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Fan Fiction

Halo: The Covies’ Revenge
Posted By: Master Grunt<master.grunt@gmail.com>
Date: 28 November 2004, 11:34 PM

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I started writing this novel as the third book in the Halo series, after reading Halo: Fall of Reach and Halo: The Flood. Hey, I was bored and I didn't have Halo: First Strike then! Anyways, this book is unfinished! Feel free to finish it for me...

Chapter 1

      The passenger wildly fired off the MA5B with no effect on the enemy, while the LAAG gun behind him roared as it pumped shells into the covies.
      "Drive faster, fool! We're all gonna die!" yelled the passenger.
      "Shut your mouth, Private!"
      A plasma blast hit the windshield, and dissipated. Enemy fire surrounded them, as they navigated through the thick jungles of Naglinger 5. They had been on patrol when enemy fire had opened and wiped out most of their patrol group in the first wave. The survivors had opened fire, but they were outnumbered. Now all they could do was return to HQ and warn the others.
      The warthog in front of Sgt. Parterson flipped over, as screams of agony tore across the battlefield, and the 'hog exploded in a ball of flames.
      "Hog3 to HQ, requesting evac! I repeat, requesting evac!" spat Sgt. Parterson into the mic.
      Private Holly felt a plasma bolt whiz past his head and lost control. He pointed his MA5B at Parterson and threatened to shoot him. The gunner in the back drew his sidearm and expertly drilled a bullet into the insubordinates head.
      The 'hog shook and the gunner was tossed out of the vehicle. The fall broke his neck. Parterson looked behind him, saw a shimmer in the air, and felt himself being lifted out of his seat.


Incoming Transmission:
Path: Public/Captain Keyes/Reinforcements
Priority: Alpha Alpha
Encryption: None
Naglinger 5 requesting backup! All ships in vector 9561, provide assistance. Covenant fleet...

      Cortana woke the Chief and informed him of the transmission. They had just destroyed a ring world, known as Halo, which was a prison for a new alien species even more dangerous than the Covenant, the Flood. Luckily, the Covenant fleet had been wiped out by the explosion, but none of the crew from the Pillar of Autumn had survived either. Master Chief had been able to recover some the Cryotubes that had been jettisoned off the Pillar right before impact with Halo, but all but one were not functioning and the inhabitants were dead. Only Cryotube 213 survived, and it contained the most precious cargo of all to the Master Chief, a fellow Spartan. She was in critical condition though, and could not be revived until she was ready to be treated. The battle on Reach had killed all of his fellow Spartans. He was the last of his kind, s super soldier bred for war. After having been overrun on Reach, he had rescued Kelly and evacuated the planet on the Pillar, only to take a blind Slipstream jump into the middle of a Covenant armada and Halo.
      They had now been traveling for several weeks without any contact from any life form, Human or Covenant, and certainly not Flood.
      "Open the message," ordered Master Chief.
      "Yes, sir." Replied Cortana, the Chief's A.I., and a distress signal appeared across the main screen. "It seems Naglinger 5 is under attack and they sent a distress signal to everyone in the vicinity. We must be nearing human civilization."
      "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's give those Covies a nice welcome mat made of their own blood," replied the Chief.
      "We may be too late, the message seems to trail off, suggesting that the command center may already be infiltrated. Radar scans show multiple Covenant fleets incoming. They must be planning something big because they don't need a fleet anywhere near that size to destroy Naglinger 5.

Chapter 2

      The command center on Naglinger 5 was a disaster. People running everywhere, reports flowing in every second, the radios jammed with requests for evac and backup. It was a mess, as Commander Naric sorted through the incoming calls for anything that could help them. There weren't enough troops to provide backup for everyone. They had to choose what was worth defending with human blood. The 3-foot thick steel door burst open as elites and jackals poured in and gunfire roared from both sides.
      The humans were cornered, thought Onglaogee, the gold elite, as he fired off plasma blasts at the scurrying humans. He ordered 2 jackals and a group of 6 grunts to advance into the room. They were immediately slaughtered with a hail of bullets and a frag grenade. Onglaogee noted the direction of the fire and ordered his troops to hail the area with plasma grenades. After the last humans were flushed out, they were immediately executed. Onglaogee kept one prisoner - Commander Naric.
      The A.I. sent the unfinished distress signal and self-destructed after deleting all files with a virus as ordered if enemy infiltration should occur.
      The room was secured and Onglaogee sent the news to his Ship Master. The Prophet was interested in meeting a human commander and had ordered the capture of one, but several attempts had failed. Onglaogee knew he would be rewarded well.
      Meanwhile, outside the command center, a battle raged on between the human survivors and the Covenant. Although the Covies seem to have the advantage, they began to pull back and retreat. The humans gained a false sense of victory, which was soon lost. The sky darkened, as the covenant armada got ready to fire.

Chapter 3

      Master Chief watched in horror as he approached Naglinger 5 and saw the Covenant armada turning into position. He had seen it happen to so many human worlds, the worst of which was Reach, where his brothers and sisters had been on the planet that was destroyed. He was ready to engage in combat, but he could not do anything. He was built for land combat, not space, and he couldn't fight an entire Covenant fleet that was getting ready to glass a planet with his small drop ship. He just watched as the planet got glassed and imploded. The fleet continued moving forward, and the Chief realized they were heading in the direction so many humans had sacrificed their lives to defend. He had to warn the human's last hope, but his ship couldn't compare the Covenant fleet, which could jump into Slipstream and emerge anywhere they wanted.
      The fleet jumped into Slipstream and disappeared, and Master Chief continued his voyage through empty space.
      "The next planet between the Covenant fleet and Earth is Blade," Cortana informed him.
      "How long until arrival?" asked Master Chief.
      "T-Minus 64 Minutes. The Covenant can get there in 13 minutes. I'm not sure how long they can last, but our chances of arriving in time are slim."
      "We're not going to Blade."
      "What! You're not going to just leave them to die!"
      "There is nothing we can do. All we can do now is go straight to Earth and hopefully intercept the Covenant fleet."
      "That will take over a week. The Covenant will be there in only 2 days."
      "I have a feeling the Covies aren't going to glass Earth. They should be able to hold out on the ground for long enough. Initiate emergency thrusters. I want us at Earth as fast as possible," ordered Master Chief.
      "Yes, sir," replied Cortana.

The rest of this novel remains to be finished. Yes, I know it is sad, but if you actually sat here and read all of it, you have a pretty sad life too!
      Anyways, If I ever finish it, I will post the rest of the story here.
