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Fan Fiction

Halo: The Remaining Forces
Posted By: Mark Wright (AKA SCORPION)<Slipknot13322@yahoo.com>
Date: 6 October 2003, 7:07 PM

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      It was after the attack of the Covenant three years ago. After the Spartan II, Master Chief, merely exterminated a quarter of a quarter of the Covenants race, the Covenant retreated back to their homeplanet. Halo exploded as pieces of its remaining ground drifted around space. Maybe there was still people left on those pieces of Halo. Or something that was greatly needed for glory, and power. Something that is worth winning the Galaxy over from. This is the story of Halo: The Remaining Forces...

      "What did you say! Send in the highest Marine you can find. I want Master Chief, now!"
      "Sir, yes sir!" The Marine yelled. The Marine ran off as Captain Keyes started to load up his M6D Pistol.
      "Cortana, get the howitzers ready. Get stats on the Covenant." Keyes said. Cortana put her hands on her head as she started to recieve a highly amount of information.
      "Captain, they have the same soldiers as before, but when I try to access other information, all I get is scrambles of an unknown code."
      "This is worse than I thought. My God, this is worse..."

      "All highly personel to the bridge, I repeat all highly personel to the bridge!" A Marine said. As a few Marines began to run, a Covenant Dropship hovered down to Earth to drop off some soldiers. Two Invisible Elites dropped out of the ship with a pack of Jackles.
      "What the? What's going on!" Some Marines said. They cocked up some MA58 Assault Rifles and killed three of the Jackles out of six. The Elites came Charging up to some Marines with their Plasma Sword ready to taste some blood. Right when the Elites were about to swipe, two M90 Shotgun blasts roared through the air and into the invisible orange Elite's flesh on their back. Their dead corpses hit the Marines as they got knocked onto the ground.
      "Who shot them?" You could see a "green figure" forming in the horizon of the sun. That "green figure" was driving a Warthog. It was Master Chief. Master came driving up to the remaining pack of Jackles as he jumped out of the Warthog. The Warthog killed all but one Jackel. The Dropship unloaded three more Grunts and took off. Two of the Grunts ran off to the Jackel. The other one ran to where below Master Chief was in the air. Master threw a fragmentation grenade into the Grunt's open back pack as the Grunt ran off to the Jackel.
      "Gish 'way! Gish 'way!" The other Grunts yelled. The Grenade blew up and their dead carcuses flew through the air. Master Chief grabbed one and surfed down to the ground to break his fall.
      "Did somone call for an exterminator?"

      "Sir, Master Chief's here, sir!" A Marine told Keyes. An unknown creature crashed through the roof of the base and onto the Marine which killed him.
      "Hahahahaha, where is your preciuos Spartan now, Captain?!" The creature yelled. He was about to stab Captain Keyes with his built in Plasma Sword when a bullet flew into the alien's body. The alien fell to his knees as
Master Chief appeared behind him.
      "Don't you guys know when to quit?"
      "Captain, I can now access information about this creature. All I need is a sample. Give me a piece of its flesh." Master got a piece and inserted it into Cortana's Data Drive.
      "This creature is a breed between a Covenant Hunter and Elite. It has a built in overshield but its weakness is in the back."
      "Oh great, now we've got different kinds of breeds?! Captain said. Cortana, see if you can hack into a Covenant Dropship."
      "I'll try. Captain, there is one being sent to this base that is nearby. Do you want me to try that one"
      "Go ahead." There was about a five minute wait to the hacking.
      "Sir, I have hacked into their main computer. I just checked the Covenant Soldier's Profiles. It seems to be that there is hundreds of new breeds, but not just with Covenants, but with Prophets and Brutes too."
      "Well, we better start gathering up all the Marines we can find. It looks like this is the beggining of a new war..."

      "I was writing this to see if the audience liked it. If you want me to finish this story, somebody send me an e-mail to verify if you want some more. If you mention my name in the e-mail, please use the name SCORPION and not my real name. Thanks!"
