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Fan Fiction

Malignant Nemesis: Part 1 Invasion
Posted By: MalignSpirit<jhalostories@yahoo.com>
Date: 14 December 2004, 12:31 AM

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       Malignant Nemesis: Part 1 Invasion

      It's a broad universe ready to be explored. It was just another challenge for humans, and they would be willing to accept it. Humans stretched out across the galaxy, looking for new worlds to colonize like their ancestors in the past. They travel as far as they can, only to feed their desire. The desire of wanting to know what's out there, the desire to see how far they can take themselves, to live their dreams.

      Then came the 7th of October 2525. A United Nations Space Command(UNSC) battle group made up of one Destroyer and two Frigates made contact with an alien ship in the Harvest system. The colony that the alien craft was orbiting had been destroyed previous of the battle group's arrival. This was just the beginning of a great war, and many colonies would follow in the same fate. A new struggle the human race would fall into, a challenge they would have to accept, an undesirable one that can lead to their very extinction.

      One of these colonies, starting off as a small military base and later grew into a civilian colony, would become the target of the hostile aliens known as The Covenant. This military base on this colony had information that can help The Covenant and spell doom for the UNSC. With the inhabitants of the colony eliminated and most of it in ruin, there is one sole survivor of this disaster. A Spartan that has yet to learn of the entire situation…

      From a large pile of debris came a loud sound of agony. The shuffling sound of rocks and the cracking sound of them moving from underneath the surface of the pile seemed to sink, and from it a soldier rose up. He stood there for a moment, taking in what he saw. Even the strongest, most courageous, and most strong willed soldier would feel grief in the site of disaster handed to his own people.

      The air was thick with the stench of death. Bodies littered the streets in every direction, human and alien alike. The sky gave off an orange glow from the debris and dust that stayed in the atmosphere reflecting the suns' beams. Pillars of smoke still streamed up from the fires that stayed lit and smoldering. Once glorious buildings that made the city look full and beautiful were now reduced to nothing but fragments. And the steel that had held the buildings up now looked of a dark art form, twisted from the heat and positioned into violent shapes, the look was deep and morbid.

      The Spartan soldier shook his head at all he saw. It was the first time he saw anything like it through all the battles he's been through. Never has he seen a whole city hunted down to the last person. Such cruelty was never taught, you did your mission anyway possible, but you tried not to hurt the civilian population. To his mind, this act had no justice.

      Moving away from the pile he realized he was injured. The wall had damaged the left arm of the suit and with the slightest movement of his arm sent streams of pain. He would either need a new suit or figure out away to fix it and his arm would need medical attention. If things weren't hard enough already, what he saw next really hit him.

      Next to the pile of debris he was under just a few minutes ago was a lifeless body that was laid out on its back starring up. He realized he might have been under the debris for awhile by looking at the body. Its skin was baked by the heat and sun, and its lips white and flaky. The eyes were fixated on the sky and the only movement seen was the hair swaying in the light breeze. Normally a body or anything of the like wouldn't bother this brave soldier. Never once has 109 ever shown much emotion, only laughter in good time. But this one struck a chord; it was the new recruit. The recruit that was assigned to his squad, the only one to thank him on 109's return; and the only one to ask of not his number, but his name Robert….

Suddenly things became personal. He was letting emotions get to him; he started to think of "What if"? "What if I gave him a chance to talk? Would he have continued to follow?"
"Maybe I should have told him to piss off, then he wouldn't have came into any danger."
"What if…."

      Robert or (109) couldn't stop thinking about everything that has happened. He had picked up the body and thrown it over his right arm. He decided to take it to the base where he can find away to give him a proper burial instead of letting it sit there any longer. Now he wanted revenge more then anything. He thought more about the countless lives taken, and he knew the slaughter would continue.

