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Fan Fiction

Blood and Guts Part II: Massacre
Posted By: massive<smfessant@aol.com>
Date: 28 September 2004, 12:45 AM

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The Marines looked at the Spartans and the Spartans looked back. Finally Mike broke the ice. "Which of you is the ranking officer?" "Sir!" replied private joshua Williams. "That would be you, sir!!" "Crap." well, whats the situation?" "Sir, we were just returning to the Tokyo, sir. We broke up and repelled a Covenant attack, but I believe they will counterattack with full force, sir." "OK, soldier. Move out. Henry! Get over here!" Henry walked over to Mike's position. "Yeah?" "We're gonna be scouting the area. C'mon." They walked up the ridge. When they got to the top, they stared. Brutes and Elites were directing large numbers of Covenant troppers up the slope near the landing site. "HIT THE DIRT!!" Hernry wispered urgently. They both went down. "Use you're Sniper rifle to hit 'em at long range on my mark.... MARK!!" They both fired their S2s. A Brute's head exploded. An Elite went down from a shot to the left chest. They reloaded and fired again. 2 more aliens fell. The Covenant regrouped and charged. Henry gave a hand signal and the other Spartans joined them. They unslung their assault rifles in unison. "Fire!" yelled Henry and Mike. They all fired and aliens went down in droves. Blue annd purple blood fell in torrents and began to make the field slippery. Henry heard an explosion behind him. He heard a grunt of pain. Noah blacked out. When he came to, The Spartans were standing over him in a rough circle. The first thing he felt was the pain. It ripped through both his shoulders. He looked at his shoulders. MJOLNIR armor was burnt away and the skin on his shoulders was gone. There was white bone underneath, he could see it. His arms hurt terribly. Henry was saying, "...My god. I thought he was dead...." "Can you move? Are you OK?" MIke asked. "I think.... What'd they get me with?" "It was two Brutes. We killed them both, though," said Melissa. "Well, we'd better-" she was cut short by an explosion. There was a flash of light and she dissapeared. Her and everyone except Mike, Henry, Noah, and Matt. "Oh my..." "HIT THE DIRT AND FALL BACK!" Henry and Mike screamed over the furious bombardment now taking place. The Spartans ran until they were out of the plasma's trajectory and still they ran, until they got to the Tokyo. That night there was a blue glow in the air and one could hear hundreds of marching feet as the Covenant invaded the ring world. Every Marine was killed and the Tokyo destroyed except for three Pelicans which were blasting off from the Ring. The Spartans, Captain A. Keyes, and 20 marines were in them. They blasted off towards the UNSC fleet that had answered the Tokyo's call. When they landed on the flagship's docking bay, THe Admiral in charge said, "Let's just blow the thing up!" "But Henry replied, "NO!" if we destroy the ring then countless pieces of data will be gone. If we studied the ring, we could learn more about the Covenant and the Forerunner. Give my team 72 hours to get some info, then you can blow the crap outta that thing." "Alright. But ONLY 72 hours. We can't spare any more time than that." "Very well. Team! Prepare to move out!!" "SIR!" the three of them yelled. They boarded the Pelican and blasted towards Halo 05.

Deep within the perimeters of the Covenant Empire on The cruiser Vengeance a Brute went through numerous security checks and finally stepped into a large darkened room. The Brute's name was Aizdaumus. He knelt."Exellency...It has happened.... The Spartans have gone to Halo....... Give me an army and i will spill their blood like rain. I will bring you their heads-" "Enough," said the High Prophet Barzna. "The infidels have fallen for my trap. soon they will all be dead.... I give you not one army but four....Bring me their heads as you have promised and you shall be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams. Fail...Fail and I shall have your head. I have spoken. do not dissapoint me.

Later Aizdaumas stood on the bridge of the Pillar. He stared at the viewscreen as his armies marched past the camera view panels and into the belly of the ship. He was ready and his armies were too. Soon.... soon he would prove himself by killing the Spartans and delivering their heads to the Supreme Prophets. Soon he would be avenged. His father the Brute Aldaimuas had been killed by the Spartans in 2553. He smiled to himself. Yes...soon he would have is revenge.

TO BE CONTINUED..............
