
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: mcscousin
Date: 25 April 2006, 10:40 pm

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Broken mirror, broken glass,
How could this have come to pass?
Man looks on with blind eyed haste,
Consideration none for that just faced.

Broken windows, broken doors,
Laying strewn upon the floors;
Death denounces all who come,
Laying waste until all's done.

Broken walls, broken bricks,
Mighty timbers now but sticks;
Corpse by corpse sleep restless here,
Left nor but blood to sum all fear.

Broken spirits, broken minds,
Little left but that doth bind;
Specters dance beneath the stars,
Burdened not by growing scars.

Broken mirror, broken glass,
How could this have come to pass?
War has wrought what no man could,
Woe are those who stop this should.

                                    -MC's Cousin
