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Fan Fiction

In Chaos and Despair: The 2nd Fall of Harvest
Posted By: Maraxus6<deathperson@att.net>
Date: 13 January 2004, 3:25 AM

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The event that you're about to experience takes place 10 years after the discovery of Earth by the Covenant.

Peace has reigned throughout humanity's interstellar empire ever since the near-extinction of the Covenant via the Flood, which were released by the Human scientist, Robert Krzewski. However, the Covenant still control certain areas of the galaxy.

Enter the main UNSC barracks on the colony Harvest, which has been rebuilt since its attack by the Covenant sometime before 2552 A.D...

Sanchez was jostled awake when the alarms went off. As the lights flickered on and off, and the sirens blared, his fellow marine, Hill, was already putting on his armor. "Well, get your damn armor on! Downtown looks like a friggin' nuke hit it!" yelled Hill. "But..."
"No excuses. I don't care how early it is. Something's going on, and whatever the hell it is, it's bad."
Sanchez was halfway finished equipping his armor when an explosion rocked the barracks. The sound of gunfire filled the air, along with many rapid, buzzing noises, followed by the sickening sound of flesh being opened up, as if by huge bullets. Screams of pain and death-cries could be heard all over the barracks. At long last, Sanchez got his armor on, grabbed his MA5B Assault Rifle, and hoofed it out of his section of the barracks into the main yard. He looked to the dark sky to his right, and almost screamed.

The city was in ruins. The bigger buildings that still stood were in flames, and billowing clouds of smoke filled the sky, blotting out the nearby star that brought day to Harvest. Among this horrific wreckage, a gargantuan ship hovered. It was black in color, and long, more bulbous at the back, like one of the Covenant CCS battle cruisers. In fact, it was a little too similar... Sanchez wondered aloud why the Covenant would dare attack another world. They had almost been completely destroyed. It would be suicide to attack a Human world.

His thought was interrupted by a low growl to his left. He looked toward the noise, and for a split second, Sanchez thought that he beheld an Elite...until he noticed the wings. Whatever that thing was, it had wings, and a closer-to-human jaw. Additionally, it was carrying a weapon that looked like one of the old MP5s from the 20th century. It raised its weapon to fire and convulsed, falling onto the cold ground. Sanchez saw that it's back was covered in charred flesh. Standing behind it was a marine known to all as Pyro, aptly named for his proficiency with flamethrowers, who was grinning.

"I just love being able to pull other people's asses outta the fire!" Pyro said. "But still, I've never seen anything like these fuckers before..."
"Neither have I.," replied Sanchez. "Do you know the state of the rest of the marines? How are they faring?"

"I've got no idea. I saw the sarge take off with the command team in one of the pelicans, though. Damn cowards can't even stand and fight. As for our fellow marines, I've found at least 50 dead." Stated Pyro, with a face showing sadness.

Sanchez thought a while, and then said: "I know. The barracks is probably already taken. I think that we should head downtown, and try to help the civvies out there."

"You're on. Let's go for it."

Along the way to the pelican bay, the pair found a heap of alien bodies, and a squad of marines stood around it, some dying, others wounded. It was horrible to see the effectiveness of the creatures' weapons; they created 2nd to 3rd degree burns, and marines who were obviously hit by the weapons lay writhing on the ground. "What are you all doing here?!" yelled Pyro. "You should be evacuating! Get the hell outta here! Run-"

His words were cut short by a hail of energy bursts that flew into the thick of the marine squad. Half of one man's head was seared off after being hit a multitude of times. Others were not so lucky with an instant death. They took hits in the torso, arms, legs, virtually anywhere. To top that all off, human blood sprayed everywhere, blinding other marines, who also consequently died in the fire fight, engulfed in burst after burst of buzzing energy.

Sanchez ran. He ran for his life, faster than he had ever remembered running before. The only thought in his mind was to stay alive. The concern he had shown towards others was gone. He never looked back. Looking back could mean death, and Sanchez wasnt ready to die. He just kept running for the pelican bay.

He got to the bay just in time. There was one last ship, laden with around 4 ODSTs and maybe 2 or 3 marines. They montioned to him, and he hopped in.

Just as the pelican sped off toward an unknown destination, a bolt of green was seen speeding towards the craft. Just as it hit... Sanchez's chest, the world before him went black, and he neither heard nor felt anything.