      After an hour of walking, he finally made it to his destination. But what was there he didn't want to see. Outside of the base was a Covenant transport, and a Shadow (Covenant fighter) was beside it. No signs of the invaders were outside, and there were no bodies except for that of marines that fought to defend the base. The base barely sustained any damage at all unlike the rest of the city. Then it all came to Robert, the Covenant some how knew what information was stored at this base. The base had held information about every coordinate and the movements of the entire UNSC fleet for the next week. This would be more then enough information, giving the invaders ideas on where to strike the humans best.

      Robert knew he had to go in not knowing whether the base commanders were able to destroy the information or if they didn't get the chance to. Odds are its either hidden, or it was destroyed since the rest of The Covenant forces had left the surface, which means they probably have been looking for along time without any luck. Robert placed the marines' body down and reached for his pistol.

      The solo Spartan ran for the entrance, taking cover on the way to it where ever available so he wouldn't be spotted. The entrance to the base was open without any guard, the aliens probably thought they had gotten every last human in the colony and Robert wanted to prove them miserably wrong.

      Walking into the military base, nothing could be heard. Some of the lights were flickering on and off as the power wasn't to stable. The base had an eerie feeling unlike it was before, a feeling more should be there yet it was to empty. There weren't any movements, no sign of life, just very shadowed and dismal in a once very active place. It was to strange fore Robert to see a place he spent the last few months changed so dramatically.

      Robert decided before he had a run in with the Covenant forces again he better check out his left arm. The MJOLNIR biceps piece on the left arm had a large break in it from the wall falling, but saved his arm from being crushed. The remainder of the suit was in bad condition but still need work or a new suit all together. Following a blue stripe in the hallway he made it to the medical area. Robert proceeded in removing the left arm armor and taking a look at his arm. The bone didn't seem to break; he just had a bruised muscle. He put some ointment on it to quicken the healing process and dressed his arm tightly. Putting on the armor he opted to leave off the biceps piece as it had no real purpose anymore except adding weight. Now he was ready find the aliens in the base, and he had a pretty good idea where they would be.

      Another line in the hallway, this one being red, led to the intelligence area of the base. The area was made up of 4 rooms, the lab, Central Command, and radar and communications. The lab would be any scientist's dream it had everything needed. There is equipment for all the main sciences to develop more military technology. The Central Command room can be said to be the heart of the facility. It was where all the officers would discuss strategy and major decisions of the military force on the colony. The Central Command room also held a smaller room where all the archives that had all the history of the colony and also held any kind of military information that could be found. Radar and communications is self-explanatory as it checks for incoming ships and whether they are hostile or not. It also was in charge of all military communications on the colony. Robert knew which room they would be looking in, the Archives.

      As the Spartan soldier neared the room he could hear the cabinets and files being pushed and thrashed around. Their unique and strange language can be heard down the hallway and one prominently speaking was obviously the leader. Robert was able to tell he was by the loud and short speeches he was giving, able to hear that he was rushing the alien soldiers he commanded. As Robert neared the room he could now see shadows stretch across the floor, two of them being very tall gave a frightening idea of what he might be going up against. He moved inches closer to the door, as cautiously as he possibly could. An unsettling feeling came over him, his palms began to sweat and he tightened his grip on the pistol.

      A few more steps and he would be at the door. Then from the side of the doorway came bad news, a short and stocky alien that the marines nicknamed the Grunt was carrying a small file cabinet. As the grunt was walking by the door he glanced over, but after seeing something just coming out of the shadows it froze. The Spartan soldier and this little being starred at each other, no one making a move as if all time has stopped. Then aloud uproar, that strange voice Robert heard before from the room shouted out. He can only guess it was telling the grunt to get moving. The grunt looked back for a second and just as he was turning to look back at the human he didn't expect to see, he was shot between the eyes. The body of the Grunt fell backwards and the file cabinet crashed to the floor.

      Suddenly everything was quiet. Every movement and grunting sound from picking up a new load in the room stopped. There were no alien orders being made, no one did anything. Then suddenly the elongated shadows started to slip slowly back and smaller shadows moved closer to the doorway. The Spartan just managed to piss off a little over a dozen enemies.

