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Fan Fiction

The Lost Hero
Posted By: Master_Chief189<Andrw849@aol.com>
Date: 19 April 2005, 5:23 PM

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0700 Hours September 10, 2552

Chapter 1

Two weeks have passed since Cortana and the Master Chief escape the blast from Halo. They have not seen nor heard from any colony yet. They search franticly for any life even covenant. The Master Chief had a bone to pick with the covenant for all the dead marines and SPARTANS. The image of Echo 419s death was still fresh in his mind. Her scream stilled echo in his head. He swore vengeance for his lost comrades. In the back of his mind he knew that he had no chance of doing anything without a plan. Sure in the past half-hour most of his plans were not well thought out. This thought brought him to think of 343 Guilty Spark the monitor of what it called installation zero-four.

"Cortana?" The Master Chief said to his AI construct he had put into the onboard computer. He has known Cortana since training. She was an invaluable instrument and friend. But ever since Halo she has been acting what he could only describe as odd. 'Smart AIs' didn't have a long time to exist and it would seem that Halo had shorten her life by a few years. He had no choice but to eliminate the AI if she started to 'lose it' as some techs told him.

"Yes," she responded in her usual what the hell do you want voice as she appeared on the onboard hologram. Her image was very distorted because the hologram-imager was damaged in the escape off the ship.

"Any word yet from a ship, colony, or" he paused "survivors?" The Master Chief asked her with a calm in his voice.

"No." She said bluntly. "But I am still scanning the area for any life. Human or Covenant."

Then the Master Chief had to face the fact he might never hear from any humans ever again. He started to think. Reach. Did anyone make it out in time. Did his squad survive? Or how about Dr. Halsey, she was practically his mother.

"Cortana I refused to die here. I refuse to be beaten! Now we have to find a way to get to human patrolled space. Or we might of well have died with the rest of the Marines on Halo," he declared in a powerful voice like he always does.

"Master Chief I have a distress call from the Phoenix." Cortana reported while analyzing the data. "They are requesting all UNSC personnel to immediately go to Earth," she said in a a panicked rush.

"What?" he jumped out of his chair and stared at the hologram.

"Earth is under attack. The orbital MAC cannons on Earth are failing. We have to get there before Earth is over run."

"We first must get to the Phoenix and help them. We have no choice." He concluded. "But how do we get to them?" he asked her with impatience. A few moments passed by until she gave him an answer.

"Covenant ship on approach!" she warned.

The Master Chief looked at the ship as it came out of hiding from behind the nearby piece of Halo. It somehow looked familiar to him. The ship was scarred, but not from the destruction of Halo. Plasma scarring was evident all over the ship. The ship reminded him of the one John (Spartan-117), Kelly (Spartan-087), and his lost friend Sam (Spartan-034.)

Sam was one of his only best friends, they were like brothers he had growing up in the SPARTAN Project. He met Sam at the same time as he did Kelly. On November 27, 2525, those three boarded the a ship Sam was left behind. Sam was declared unofficially K. I. A. There was no way that Sam could have gotten out of the ship. Or was there he asked himself. No he said to himself.

"Incoming transmission ... it is from the ship it is transmitting to us." Cortana told him in a worried voice.

"Humans surrender or we will be forced to shoot you. You have no choice in the matter..." The ship sent. It sounded different from any Covenant message he ever heard. First of all they usually just shoot first investigate later. For that matter they never even investigated. Secondly they sounded more philosophical and sure of themselves. This one sounded different.

"Chief I am picking up something else... Morse code it says ... one one seven. And zero three four." She said. "What is it?" she asked.

"Sam that had better be you," he whispered to himself.

"What was that?"

"Never mind," he told her. "Tell them we surrender." He ordered the AI to send.
