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Fan Fiction

Halo:The fate of earth Chapter 1 The beginning
Posted By: MetalGhost<unreal_thunder0100@hotmail.com>
Date: 3 March 2004, 9:46 AM

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MC ran back inside, faster than he thought he could ever move to find his weapons and hog' he quickly found them, emerged from the building and proceeded to all the barracks, gathering all marines he could and sent radio transmissions all over the planet, telling them to expect invasion. Sure enough, 2 minutes later, over 200 enemy drop ships were visible descending into New Zealand...

The third of many drop ships to be dealt with that day was felled, as 6 jackhammer launchers targeted them then fired, the phantom became a million tiny pieces of alien metal and dust. However, there were reports that over 5 of the drop ships had landed near the office of naval intelligence, all carrying Brutes. The chief remembered these creatures from the Unyielding Hierophant, and wished his rifle had 10x scope, so he could take them out from a distance for all his other weapons were inside. Thankfully, there was a skilled ODST behind the wheel, because he flattened 4 of the 25 brutes before they knew what was going on. However, once they did know, the warthog was pelted with 20 or so grenades, and it exploded, MC's shielding took the force of the explosion, but they dropped just before the explosion had finished, leaving him burnt and crawling for his life. He dropped into the sewer shortly after and emerged 20 streets away, 2 ghosts immediately spotted him and they charged toward him...
The brute named Oktamee fired his last grenade at the reinforced doors of the base, they crumpled, and the warriors charged in, Oktamee at the rear, before he charged in however, he saw a ghost speeding towards him, "some backup" he muttered, before the ghosts plasma fire froze him in his tracks, and ate away at his armour. Finally he died a very painful death. And an unknown figure sped over his crumpled body into the building.
It was a deadly game of hide and seek inside, for if you were spotted, it wasn't very likely you would live. But MC was a pro, he took the maintenance tunnels to the armoury and picked up 2 SMG's and a Jackhammer launcher, nothing would get past him. He fired 2 rockets at the brutes that were hammering on the cafeteria door, one survived, until the plasma grenade on his head detonated. MC moved down the corridor, thanking the spider like adhesive pads on his feet and hands that he had noticed after he jumped into a wall to dodge a grenade, and stayed on the wall. Being on the ceiling was a tremendous advantage; because the enemy never looked there, he had killed several brutes while clinging for his life. Finally he rendezvoused with the rest of his team and they made their way through the building in Beta formation on the ceiling. Thankfully, there were only 2 brutes left, though their position was unknown. The Spartans finally made it to the buildings core. Gave their superior all the Intel they had, and were just about to request permission to evacuate him and his soldiers to a safely guarded stealth ship, when his head snapped back and he fell to the floor. The Spartans levelled their rifles at the air behind him, and saw a shimmer. Shit, they've got active camo he thought. He fired once, and the bullet ricocheted of the brute's helmet and into the ceiling, everybody acted at once, MC, Linda and Fred jumped to the ceiling and fired at thin air, an officer ran to a switch and turned the gravity off. Everybody floated around, except the Spartans who were stuck there by their own free will. 1 brute was easily dispatched as he killed an officer, it gave away his position to the Spartans and everyone fired. Another brute latched onto John and brought him crashing to the floor, not again he thought, but again it gave away the brutes position and he floated in the air, riddled with bullet holes. The Spartans were now in charge and they made everyone calm down, then they ran to the stealth ship. This ship wasn't a spaceship; it was designed for water, which according to the reports, the covenant had not taken. "Maybe we have an advantage on the water" he shouted, "we can reach almost any country and land almost anywhere, we have the element of surprise". Sure enough, the water was free from the alien scourge, but not for long, once they were spotted. The covies would either launch water attack craft of design some, and then unleash them. But earth would not fall, He would see to that...
