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Fan Fiction

Halo 2: Judgement Day Chapter 2
Posted By: Mibu Wolf<kbg3@optonline.net>
Date: 24 March 2004, 12:11 AM

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Chapter 2

2023 Hours, September 15, (Military Calendar)
/Aboard UNSC Vessel Kennedy,
In Orbit around Earth

Senior Petty Officer Eli Caleris walked out of the Mess Hall, finishing his meal. The Petty Officer had Dark Cherry Colored hair. His Eyes were a Deep Violet. He Remembered 10 Years Ago in Recruit Training when he was mistaken for a Woman. It was one of the Most of his Life. But now, no one would dare make fun of him, especially in Aerial Combat.

Eli was the UNSC's top Longsword Interceptor Pilot. He had been in over 75 Ariel and Orbital Missions. Also Seeing over two dozen Worlds Glasses, all thanks to those Alien Bastards.

Eli Walked onto a Lift. He pressed the Button Marked 'Hanger' and the Lift went down. He sipped the cup of Coffee which was in his hands.

The Doors to the Lift Opened and what Eli saw, no Matter how many times, had him Awestruck. Dozens of Longswords, Pelicans, Scorpions, and Warthogs all fit in straight rows, as far as the eye could see. Eli Smiled as he walked up a flight of stairs and down a Catwalk.

Eli stopped in front of the Last Longsword in the Row. Streaks of Black Metal from Plasma Fire Crisscrossed it's underbelly and wings, it's "Battle Scars" if you would. It was the only companion of Eli's that stood by him no matter what, his Ship, the Gladius.

"Hey girl." Eli let out, half expecting the ship to reply back, as he sat down next to it and continued to drink his Coffee. "So how've you been?" he asked. In a few Minutes, he let out, "That's Cool."

Eli had been like this for six years. Hi home planet, Siris VI, was a Small Wetland Planet on the Edge of the Inner Colonies. No Pollution, Climate Controlled Weather, No Crowding, Not a Whole lot of Cities. He had grown up at a Trading Outpost Called Fort Williamson, an Outpost near a Large Lake where he and his Father would Catch Cat Fish.

Six Years ago, Eli had been Stationed on a on the Frigate, Massachusetts, which was at an Orbital Dock in orbit over Siris VI. Eli and his Squad were out Patrolling for anything, Rouge Asteroids, Space Pirates, and Most of all, the Covenant. At 0834 Hours, the Battle Siris VI began.

Eli had Destroyed over 65 Covenant Seraph Fighters and 30 Banshee Artillery Fighters in that Battle. But the UNSC's Warship's couldn't stand against the Covenant's Plasma Weapons. They Were Decimated. Out of the 15 Ships at Siris, two Survived, the Erandus and the Arizona. Eli had Managed to dock with the Arizona just before it entered Slipspace, he could see his home's surface being Scarred and Burned by the Covenant Bombardment.

"Bridge to Petty Officer Caleris, this is Admiral Hood, report to the Bridge Immediately." A Voice over the Intercom Spoke. "Aye Sir." Eli replied as he got up....

Eli walked towards the door marked Bridge. The Double Doors opened as he approached. He walked in and towards a Man looking at a Computer Screen. Eli stopped behind him. Eli Saluted. "Reporting as Ordered."

The Man turned to him. He had close cropped Silver hair; his eyes were a Cold Brown. He is an Inch Shorter then Eli. His uniform contained not one wrinkle on it, the Insignia of Fleet Admiral on his Uniform. He was Fleet Admiral Sir Terrance Hood.
"Son, I want you and your squad to head to the far side of Jupiter, we detected a UNSC Frigate which was believed to be destroy in the Battle of Reach. We don't know if it's the Covenant or not. If they are friendly, escort them back to Earth. Questions?" the Admiral Asked.

"Should we bring weapons incase we have to infiltrate the ship sir?" Eli Asked. "Of Course." Hood Replied.

Eli and his Squad, the Wolf Pack were in the Armory.

"Take what you need, but Travel Light; bring the Same Caliber, except for myself and Ace." Eli Explained.

His Squad were truly the best Pilots the UNSC had to offer. There was the Ever Prudent One, Ace. No one knew his true name. He was said to be raised by Space Pirates in the deep Fringes of Space. He had Dark Brown Hair and he always wore Black Goggles, disguising his true eye color.

Then there was Jake and Samuel, the Twins. They were called that since it was true. They both had the Same Blond hair and the Same Sea Storm Eyes. They always had each other's back, weather Ground, Air, or Space.

Now came the last of the Wolf Pack, their Resident Pyromaniac, Terrance. He was an Explosives Expert and his Custom Longsword, Fatman, was the Ultimate Powerhouse. He had Crimson Colored hair and Pale Blue Eyes.

Eli Grabbed the New Battle Rifle and Two Submachine guns. He also packed three Frag Grenades. Ace Picked up an MA5B Assault Rifle, an M90 Shotgun and extra Clips of Ammo. He also picked up a Med Kit. Jake got an S2 AM Sniper Rifle, and SMG, and a Lock pick. His Brother Samuel grabbed Two Pistols and a Dozen Frag Grenades. Terrance hefted a Jackhammer Missile Launcher; he also picked up 4 Frag Grenades and 4 Plasma Grenades.

"Nothing like Fireworks eh Ace?" Terrance Asked the Quietest member of the Squad. Ace just pulled something out of his Pocket. It was a Playing Card, the Ace of Spades and Strapped it in the Area between his temple and the strap of his goggles...
