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Fan Fiction

E3 in game demo- artist rendering...
Posted By: MC ripper 117
Date: 4 October 2004, 4:05 AM

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A minor sonic boom exploded into the air as the UNSC standered drop ship Pelican zoomed toward New Mombasa city.
"A Class-A12 ship was just shot down, but part of a platoon of marines it caried survived..." The disembodied female vioce stopped... then continued, "the captian and his crew were not so lucky."
"Don't expect a big welcome, the Covenant wiped most of them out before the hit the ground," boomed one soldier. The Master Chief, the last surviving member of the SPARTAN-II progam recognized the man as sergant A.J. Johnson. He had surivived the escape from the ring world Halo with him. The same disembodied voice, the Spartan's AI, Cortana, spoke into his internal speakers,
"They took two in the nose, then dropped out of the atmosphere," The Spartan, showing no emotion, gave the equivilent of a nod.
"Who was first contact?" he quarried through his suit, the MJOLNIR mark V armor. Johnson answered,
"Orval Bith under Dieago Garsio." The Pelican's cockpit speakers blared,
" Surveying HALO 2-3, recomend mission aport..." a nervous soldier said over an unencrypted link, almost whispering. The Pelican's pilot killed the link, and retorted,
"Your call Sarge!" Johnson took a minute to go over all the information he had about the SPARTAN II program... and the all of the battle he had witnessed the Chief experience. The man had slaughtered hundreds of Covenant single-handedly, both metaphorically and litteraly. He could THROUGH a Warthog. Sarge seemed confident in his own marines aswell. They had hell of a better chance of any alien on that ground, and he felt sorry for all the poor creatures who would die in the hands of these men... for just a second.
"We're going in!" the pilot smiled and keyed his thrusters on his bird, as Johnson shouted over his sholder, "Get tactical, marines!" Four men slammed fresh clips into thier modified UNSC battle rifles, and donned thier helmates, smiles spread far across thier faces, and although the Spartan 117 rarely showed emotion, cortana could tell that he was very pleased aswell. The men and women of the UNSC marines wanted thier feet on the ground, not on some metal slabs flying through the air. They abrubtly landed, and a lone soldier met the Cheif when hit the floor. Sir, Corperal Perez, A-company, CP's this way!" he shouted over the pelican's jets. The dropship seemed alot quieter inside the ship. He followed the man, as some marines murmered about him, he was quite acustomed to hearing the sort. To these men, he looked like a walking tank. Death was all around him. They walked up a slope that led to an opening of a building, then outside of it. Perez stoped, and the Spartan followed suit.
"Hey, Carson?" He shouted, "is it clear?" an explosion rumbled, and a heat wave threw static over his HUD, but his vision cleared once it came back on line seconds later.
"You tell me!" The man named carson yelled back. Perez mumbled under his breath. Then,
"Friendlies, moving in!" he bid the Chief a good luck, and the Spartan nod as he ran passed him, toward a small incline. Short aliens, Grunts, stood at the base, and around it. He chinned a control that fed the x2 zoom on his battle rifle into his HUD, and opened fire. Seven shot rang out, and 5 Grunts fell. He crouched and slowly moved toward the a wounded soldier.
"When I asked for re-inforcements..." he said weakly, "I didn't think they'd send a spartan." He said, but the last few words came into the Chiefs ears dimly. He look up in time to see- and hear -a plasma stationary cannon fire into the sky. "We gotta take that thing out, cover me!" the soilder said with renewed strength. He screamed into a the HQ comm channel, and the Spartan opened short, controled three round burst at the on-coming Covenant. He galnced to his right, did a double take, then mounted the stationary chain gun. He flashed the first smile he'd bared in weeks. it was finally time to start fighting again... He couldn't wait.

-to be continued. Please not that I have only seen the demo twice, so I don't remember all the dialog. If I have missed somthing, plz tell me, I need to know these things fast so I can fix them, HBO, thanks.
