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Fan Fiction

Desert Brigade: Part 2
Posted By: Martin Cahill<MJCDragoon@aol.com>
Date: 21 September 2004, 9:07 PM

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Felix strode down the rows of barracks where all the troops slept and lived for the past three months. And now their garrison was threatened.'
"Fox Company, front and center!" Felix shouted when he got to his company's barracks. The three platoons of ODSTs appeared in front of him.
"At ease, boys, I have some good news and bad news," said Felix in a loud voice.
The ODSTs exchanged some quick glances at each before Felix spoke again.
"The good news is I am now Captain of Fox Company," said Felix to loud cheers.
"I wouldn't cheer just yet," said Felix silencing the men, "The bad news is that the Covenant are on their way here right now. Lucky for us we have something they want so they won't glass us from space. They have sat on their throne and asked our surrender and they will do it again before this is over, but we are ODSTs, we will never surrender! At 1530 today you will be briefed by Colonel Matthias on our situation. And never forget 'Feet first into Hell!' Dismissed."
Felix saluted the men who fell out and returned to the barracks. He walked to the edge of the encampment and stared into the semi-flat desert wasteland which he knew would become a killing ground. He took off his helmet and wept. He wept for everyone who had died during the war and those who would die soon enough. He looked into the desert and rubbed his eyes.
"What are you looking at Captain?" said a voice from behind him.
"The future, Speirs," said Felix not looking at him.
"We're going to die, aren't we, sir," asked Speirs who stared into the desert.
"No, Speirs, we are either going to be remembered or live, dying is only a part of it," said Felix putting his helmet back on.
Felix looked at his watch and spoke, "C'mon Sarge we gotta attend that briefing."
"Yes sir," said Speirs helping Felix to his feet.
They walked toward the parade ground where the entire brigade was standing at ease. A stage had been erected where the Colonel would stand and only shortly after had Felix and Speirs arrived Matthias walked out in front of the soldiers who instantly snapped to attention.
"At ease, men," said Matthias, "As most of you probably have heard from your COs the Covenant are headed our way big time. In fact part of their advance unit has already landed. By tomorrow their ground forces will be all over this planet. They are searching for the artifact we discovered yesterday. Now tomorrow they will set up their army with most likely a mix of Grunts and Jackals in the front ranks with Elites behind them and beyond that Wraiths and possibly Hunters before the tanks. Possibly Banshees dominating the air and maybe a column of Ghosts in the extreme front of the army. Now it is likely they will have one Elite act as a negotiator and we will have our own negotiator, which is Captain Felix. Now since we are not surrendering we will have surprise on our side when we attack. Now this order goes to all snipers; you are to target as many Elites as possibly and when the negotiator is taken out you are to open fire and kill them thus disrupting their chain of command and causing utter chaos for several moments. At the same time our Warthogs, which will occupy our first line will charge forward while our tanks simultaneously take out their Ghost and Wraiths. Our rocket men should concentrate upon knocking out their Banshees. The Warthogs should do their best to break through their lines while our Scorpions advance while firing and our infantry will be right behind them. This plan of attack should minimize our casualties while devastate the Covenant ranks. Now as a necessary precaution we have destroyed the artifact that they are looking for. Alright boys I want you to eat well tonight and get a decent sleep because tomorrow we ride to war. By the way dinner tonight is steak or the Quartermaster informs me. Everyone check your weapons and ammo tonight and if you are low or just require extra ammo visit the armory which will be giving out ammo as needed. Everyone is dismissed. Captain Felix come with me."
Felix followed the Colonel out of the parade grounds.
"Felix tomorrow I want you say whatever you want to buy time for our snipers. The Covenant will expect you to be unarmed, but I want you to conceal in any way possibly your combat knife to give you an easier time killing their negotiator who is likely to be armed. I just need you to stall them for two minutes, that's all I ask of you," said Matthias looking him straight in the face.
"Understood, sir," said Felix.
"Good, now the first Warthog in our formation will take you to the negotiation grounds which will likely be the midpoint between our forces. I want you to put your weapons on board that Warthog, but keep them hidden from view. After killing their negotiator you will ride into battle at the front of our forces," said Matthias still staring Felix in the face.
"Sir, yes sir," said Felix saluting.
"Good. Dismissed."
