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Fan Fiction

And now all hell will break loose Part 6
Posted By: metallicafan<metallicafan84@hotmail.com>
Date: 30 September 2003, 2:06 AM

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Somewhere in Venezuala....

"Chavez! Nail that sonuvabitch!" Sergeant Jake Strucker yelled out to his demolitions expert, Ringo Chavez, who had a modified rocket launcher that would fire Covenant tracking devices to monitor Kaani in both of his known traveling demensions. They were flying in a Pelican, hanging out the back of it, part of the recon groups looking for Kaani.

"You got lock on that, Sarge?" The tracking devices had a laser guider that would lead them to the target. The laser was slaved to Strucker's Sniper Rifle sight. Kaani was at his full height which made it dangerous to go near him, but made him an easy target.

"Yea! Now hit it already!

Chavez took a deep breath, and fired. It was a tracer, so he could see it arc in toward Kaani, and hit perfectly and wedged in tight.

"Nice shot muchacho!" Strucker exclaimed. They gave each other high-fives and looked out at Kaani again. He reared his head back and gave a strident animal roar. He turned around, lifted his hand, and struck the Pelican.

The pilot barely had time to react. Kaani's hand tore off a wing and crumpled the right side of the aircraft in. The co-pilot was killed instantly when piece of glass slit his throat. Chavez and Strucker were belted in, so they didn't fall out. The Pelican rose up a few feet from the force of the hit, then circled back to earth, with no power. It hit front first, with the cockpit being squashed in to a mere fraction of its size, and the pilot's head getting the same treatment. The crash set off the ammo stored in the Pelican, making it fly out at all angles. Chavez was behind Strucker, so he survived, though badly shot, while Strucker was shot so bad he looked like swiss cheese. Chavez managed to get out, but with no help, no radio, no food, no water, and no ammo, he soon sucumbed to his injuries.

*Back at the Marine base*

In the radar tower of the base, a small office was converted to the hunt for Kanni. A radar officer was sitting back in his seat smoking a cigarette, staring blankly at the screen. Suddenly it started beeping mad.

"Sir! We have a lock!" He yelled out from his station.

"Good. Where is it?" Clark said.

"Just north of San Cristobal"

Clark picked up the phone on the desk in the office. Back at the other end, Wayne was waiting for his call, along with John, Chuck, Fox, and Merker. The call came through, and Wayne picked up the phone.

"Wayne here." He glanced at the LCD panel telling where the call came from and said. "You must have information."

"We have him. He is in Venezula. I recommend us tracking him actively instead of us waiting for him."

"Good idea." Wayne hung up the phone. "Well boys, you now have your marching orders. Come back here in 20 minutes. Go get your gear." With that everybody left except for Wayne.

John sprinted to the motor pool, picked up a troop Warthog, and gunned it to where the rest where waiting. The group clambered in and John gunned it again. Upon stopping at the armory, the attendents, who had been notified of their arrival, started piling gear into the back of the troop carrier. Chuck spotted his bag for his gear and picked it up. An attendent nervously brought out a small ammo box and gave it to Fox. John went into quick U-turn and came back to what was Clark's office, which was now Wayne's office.

"You're late." Wayne said in a joking manner." Well, I see you have your gear. I assume you can guess what's in that ammo box...."

Fox nodded in agreement.

"Well then, here's the deal. Our brilliant mechanics have modified a long distance recon Pelican to carry even more fuel, and have living spaces. It's being prepped as of now. You will board it fully prepared for a long trip, and you will be flown along the path he his taking until we can kill him. You will be up for a bit, and any supplies will come from the air. Once you spot him, and if the portal is still open, Fox, you have to nail the portal. The rocket will pass through and detonate, eliminating the portal. You can either aim it the old way, or with a button press, slave the rocket to Chuck's sniper. You then have to radio back to us success, then get the hell out of dodge, as soon after we will detonate a nuke over it. Understand?"

Everybody nodded in agreement.

"Good. You have 10 minutes to get to the Pelican. Good luck."
