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Fan Fiction

Guts and Blood Part I:
Posted By: massive<smfessant@aol.com>
Date: 25 September 2004, 1:44 AM

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Private John H. Whillinger stared as the Covenant began to fire at the Human planet Rage 3. He was aboard a cruiser, the Tokyo, as it escaped the furios onslaught that had just occured. The Covenant had sent a huge fleet to attack the Rage system, and over a third of their ships were burning hulls in space. The UNSC had lost nearly 400 ships and all the orital super MAC guns in the battle. The Covenant had glassed every planet except one, Rage 7. That was where the new spartans were. Whillinger was terrified.
"Holy s**t!" yelled Max as a Fuel Rod Gun blast struck a tree behind him. He, Amy, Sam, Melissa, and Jack were fighting for their lives on Rage 7. The Covenant were desperate, it seemed, to capture the planet. "Goddamnit!!"
Sam screamed as plasma blasts raced past them. A huge number of Elites, Brutes, And Grunts were attacking the fusion reactor complex on the planet. The Grunts and Jackals were storming them, but they were paying a tremendous price for their troubles. The Spartans were inside the defense bunker complex surroundin the reactor. They were cutting up Grunt ranks with heavy fire from all manner of guns. There was a bluish haze in the air. During a lull in the action, a Pelican touched down behind the bunker. From it jumped squad 7, comprising of Henry, Mike, Noah, Joe, and Alex. They quickly moved in front of the bunker, and stared at the huge mass of Covenant soldiers. "Wow...there must be at least 4000 Covies there." And indeed there were. They were running at the Spartans as fast as they could. The Spartans, in turn, charged. The distance between the Covenant horde and the spartans shrank to 100 yards...50...25...10...5...4..3..2..1..

Part two

The two forces collided. The Spartans fought like gods. Henry yelled, "GO GO GO!!" The Spartans began fought hand to hand and with their guns. Jackals fell, as did Elites and Grunts. Alex gave a cry and fell. His MJOLNIR armor had a hole burned in it and his skin was burnt off. The Brute's yell of triumph turned into a cry of pain as Henry filled up the Brute with lead. The Spartans fought untill they had used every last one of their bullets, until they could hardly stand up, and finally, the Covenant broke up and ran away. They had saved the fusion reactor.
Whillingers awoke from cryo sleep with a start. "We've arrived in the Destiny system, Private," said a tech. "Alright," said Whillingers. They slowly orbited the planet, and an object came into view. It was a massive ring. "What the hell is that?" asked Sargeant Daniel Foster.
"I dunno. It looks like that Halo thing.", replied Captain Arthur Keyes, the son of Jacob Keyes. It was another Halo ring. "Analyzing..." said jutan, the shipboard AI. "Based on Cortana's information on the previous HAlo ring, i can confirm that this is another of the Halo rings, Halo 05, to be exact. "Captain?" set a course for that ring. land on it, and if we find any Covenant sons of b'''''s then we'll send 'em to hell. Am I right, Sarge! "Sir yes sir!!" replied the Sargeant. "Alright then... Saddle UP!" "impact in 30 minutes, Captain." Litle did the people aboard the Tokyo know that the Forerunner had analyzed the ship. They knew every crew member's name. They knew everything. THey were letting the ship through.
Alex was dead. He had died of the plasma burn a few hours ago. Henry was cleaning out his weapons, as were the other Spartans. They all knew that the Covenant would counterattack. THen a transmission came over the helmet com. Judging by how the Spartans stiffened, they were hearing it too. " The cruiser Tokyo has found a second Halo ring. We are near Destiny and have set a course to land on the ring. " Requesting any UNSC reinforcements in the area to join us." "We can go. Get in the pelican. Destiny is only about 30,000,000 miles from here. " said Henry. The Spartans did. A few minutes later, they had reached destiny. THey saw the Tokyo very close to the ring, and they accelerated towards it.

Part Three

ON the cruiser Tokyo there were marines and Helljumpers getting ready for heavy lland combat. THey had sighted three Covenant warships hovering near the Halo ring. THe cruiser slowed down, then the details on the ring quickly became larger and larger. THen a sickening thud was heard. "TOUCHDOWN! yelled a marine. "Yeehaw!!" Teams of Marines in Warthogs and Scorpions quickly moved out from the cruiser. The Covenant were no where to be found. The teams were getting quite far from the cruiser when they found the Covenant. There were a hundred Phantom dropships at the site, and hunreds of Covies. Ghosts were approachin the Marine positions. "Don't fire until they are within 50 yards of your positions. Star firing the larger guns first then the smaller ones." The ghosts moved foward until the guns opened fire. The Covenant were accelerating into a maelstrom of death. The GHosts exploded, causing Elites to be burnt to crisps, or ripped apert or vaporized. THe remainig ghosts turned and fled. SUdennly a single dropship touched down. And the marines found themselves face to face with 9 Spartans.

TO BE CONTINUED.....................
