The other Brute leaned on the wall and let down his gaurd. John took the chance and stabbed the Brute in the neck and wrapped his arm around its neck and side and dragged the Brute away slowly. Jordan took the other Brute and instead of a stealth attack tapped it on the shoulder and punched it in the face knocking it clear across the hall. Jordan pulled out his combat knive stabbed it in its ribs and kneeded it in the face. John tryed to wake Heyes up and was not succesful in his attempt. Jordan gave the Brute a chance and let it get a hit in then beat the Brute out of its mind. The Brute collapsed then got up slowly and charged Jordan like and ape. Jordan dodged, pulled out a chain and closelined the Brute. Jordan had the upperhand until three Brutes showed and knocked him off. Jordan had no time and was attacked by all four Brutes starting with the one he was fighting. John ran to aid and snapped one Brutes neck and jumped on anothers back falling to the floor and choking it to death. Jordan pulled out his combat knife and stuck it in the already hurt Brute and tackled the other Brute. John pushed the knife all the way in and snapped its neck. Jordan beat the Brute to death and joined John with labored breathing. They picked up Heyes and back to Johnson heading to Chris and May. They all walked to the Pelican Bay and boarded Echo 408 and made route to the Battlestar Ante outside occupied Zoogamot II.
On route they encountered a Capital Ship and were attacked by twenty Cam fighters and taken hostage on the ship. The whereabouts of the Marines is unknown at this time and will update on further notice. Transmission out.
