
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: llama-man<alienfinder3210@yahoo.com>
Date: 23 October 2007, 1:18 am

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December 24,2551
UNSC Pillar of Autumn
Serial Number-93732/83729

Dear Miranda,

Its been two years since Ive been able to see you. I am sorry that I havent been able to write you for all these months because our CO is taking the Cole protocal seriously, you know how it is... I saw your brother just before we left for Reach and if you are reading this BEFORE the holidays then he did his job. He has gotten taller hasnt he? A big difference since we were in Elementary together huh. Oh and I almost forgot to tell you, the CO has helped me with requesting my own vessel!
Then we might even be in the same battle-group! Well whatever,I hope to see you soon! Merry Christmas.



Two weeks later


(Video Clips taken from Commander Valois' Fire-Arm)

Possible Weapons Cache?

"Sir, what do you think we are going to find in there?" Intel suggests possible weapons cache, but no one can be sure right?" Captain Keyes! we are approaching the drop zone get your men ready to-(anti-air battery fire)SIR We're hit! I cant keep her steady! Mayday! Mayday! Kilo 23 is hit! we're going down!(loud crashes- fragment ends)

(Possibly landed? Crashed?)

Yo you guys alright? "Im alittle scratched sir, but ill be fine." Johnson? Ive been better sir, but im fine. Jeff is down sir! "Damn.." Leave him, we'll be back for him.

(Weapons cache? command center?)

"What do you think happened to it?" (examining several dead elites) Friendly fire I guess... Lets keep moving..

(tightly locked door)

Open it.- Sir are you sure? The covenant went out of their way to keep tis door shut. Do it Marine...
"Sir what was that?" Commander? What is it? "I thought I heard something Captain.."(shouts of pain) AHHH! GET IT OFF! "Stay still Garcia!" AHH!!! VALOIS! FIRE YOUR WEAPON! THATS AN ORDER! "Yes sir captain!"

(Valois, Johnson, and another Marine make it out of the doorway and make a run for the Crash site)

"OH SHIT! Luke is down!" Keep running sir!

(Truth and Reconciliation)
"Shh, be quite, I hear something.." Yes sir.
There! flood! what are they doing? "gathering bodies it would seem..."

Wow, you would think the flood are on our side... "Ha, far from it Private." Sir, we are almost on top of Keyes' signal and we-oh my god..." Sir..." WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? I GAVE YOU AN ORDER COMMANDER!" Sir, Im not leaving without you..."Just go! Wait... my front pocket... there is a letter-(cries of pain) that I want you to give to my family,(cries of pain) that I want you to give to my family when you get back..."Sir, I dont know what to-" Hes gone sir...(puts letter in his front pocket)



One week after the events on artifact "Halo"


"The last survivors of Reach" "Heros of Autumn", Ha. These people will never know what we went thru on Halo. What we felt, what we saw. These people think we "survived"
Halo, but it was exactly the opposite. We died at Reach, we died on the Autumn, and we died on Halo. Just like the rest of our brothers-in-arms, we were dead. Can you believe that only seven...seven soldiers and sailors made it off Halo? Of a crew of over 3000, seven of us were "lucky" enough to make it home. Its horrifying to recall the things we went thru. Our friends, our brothers, our sisters (studders) our fathers... Their faces...

I had the highest respect for the Keyes family, Captain Keyes was my closest friend for almost 25 years. He knew my father during the war and they spent most of their careers together from the same ship, to the same battle-group, they knew each other thru good and bad. When my father died defending Harvest I was 11, and feeling somewhat guilty for his death, He offered to welcome me to the Keyes family, and having nowhere to go, I accepted.

Captain Keyes did me a favor. Now I owe him one. On Halo, He wanted me to give a letter to his family. Thoughts of this sent chills down my spine, But i had to tell his family.. I NEEDED to...

