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Fan Fiction

Spec Ops part 1
Posted By: Lt. Leer Spec Ops
Date: 30 September 2004, 4:06 PM

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0400 hours Onboard the ship Star Dust
Personnel Log of Lt.Commander Leer.

The captain just called me into his office for a mission briefing, I have been chosen along with a team of 10 other specialists to conduct a raid on a covenant refueling station. The covenant use this station to refuel their ships and to stock up on raw materials such as plasmoid energy. The UNSC wants us to get the covenant off the planet so we can use it for the same purpose as them.

0800 hours aboard dropship headed for planets surface

"Alright boys lock and load here we go!" yelled the Lt. "Sir ready sir!" the marines screamed back at him, each of them reached behind his seat and picked up their FASAR's (fully automatic subatomic rifle). The rifles were one of the many new weapons the scientists at Reach 2 had developed. The rifles fired a atomic ray that would litterly tear apart the atoms of whatever it hit instantly killing or seriously wounding. The rifles also fired plasma tipped bullets and explosive bullets. The marines also had six imploder grenades, when activated these grenades would create a vacuum that would suck up whatever was around it in a radius of 6 feet, after sucking up it would spit it out in a big gooey mess. Last but not least was a plasma lined combat knife, the best thing about these knifes was they never had to be charged they used the motion of the blood pumping through your hand to fuel the miniature plasma generator.
"Alright marines ETA in five minutes" said the pilot over the com. "Roger that Sparky, don't forget us back here while your sitting here in you comfy chair" replied Lt. Leer. "Halo jump in 5 4 3 2 1, go go go move move move!" The marines piled out the back of the dropship at 1500 feet, the parachutes would deploy at 750 feet and would release the marines at 50 feet were they would somersault in the air and land on the ground. The only reason that the marines did not break every bone in there body when they landed was because of their reinforced bones, after boot camp every marine goes through a surgery that replaces all of the bones in their body with mozabinite a new metal that was 100 times stronger then titanium but also 100 times more flexible.
As the marines landed each of them whipped their out their FASAR and scanned the area with their UVAMD goggles (ultraviolet and motion detection). "Alright team were going to spread out into 2 groups, blue group and red group. I will take red group and scout ahead, Scott, you take blue group and cover our backs. Everyone got that?" "Sir yes sir!" "Alright then lets move out!" Lt. Leer and his group of 4 other marines began to move ahead of blue group.
"Sir, heat signal coming 200 yards 10 degrees southwest." Said a marine into the com.
"Acknowledged red one, red one and red three move out and investigate." Responded Lt. Leer.
As red one and red three carried out their orders, Lt. Leer noticed that a large group of 3 heat singles were moving toward them from above, at over 500 mph!
"Banshees at 50 degrees north!" yelled Leer. As the banshees flew over the team they dropped plasma bombs. "Scott! Get that jackhammer and take those birds down!"
"Already ahead of you sir" said Scott as he launched a jackhammer rocket at the nearest banshee. The banshee pilot tried to evade the rocket but it had a heatseaking tip and the banshee exploded in a huge ball of fire and plasma. The other two banshees immediately broke off the attack and fled off to report back to their base.
"Alright boys so much for the sneak attack, now they know were here, so we have to go for a frontal assault here's what we do, Scott you take blue team and plant a mine field about a mile in front of their base, I will take red team and draw them out, when they hit that mine field there wont be much left of them to fight against..."

OK this is my first try at writing fan fiction so if you don't like it cut me some slack ok hopefully as I progess through the story I will get better at writing and the story will be more enjoyable
-Lt. Leer signing out
