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Fan Fiction

Malignant Nemesis: Prologue
Posted By: MalignSpirit<jhalostories@yahoo.com>
Date: 4 December 2004, 10:52 PM

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Malignant Nemesis


      A loud alarm rang out across a military training facility where three Spartans were training for their next mission to defend a colony at every cost. They were broken off from the main Spartan group, only three were chosen. Not because of out doing the others of the Spartan II program, they were chosen because others were needed in more matters.

      The colony was in the projected range of The Covenant fleet that was coming to destroy the humans. The colony was then put under high risk, and defense plans were made and three Spartans chosen. But now the time has come…

      Over the loud alarm a voice from the facilities speakers came on, "All military personal, report to battle stations. The colony is under attack. Repeat, military personal, report to your battle stations immediately." In every hallway on the base soldiers came rushing out in panic, others already at their stations prepared.

      In the civilian city shock and panic struck everyone. People looked up pointing at dropships as they descended from the atmosphere. Others stood in shock unable to move only expressions of deep fear in the sight of death adorned their faces. Cries of pleas and help came across many; it was well known what happened to other colonies, all to well. The people knew their coming fate…

      The Spartans were broken up again, each with their own squad of marines. The commanders thought it would be better to attack multiple sectors. In the North/Western sector of the colony, Spartan 109, was placed with his squad and a few other squads to take the area. The area held most of the generators for the colonies power.

      An hour into the battle, all was about to be lost, communications were broken, and few humans still survived. Spartan 109 was cornered now with the remainder of his squad and things were looking bad. More Covenant soldiers joined this small firefight. Then things started to look worse. From a distance Spartan 109 could see two in coming Ghost's performing a flank. 109 looked back at his squad, their wasn't much time for any big decisions.

      109 ran up to his squad and ducked down under some debris for cover, "We have two Ghost incoming, I'm going to need cover fire. Just take care of the Covenant forces ahead. I'll take care of the two Ghost." The marines nodded in agreement.

      109 jumped out into the street in the path of the two incoming Ghosts. They started to fire their weapons at him, but 109 was able to dodge each blast. The Ghost came speeding in with the hopes of hitting 109 down. The first Ghost came a hair length away from hitting 109, but he managed to dodge it, but losing his balance. The other was coming for 109 now. With a push of his leg in a desperate attempt to gain his balance he leaned back out of the way of the Ghost on its right and grabbed the back of the machine with his left hand. He swung up sideways only holding on with his left hand. He was desperately trying to pull himself up to grab on, but it was difficult with these speeds. 109 was running out of strength and time and he had to think fast. He decided to take a risk, he pulled out his pistol and decided to shoot the driver and hope he doesn't crash.

      The driver was still unaware, as this was only seconds after 109 grabbed on. He pulled his right hand up fighting the wind resistance and pushed the gun to the back of the unknowing pilot's head. Before the pilot could react the trigger was squeezed and the body fell limp. The Ghost swerved to the left heading for a wall. 109 pushed his entire weight to the left to follow with the Ghost's actions and side kicked the body out. He desperately grabbed the controls slowed down and swerved right.

      Now he saw the second Ghost, still unaware of 109's actions. The Ghost was going in for a second attack on the marines and 109 was gonna try to stop him. The Spartan accelerated to full speed. The other Ghost opened fire and let lose a barrage of plasma onto the squad of human soldiers. Before he could kill a soldier 109 flew in hitting the back of the enemy. The Spartan snapped around and charged at the enemy again. Before they were going to make contact again, the Spartan released a blast destroying the enemy. He continued on with his charge, but only to pass through debris, smoke, and fire.

      The squad fought off the enemy in the small sector. And when things calmed down a little they stopped to take a breather before more Covenant soldiers arrived to polish them off. 109 stopped the Ghost by the other men. He jumped off to join them.

      A young marine ran up to 109, excited to see him, "Sir, I'd like to thank you for saving our lives. You've surprised us a lot with the moves you performed." The Spartan nodded and kept walking. The marine didn't know what to say next, he was awe struck, hearing only about the Spartans and this being his first time seeing one.

      The Spartan's armor was a red like the original Greek Spartan's. His helmets visor was silver that would leave you looking back at yourself when he stared at you. His armor showed he was in battles before, with all this and all the Spartans being legendary already, the marine was intimidated.

"So what's your name?" the marine asked desperately trying to find conversation.
"109" was replied as he kept walking checking the area for their next move.
The marine continued with a confused look,"109? That's it? Just 109?"
The Spartan stopped and looked down to his side at the marine for a moment. An uneasy feeling came over the marine, not know if he just pushed the Spartan too far or not.
The Spartan placed his pistol into his holster and continued walking.
"My name is Robert."

      Before anything else could be said, off in the Distance a rumbling sound was heard. The Covenant has returned to the sector now. Over a small Hill came a Wraith. Before the Spartan had anytime to react the tank let out and blast hitting a building. When 109 turned he saw the wall of the building about to fall. He quickly pushed the marine in hopes of saving his life. Before he could get out of the way the Spartan was hit by the wall….

Author's note: I felt I needed to do a Prologue first to explain everything better before part one. Although I wasn't going to originaly write one. I wanted part one to start out differently. So I'll have it done soon. Also, the Prologue was fast paced as you can see, but I needed to get info in on something I wanted alot more smaller. Thanks for reading, and I hoped you enjoyed.
