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Fan Fiction

Under Siege, Part One
Posted By: Lumunistic<lumunious@hotmail.com>
Date: 29 April 2004, 9:29 PM

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This is my first attempt at writing stories on HBO, but not the first time I've tried - You can see my other attempts at www.343gs.com's forums. This is a new series that I am working on, called Under Siege. Enjoy!

Under Siege, Part One

"Go," Lieutenant Nathan Faren said over the COM. In seconds, the United Nations Armed Forces Special Forces Squadron Foxtrot-Five had emerged from thier well hidden hiding places, in the long-forgotten city of past wars and sadness. About a few hours ago, Foxtrot-Five had been doing thier usual thing, recon missions, R&R, the UN soldier's daily review.

But something was wrong. Lieutenant Faren was convinced. UN HighCom had contacted him hours ago saying there was a possible Covenant invasion, and that the aliens were probably going to attack-and-control a weak, desolate area - Namley the city in Kosovo. Lieutenant Faren, not in the best condition, accepted the mission.

Faren was in doubts, however. The Covenant hadn't been sighted anywhere in the Solar System, and for that matter, not since... Reach.

Unless command was lieing.

Lieutenant Faren scoffed. If there was going to be a Covenant invasion, they would've been sighted by now. However, with the 'increased security protocols,' it was probable that, along to the rest of the planets in the Outer Colonys, they were hiding the information on purpose.

Lieutenant Faren aimed his battle rifle everywhere, alert, and yet his mind going around endlessly.

If that was true, and there was another ONI spook thing going on, then one of thier birds would be watching him right now. He turned on the tech scanner and began to scan the area, his Command squad right behind him. All he saw were the stuff of his soldiers.

But then there was something else.

North-north west of thier position was an unidentified source, and when he tried to trace it, it was blocked out. The only people that had that technology were...

He looked away, knowing that they might've saw him. He cursed ONI. They were spying on him, making sure that he didn't say anything. They knew damn well he knew. He turned around, and regained his composure bitterly. He began to trudge onward into the ruined city.

He lay down in the sand, hiding behind a piece of metal, his scope in his hand. He cursed the people he worked for once more. ONI didn't care about anything but protecting the 'last of secrecy.'

Lieutenant Wagner drew his sniper scope away from the Specia l Forces squadron. Admiral Hood had made it clear that the Lieutenant in command would find out over there, blantly stating 'He's just too smart.' He was told to watch that the first operations parameters had been fufilled, and so far, it had. He rested his scope on the piece of metal beside him.

He knew well this was all damned. He knew that the UNSC should release the information of the Covenant nearby now. The Covenant were trying to keep it discreet by not dissecting any planets so far in Sol, but they underestimated them, for once.

He sighed, shaking his head. Lieutenant Wagner knew this was damn wrong. Everything in this war had gone wrong since Harvest. Since Sigma Octanus. He grabbed his rifle, and began to silently, discreetly, yet in utter protest, stomp back to the hidden ONI def-camp away from the city.

All the conspiracys, the evilness, the utter silence.. All for the sake of thier own asses, even though they'll die as well,Wagner thought to himself.

However, Lieutenant Wagner planned on changing that.

Lieutenant in command Faren sat on the dusty chair in the large room. Believed to be the city's former City Hall, Foxtrot-Five unit had taken over the building, set up camp along with pre-fab buildings, and established a security perimeter. It had only been a few minutes since they moved in, and though the speedy entrance, Faren was still worried.

He shook his head. He'd confirm his findings with the Admiral later - See if he could make any sense of it - But right now, he was just tired. Lieutenant Faren grabbed his rifle, put and attached it below his desk in case of an attack, and rested his eyes.

"Damn this," Lance Corporal Clemens muttered. It was damn cold out here, even though it was only 5 in the afternoon. "Forgot my damn mittens," He muttered. His partner, Corporal Harvey, nodded. It was screwy, them being here, with no action. This was a deal for UN Security Squadrons for Christ's sake, not for a -

"Oh shit, incoming fire!" East Sect said on the COM. He grabbed his rifle, and Harvey began radioing other teams for backup.

There goes a normal day.
