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Fan Fiction

Earth Under Fire
Posted By: Master_Chief189<andrw849@aol.com>
Date: 6 October 2003, 8:18 PM

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1523 hours September 15, 2552/ Control room

"Master Chief behind you!" Kyle said.

He quickly turned and saw a prophet with six black elites with battle scars behind the prophet.

"Hello you must be the infamous Master Chief." Said the prophet. "My name is Joloner Akin. I have been following you since you destroyed HALO. This HALO isn't like the one you destroyed. We Covenant built this Halo to . . . well . . . distract you. Right now Earths defenses are completely gone. We have a full scale invasion in play. You and this person are gonna die here. Because this Halo is going to explode. Remember when you the brutes. They are forerunner. The forerunner were a little bit more advanced than you. They were easily destroyed because they were less in numbers."

The Chief and the Sergeant shot at them but it went straight through them. They were holograms.

They quickly ran outside and saw yellow brute blood everywhere and no one was around to stop them. They quickly saw the Longsword and jumped in.

"Where the hell where you?" the pilot asked.

"We were busy." The Sergeant said.

They barely escaped when the Halo detonated and a huge chunk of it came very close to hitting them. Then the UNSC ship, Arcnine, appeared in front of them.

"Captain there is something on the radar!" a tech said to him.

"It must be the Spartans let them in." The Captain said. Then he went to the launch bay and saw the Spartans leap out of the ship covered in yellowish blood.

"Chief, Sergeant get some rest and meet me at 0700 hours tomorrow. Then the captain took Cortana's disk and implanted it into the bridge's computer.

"Cortana enter hyperspace heading for Earth."

"Yes Captain." The A.I. said.

The Master Chief walked slowly into the briefing room without his armor. He looked pale like a ghost. In the briefing
room was the captain, Sergeant, an admiral, and a general.

"Hello Master Chief please sit down so we can begin." Said the General. Then the Master Chief sat at the end of the table facing directly towards the general.

"I have got some very bad news people. Earth is under a very big full scale invasion. We are heading there. In fact when this meeting is over we will most likely be there so lets get down to business. When we drop out of hyperspace All of us will immediately start to attack a covenant ship that is trying to blow up the moon to destroy all life on Earth. All of us except you master chief you will help kill those bastards who have made it to Earth. So Master Chief get ready we will be there soon." The general said.

So the Master Chief went to his room and put the armor back on. And he went to the bridge to get Cortana and saw the captain there.

"Hello Master Chief." Said the Captain. Then the whole ship tilted to the left flinging many people out of their seat.

"Cortana what was that?" the captain asked.

"The launch bay it was hit. 15 Longsword were destroyed." She replied.

"Damn. I guess your going alone we need all the rest of the ships for the mission. Here take Cortana and get out of the ship."

The Master Chief took the A.I. disk and rushed to the launch bay. He had never flown a Longsword and looking at the controls gave him a headache.

"Just put me into the controls I will fly." Cortana said.

"Good." The Master Chief said.

He put the disk into the controls and looked outside and saw Arcnine shooting at the covenant ships. He slowly turned and looked in front of him as he slowly turn he saw a black dark cloud covering the ground and the air was filled with ash and smoke.

"Okay take me out the ship is set to automatically land." Cortana said.

"Where are we going?" The Chief said.

"The base 942 Alpha K."

The Longsword landed and he jumped out and was met by a marine. He looked like he was of sergeant rank.

"I am Private Allison Crossed. Follow me." He said.

They went down into the base while two pilots went and jumped into the Longsword. Each time a bomb hit the ground it felt like the building was going to fall in.

"Oh we are going to need to borrow the Longsword."

Then suddenly a General interrupted them. She had a helmet covering most of her head. She had green eyes and red hair.

"I am Jeuleat O'Niel. I have a favor to ask you. An admiral is located 2 clicks away in the city. We need you to go there and extract him or get his neurochip. He has the location to a very important ship. It was lost during a battle all we know is that it has a certain item that could turn the tide of the war.
