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Fan Fiction

master cheif to the rescue
Posted By: master cheif<iamajesusfreak@hotmail.com>
Date: 20 May 2005, 9:52 AM

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note:i am a christian so this will be clean but ill try to be humorus

The master cheif was in his doorm at the base on reach it was a queit day,peacefull or so he thought when he got a call over his comm from doctor halsey she said john i can really use a hand here in the lab im abot to get my rear end killed by an ultra elite.john replied instantaniously he said im on it. haull butt she said. the master cheif raced to the armory and grabbed a MA5B 10 clips of ammo and a energy sword and triple timed it to the rescue of one of his dearest friends he rushed into the lab and spotted the shimmering of light which betrayed the elite he snapped up his MA5Band fired a three round burst into the eliets groin he then shot its chest,the camo generator failed and the elite was po'ed it pulled an energy sword and rushed john which wasnt the wisest thing to do john sidestepped pulled his energy sword as the elite turned to face him he thrust the energy sword in the elite's groin the elite doubled over blood gushing from the wound the chief then decappetated his head from his body he had made it. he located doctor halsey and made sure she was ok.she was tied up and otherwise unharmed the chief made sure of this by having cortana check her biosighns they were normal doctor halsey thanked john with a kiss and he said any time. cortana complained to him later saying he would never let her kiss him he ignored her. he had saved a life a kiss was just a bonus. he liked cortana but thought shes just a a.i. he couldnt make physhical contact with her not that he didnt want to but it didnt matter.

the next day

he was walking around while thinking of his other spartans he missed them linda and kelly in particular he needed a good sniper and a good all around backup person she was his second in command then suddenly he heard static over his comm tagged with the number of a spartan spartan-087 his heart skipped a beat

meanwhile on board a covenant ship merciless
(spartan-087 mission clock 01000 hours)

kelly hailed spartans-104,039,and 117 so far no responce then she got a reply from 117 john!! she was happy her and linda needed extaction asap of course thats hard when your in a cell guarded by 20 elites and 10 jacals but easy for a spartan in mjonlir armor or to put it simply john

john was on the way to the rescue one again he went to the armory grabed two smgs a battle rifle a MA5B and a ton of ammo and a energy sword that never ran out he was on his way then he stopped took a s2am sniper rifle and another MA5B and exta clips for kelly and linda and double timed it.

the master chief piloted a captured seraph fighter into a launch bay onboard the covenant ship merciless he was near the brig already by the ships schematic so he carefully made his way to the brig silently he made it undetected and slipped in he saw jackals and elites every whe so he got out his MA5B and openend fire all the jackals dropped in a single clip he slapped a fresh one in with a loud clack and continued firing he was down to 3 elites by the time he spent his first clip he then pulld the energy sword and in one move stabbed one elite who in effect doubled over dead and then spun 90 degrees cut an eltes arm off jumped over his head slicing him in half and facing the final elite slashed verticly effectively cutting him in half reached the controls and freed linda and kelly he gave linda the s2am and kelly the MA5B he had secured from the armory they then crept back to the bay got in the seraph fighter and headed back to reach

later on that night

knock knock. come in the master cheif said kelly walked into his bedroom and sat beside him. thanks for the rescue she said and put her hand on his shoulder anytime he said. want a massage she asked. sure the cheif said and i wont bother to say what happend after because you can probbably guess

the end

p.s. if you like it dont be afriaid to email me ill take the complaints too hope you enjoyed it god bless