December 25,2551
FFG-142/In Amber Clad
Serial Number-82736/71829

Dear Mike,

Merry Christmas! Its nice to hear from you again! Mums sad because we cant all be together for christmas like old times. I dont think she realizes that there is a war going on you know. Remember when we were kids, and we accidently lit the christmas tree on fire? The look on mums face was priceless! Things are chaotic here on Earth. The threat of covenant invasion is becoming a reality here. I cant say much more because we are about to get underway, but tell my father I said merry-christmas alright? Take care of yourself!



I had arrived at the Keyes family residence. A strange aroma was in the air, I could smell it from even outside the cabin. It smelled familiar, but I just couldnt put my finger on it. I was about to ring the door-bell when I started shaking. "The cold?" I thought. No. I was raised in this weather, the cold didnt bother me. Was it Fear? Guilt? Or was it the fact that I was about to hand Keyes' only known living relative a folded flag. I had to take control of my feelings, or they would take control of me.
So I rang the door-bell.

What happened next felt like a dream. A young woman with jet-black hair and green eyes opened the door. Seeing me put a smile on her face until she began to curiously examine me to find out why I was so lifeless. About a minute or so went by when she finaly fell to her knees, tears pouring down the side of her face. I helped her to her feet, carried her inside to the living room, then sat her down on a couch. Seeing her like this made me have regrets about coming here... The last thing I wanted to do was cause pain for the Keyes family(which at this time I was doing a REALLY good job of) Seeing her like this made me start to tear-up. We both sat there, for a half-hour, just crying when finaly she said to me: "Mike" and i dont know why, but the only thing i could say to her was "Miranda." Miranda, still crying, asked me something that almost made me shoot myself.."were you there when he died?" I didnt reply..."Were you there when he died?"said Miranda, but more annoyed than before."You bastard! answer me!" for a moment it looked as if she hated me, I could see it in her eyes. Instead of replying her, I reached into my front pocket, and pulled out a letter with the name "Keyes" on the front.

"Dear Miranda,

If you are reading this note then I have died in service to the UNSC and to Earth. Just remember that I will always love you and your mother, and that I died protecting you and everything you hold dear. Make sure you look after both your brother and Michael and keep them out of trouble.
Remember to let Fluffy out every couple of hours, and watch out for that one fox that keeps annoying the neighbors. I hope that your career as a UNSC officer goes smoothly and pray for a swift ending of the war...."

She stopped reading, wiped the tears off her face, then continued reading...

"so that no more men and women have to give theirs lives for humanity. It pains me to have to tell you all this in a letter, I havnt seen you in so long. I never got a chance to tell you I loved you...

Captain Jacob Keyes"

(PS. At the Cabin, theres is an old antique desk. Look in the second drawer down on the right hand side.)

Her facial expression changed. She was no longer sad and gloomy, but curious, of what her father mentioned in his letter. She looked at me, at the letter, then at the stairway. She grabbed my hand and we both walked up the stairs to her father's office.

The room looked as if it was untouched for all the years her father was at war, Dust was everywhere. While I was looking around at some of Jacobs pictures and awards, Miranda was focused on the task at hand. She found the desk, opened the drawer mentioned in the letter, and I swear, for a second I saw her face light up with joy.
She reached in the desk, and pulled out a picture of Miranda, Michael, Jacob, and Matt all sitting around a campfire. "I remember that day" I said to Miranda. "Your mother couldnt come with us camping because she had to work. "Isnt that also the day we got married?" said Miranda with a slight smile on her face. "I guess it was."

The two of us looked at each other for a moment when i realized something, this is why Keyes wanted me in his family. I always wondered why he did it but I was so stupid! The answer was right in front of me the whole time...


Three years later


"Well it looks like you are a hero Mike." said Miranda." Well you would think I was seeing as I ended the war and all...
Miranda, I have something I need to ask you... "What?"
A long time ago, when my parents died, your father gave me a chance to be in your family. So what Im saying is, well, Miranda, I would like to give you a chance to be in mine...
(Well, you can imagine what happens next, BOW CHICKA BOW WOW =D)

