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Fan Fiction

Halo:The Fate of Earth, Prologue
Posted By: MetalGhost<unreal_thunder0100@hotmail.com>
Date: 28 February 2004, 9:57 PM

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Following the destruction of the unyielding hierophant. The Master Chief, his team, Cortana and Sgt Johnson made their way to earth in the UNSC frigate, the Gettysburg. The ship had been through a lot in the past 2 weeks and might as well have imploded in orbit around earth, for all the good it did when the engines failed on re-entry...

"EVERYBODY GET TO THE DOCKING BAY NOW!" ordered the Master Chief. He also told the real Cortana to copy herself again, so she could help the ship in any way she could from the bridge, and be safely inside the Chief's armour at the same time. Yet more bad news awaited them in the docking bay, not only was the room breached, with vacuum filling up all available air space, but there was U-shaped covenant drop ship parked next to the pelican and was thought to be a pile of junk, until the side doors opened and 20 grunts emerged. Linda whipped out her S2 AM sniper rifle and took about 5 grunts down before diving for cover, pink crystalline needles filled the space where she had stood. The Master Chief pulled out 2 sub-machine guns and sprayed the floor with shredder rounds. These rounds penetrated none of the grunts armour, but did sever the connection between their methane tanks and there mouth pieces. The remaining 3 were easily dispatched thanks to the rest of the team. Sgt Johnson was given breathing apparatus and the team entered the pelican, all except John, who paused to activate the frigates self-destruct mechanism. He cycled through the emergency airlock and told Fred, who was piloting, to get them out of that hunk of junk before the fail-safe's kicked in and the Gettysburg became nothing more than billions or fragments of metal. He couldn't risk letting the ship burn up on re-entry, it might not completely disintegrate and damage the cities that lay below them...

The pelican landed in New Zealand, the biggest military HQ on Earth, inside the office of naval intelligence. The team told the commander of everything new they had learnt about the covenant and the flood, and gave him detailed descriptions of everything each of them had been through in the last 2 weeks. Everyone was given 2 days full bed rest and after that, given permission to test the even newer weapons and accessories. The MA9B assault rifle had a permanent 2x scope mounted on top, a 70 round magazine that delivers 20 rounds per second, a sound and flash suppressor and boasted 8mm slugs, with the proper rate of fire, the rounds set the air behind them ablaze. The new warthog had undergone a total revamp, instead of high power halogen headlights; it sported 6-night vision, heat activated cameras, which fed back what they saw onto 6 mini monitors, each no bigger than the size of the average man's palm. The chain gun now had 6 barrels and 4 additional mortar cannons, 2 on the rear, 2 on the front. The man-riding shotgun no longer had to kneel on his seat, for now it was specially shaped, to reduce discomfort for whoever sat there. The driving was made easier and the overall colour and design was smaller, more efficient, and looked better.
The Master was then assigned to busting the lowlifes who committed crime in New Zealand, although it was a rubbish job, he liked the fact that crime in the small country and been halved, he was every criminals worse nightmare, not because he was almost undefeatable, but because there were rumours that many criminals had been killed when the Master Chief caught them, he just didn't know how much he hurt the common man. Occasionally he had to do some real work, eliminating a black market bazaar, putting down rebel rebellions and in one case, weeding out and eliminating a traitor inside fleetcom. After his most recent mission, the Spartans were taken to a secret testing facility in the Fragrants system, as soon as he came here, he saw 5 MJOLNIR suits on the wall, "The mark VI armour" he whispered. The armour had also had a total revamp; it looked nothing like his original suit, it appeared to have more refractive alloy layers, a slightly bigger fusion pack, and what appeared to be a more powerful shield mechanism, along with heat and night vision goggles. He stared in awe at it; it was, in a word, beautiful. The Spartans put on the armour and tested with it for about an hour. They took their new UNSC destroyer, the Vulture, got them back to earth in 3 hours flat, they all returned to HQ and spent another day or 2 deciding their next course of action.
There was suddenly a massive BANG! And everybody ran outside, parts of orbital MAC guns lay smoking in the street, with unmistakable plasma burns all over them. The silhouette of a covenant cruiser hovered overhead; visible through the thin cloud...The Master Chief uttered 1 word, "bollocks"...
