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Fan Fiction

Marine Rifles, CHAPTER 2
Posted By: Marine Black Ops<poop@hotmail.com>
Date: 13 October 2003, 7:24 PM

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Marine Rifles
Chap. 2


Looking back at Mendoza and Johnson were 2 Covenant "Wraith" Mortar Tanks. The massive hovering vehicles spouted a huge blueish energy bomb that devastated any foe. The only reason the Wraiths hadn't opened fire was because the two drivers (Elites, Johnson noted), seemed to be involved in a heated argument with their commander. The three creatures barked at each other in their foreign tongue.
"Growwwwlllllll!" the Tank commander roared, apparently cursing his misfortune of having these two drivers under his command. The others replied in a way Johnson only guessed was rage.
Suddenly, from the brush about 40 yards to the left of them, the two marines heard a muffled thump! as a Jackhammer launcher discharged. Seconds later both tanks exploded in large cloud of fire and smoke, sending the drivers and tank commander flying into the creek, their blood and entrails following them. Johnson and Mendoza dove for cover under a log. After a minute or so, they heard voices, but not the growls and squeak of Covenant troops, but the low whispers of humans.
Three marines stepped out of the brush where Johnson had heard the launcher fire. One carried the smoking Jackhammer, and another carried a standard issue M90 Shotgun. The third marine (which appeared to be a Lieutenant) had his MA5B slung on his back and an M60 pistol in his hand. Mendoza could tell by their uniforms that they were Special Operations men. Johnson stepped out from the bush.
"Christ!" the marine with the shotgun yelped when he saw Johnson, "who are you? You scared the hell out of me!"
"Relax Corporal," the Lieutenant said, "their marines, like us. But what are you two doing out here?"
Johnson noticed four more Special Operations men appear out of the trees behind the ell-tee. They all looked worn and ragged.
"Sir, my men and were on advance patrol at grid number 616 when discovered Private Mendoza and the remnants of Company D. They said they had encountered stiff resistance somewhere around this creek. I have 13, no wait, 11 men under my command as of now. But if I may ask sir, who are you and what are you doing here?"
"Well Sergeant, I'm 1st Lieutenant Stentson and this is what's left of the 14th Black Ops, Company C. We were supposed to investigate Sanco De Blanc, but heh, guess that's not going to happen."
"Sir, what do you mean? What's happened to the town?" Mendoza interrupted.
"You haven't heard?" Lieutenant Stentson asked questioningly, "well, I guess radio couldn't penetrate this infernal swamp. Senco De Blanc is..."
"Incoming!" a marine cried.
Everyone hit the dirt. A plasma grenade sailed through the air and landed in the grass behind them.
Some one screamed. A Special Ops Sgt. cursed. After a moment Private Samson got up and looked around.
"What the hell was that?"
A plasma bolt came flying out of the brush and hit her square in the face. She tried to scream as her face melted, but she could not and crumpled to the ground.
Johnson only had time to look at her corpse before the air was filled with plasma fire.
"Let have it marines!" Stentson roared. The Black Ops opened up on the trees.
Johnson's men, eager to avenge their fallen comrade, let loose as well. Pretty soon Covenant and human alike were beginning to fall.
Mendoza slammed a fresh clip into the magazine of his MA5B and fired a hail of bullets into an Elite who was trying to find some cover. The alien soldier screamed and sprawled across a log.
A Black Ops guy took a flurry of needles in the chest. The marine just closed his eyes and let his rifle slip from his hands. The needles exploded, ripping open his chest and sending him flying backwards.
The man with the shotgun suddenly found himself cut off when the man on his left succumbed to a barrage of plasma fire. As he hurriedly dug around his ammo bag, he could only find 4 shells left. He cursed and then fed the rounds in. He pulled a frag grenade off his bandoleer and stood up and pulled the pin.
"Here's somethin' to remember me by." He shouted as he tossed the grenade at a couple of Jackals. The grenade detonated right above their heads and obscured them in a cloud of bloody dust.
Then, firing his shotgun from the hip, he began to run towards the rest of his squad when a gold armored Elite wielding an energy sword burst from his cover and charged at the marine. The man turned to fire at the attacker, only to find that he had no ammo. By this time the Elite was upon him.
Johnson just heard the scream as the soldier was cut in half by the energy weapon. Somebody put a bullet in the Elite's head.
After seeing their leader destroyed, the remaining Covenant units squealed and ran as fast as they could into the forest.
"As I was saying," Lieutenant Stentson said, breaking the eerie silence, "Senco De Blanc has been obliterated."
