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Fan Fiction

Dreams of the Past. Chapter 1. Going In
Posted By: Meyer<ameyer_3@hotmail.com>
Date: 12 November 2003, 4:32 AM

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"IT BURNS" "It's not looking so good down here, before you showed up, I thought we were toast" "He's everywhere" "Nobody survived, 800 soldiers dead" "Yeah, but we wiped out an entire fleet of the Covenant army" "Captain Keyes.......ahhhhh" Master Chief woke up from his dream in a cold sweat. He looks around, figuring out where he is at. Laying back down, he looks at his clock 5:58. He just looks up at the ceiling, knowing he has a mission briefing at seven.

Master Chief lays there, replaying the horrible events that happened on Halo. He thinks to himself, "I wasn't bred to be like this, I was bred to fear no evil, yet, I still have these dreams."

Master Chief gets up, takes a shower, and leaves from his tent in the X-Ray base he was assigned, to the other tent where the briefing was held.

The briefing didn't start for another 45 minutes, but decided to do some research on the mission, so he knows in like the back of his hand.

"Welcome," said Lt. Gen. T.H. Henderson to the other Generals and Sgts., including Master Chief, "this upcoming mission will become one of the most important missions of the war. You and your men are going to be dropped into the biggest strongholds of the Covenant. The Ankone Forest is 3.78 square miles, and you'll be fighting for every inch."

Nobody said a word, nor did they make any facial expression, but Master Chief knew they all were a little scared on this one, but Master Chief, he just kept thinking of the dreams he was having lately. All the soldiers that died on that ring, mostly by him.

"You and your men," Henderson continued, "We'll be dropped in at the edge of the forest, in the major clearing, you guys will have to create a LZ so we can bring in the heavy machinery, like the Scorpians and Warthogs. Now, we have been bombing the hell out of the forest, but the enemy is still strong, and we need you guyz to go in and finish the bastards off." Everybody started to smile, but the look in their eyes still had fear.

"You will be dropped in at 0600 tomorrow, at the break of dawn, hopefully we will catch them by surprise, helping you guys out a little bit." General J.J. Jacob asks, "How many men are we gonna have?" "Around 2,500 men...but we are expecting 25,000 Covenants. Men, I don't guarentee that we will take the forest, that we will come out with at least 500 men, but what I can guarentee is" Henderson pauses, then finishes "it will be hell."

"You are dismissed" he finished.

Everyone left, but the Master Chief sat in his chair, looking over his notes, then says, "We aren't going to take this forest are we," Henderson replies, "It'll be like shooting a bullet in the dark, but..." "I know, they hit sometimes, you say that all the time" inturrupted the Master Chief with a smile. "You know, you are a very important soldier for this army, you don't have to go on this mission," said Henderson. "Yeah, I know, but what else is there to do in this camp," said Master Chief as he got up and left.

That night, Master Chief downloaded all the mission objectives he recieved after the briefing into Cortana. She viewed over the mission and commented, "This is suicide, why are they sending us in with so few against so many?" "Because, we have to."

During that night, Master Chief had the nightmares, woke up with the cold sweat. This has become common, but this time he woke up at 3:39, and didn't go back to sleep.

As the Pelicans Flew towards the destination, Master Chief drifted into sleep. He jumped and jittered the entire time, and then finally woke up with a soldier laughing infront of him. He was a newcomer, highly recommended in the academy. "Are you scared, can't take it, afraid, you chi..." BANG! Master Chief fired a shot just a millimeter from the rookie's helmet. "You'll know why I shot when, or if, you come out of this," said Master Chief. "I guess I'm thankful you are a good shot," the rookie replied with a jittery smile, "What are you talking about, I missed," said the Master Chief as he looked out of the Pelican down toward the fast moving ground below.

Just a minute later, the pilot said, "Hang on, we're going in."