      Then came a few shots, aloud blast and dust was everywhere. The wall that was to the side of Robert from the Central command room was blown out into the hallway and a Elite, another Covenant alien, this one being tall and gruesome looking came charging out towards Robert. It ran into, picked up and slammed Robert into the wall with all its strength. From The Spartan's fingers the pistol slipped and slid across the floor. Shaking his head he got up on one knee and with the other leg side swiped the Elite from the back of his legs. As the Elite was falling in mid flight, Robert grabbed it by the neck and ran its head harder into the cement floor. Now the Elite was knocked out cold. But the other aliens still wanted a piece of him. Just as Robert was going to stand up one of the Grunts jumped on his back and the other small aliens of the species took their chance and carelessly fired their weapons at the human and their own peer.

      Robert decided to get up and run any ways. With his right hand he grabbed the Grunt's left arm and swung the little being into the wall shattering its skull as he was on the run. He leaped for his pistol grabbed and did a somersault, twisted his body and released a few shots from the pistol using both arms to make accurate shots, while sliding back across the floor. All but one bullet made their target killing 6 of the 7 Grunts in the group that was at the door. The last Grunt made a run for it.

      Standing up, Robert still could hear the other Elite giving out orders. They had not given up on their mission so easily. They were determined to eliminate the entire human race, and they weren't going to let one human get in the way. The Grunts picked up their pace and now the Elite commander joined in to help. They thrashed file cabinets around, and two Grunts hurriedly searched the computer files. After endless hours, and at the worst time for the Covenant aliens, one of the Grunts shouted out and seemed excited. They had finally found the file they had been looking for so long. The Grunt copied it to a small data disk and leaped off his chair with the other Grunt following. The little Covenant being was overwhelmingly excited about his accomplishment, but his world of glory would come to a crashing end. Just as the alien was running out of the door the Spartan picked the Grunt up from the side and tossed it into the corner of the wall and ceiling. The Grunt dropped lifeless and the data disk fell from its hand. Before the second Grunt could react it was shot through the chest.

      The Elite that was giving orders just a few minutes ago now came flying through the door and stumbling on his way out. He swooped down and grabbed the disk and swatted Robert into the wall. When he got up to give chase the other Elite was just getting up unnoticeably. The Second Elite grabbed the Spartan from underneath his arms and lifted him off the ground and started to thrash him into one wall then swing his body around to the other and back again. After the vicious attack the Elite threw the soldiers body behind him and followed his comrade.

      Now Robert was enraged, he was aggravated and everything from the recent events was just building up. He got up and dumped the clip from the pistol. He started to run and pushed in an another clip into the pistol. The Grunt that had ran away earlier looked outside the door of the lab he hid in, and when he saw the Spartan giving chase to the Elites, he jumped back into the room. He didn't go unnoticed by Robert, as the human soldier ran by the doorway he fired three shots into the lab that shattered two large beakers spilling acid on the helpless Grunt. The Grunt let out a scream and squirmed on the floor. Feeling satisfied the Spartan soldier continued on and now he wanted to get back at the Elite and get the data disk back before the other gets away with it.

      Right before they reached the door out of the base Robert was able to shoot the legs of the Elite soldier. The Elite lost his balance and fell face first into the ground. Still running with all his momentum Robert kicked the face of the Elite throwing him on his back. With all his anger he slammed his foot into the large aliens' neck.

"Your going to pay you bastard! You're going pay…"Robert slowly aimed the pistol at the Elite's head. The Elite was grasping at the Spartans foot, but without any remorse he slipped in another clip into the pistol and emptied the clip, 12 shots, into the head of the alien. Robert was letting his emotions get to him, acting unprofessional now, not caring about the mission like he used to.

      The Elite commander made it to the Covenant transport. It was to late, it seemed that the lone soldier just let down the human race and let the only chance to save it slip away. The transport started to lift off to return to the mother ship in orbit. As the transport started to lift up, Robert remembered the Shadow. Now there was a new chance for him, a new mission. The question is, will he be able to control his emotion next time around, and will he be able to stop the Covenant ship in orbit from relaying the message to the rest of its fleet?
