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Fan Fiction

Stories of The Legendary Hell Jumper III: Unexpected Betrayal
Posted By: lam<lamminator_21@hotmail.com>
Date: 22 May 2006, 4:04 pm

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(Eradinus VII, Cote D'Azur, Outskirts of dowtown)

McKay went around the LZ and counted up her marines before calling for evac and notice green team was missing. If they were still in the hell hole, she still had her chance to accomplish her own set goal.

[Red one to green one, do you copy? over.]

There was a moment of radio traffic on the team freq. and a voice came in.

[This is green one, I hear ya loud and clear El tee. Awaiting your orders.]

Mckay felt a moment of delight in her and thought this is the chance to rid of the freaks for good. She paused to think and was able to pull out something. The nuke they had planted on the sewers for the second party of covenant to drop by.

[Ok, here are your orders. There's a passage to the sewage system 2 blocks from your location. The present we brought for the covenant is there and they want it bad...so lets give em an early birthday surprise.]

[Aye, m'am. We've located the present. It is set to open in 30 minutes and counting. Awaiting for more objectives. over.]

[Okay, set it to 15 minutes and haul your asses back here for dust off. Red one out.]

[Affirmative, El tee. We're heading back now.]

'Okay! Saddle up leather necks, we're moving out! Our ride is here. Blue team wait for green team to arrive and get your ass outta here. One of the pelicans will stay behind to wait. Goodluck boys and girls!' One of the marines sent a complaint to her and was rewarded with shit talk. Jeremy just stood there wide-eyed, staring at McKay like if she came back from the deck. She noticed the suspision and walked over.'You look like you soiled yourself boy. Need a break?' Jeremy just stood there for a moment and replied.'No, m'am. I'm here to do my duty!' McKay seemed puzzled, but decided to put him off her case and took a seat on the dropship and soon flew off into the distant clouds. Jeremy turned back to his squad and saw them exchange insults to eachother, fresh recruits...Only Shawn, Julie, and Zherdane we're left in his team. The rest we're brand new jarheads waiting to pound on anything headfirst except from "feet first" or in other cases, they were slow in the head...

3 minutes passed when green team finally arrived and Bravo 32 arrived for dust off. Everyone got on board except for Jeremy who thought of the Spartans who were in danger. He didn't know what to do, follow orders or for the survival of mankind and Earth.'Come on jeremy! Lets go!' One marine called out. Jeremy ignored them and ran off back into the center of the city. He could hear his team threatening him and pleaded him to come back behind him, but continued to go on with no pause.

(Eradinus VII, Cote D'Azur, Central downtown)

It took him 6 minutes to make his way through the wreckage produced by the new waves of covenant carriers that arrived at the scene. When noticing more heavilly armed elites patrolling the the area, Jeremy took caution and used his stealth abilities to sneak past them. From carto car, structure to structure, he sneaked by all of the forces without them noticing. When he reached the museum he once saw the spartans enter, he say 2 grunts sleeping in the job near a pile of wreckage. The corporal took exception to this and silently went up to the snoozing couple, grabbed them behind a flipped vehicle and finished them off with his combat knife. After the incident, 2 elites who were assigned to watch out for the grunts notice their disapearence and knew something was wrong. Jeremy heard them speaking in their translators in a weird low, mono-toned voice. Jeremy got a captured plasma greande out and activated it.'Where did those 2 scumbags go to now? Once I get my hands on them I'll...' He was cut off when a plasma grenade glued to his helmet. The other elite tried to go over and tear it off, but was surprised with an explosion that engulfed them both. A whole file of jackals went over to find out what happened and founf a huge crater where the 2 elites had been and a pair of fragmentation grenades under them...The vulture-like creatures tried to escape when they were caught by the blast and sent purple blood and gore flying everywhere. Jeremy swore under his breath and regret using the fragmentation grenades. They were quick and stealthy, but lacked of cleanliness. He checked the area for more hostile and found it cleard. He advanced into the museum before drawing more attention and heard a raging battle up ahead. Paintings were riddled with 7.62mm armour-piercing holes, pillars that holed the structure we're blown apart. It was hell in here. After studying the new art, he moved on to the other room and found the spartans fighting 2 massive alien creatures. They were roughly 12 feet tall, held a huge metal shield, and carried an attached weapon on the other arm. The spartans continued to unload AR rounds into the massive creatures, but the bullets just ricocheted of their armour and nearly hitting Jeremy. He decided to come in and help by pulling out his sidearm and fired the 12.7mm slugs at the creatures. all but one of the 12 rounds he fired hit a soft orange spot in its back, right under it's spiny back. The alien groaned and fell with a loud thump. With it's brother dead, the other alien gave a battle cry and charged at Jeremy with tremendous speed. It revealed it's spikes, ready to slice Jeremy apart when he rolled to the side nearly missing the spikes and it's massive shield. The spartans saw Jeremy's technique he did to the last one and did the same. All of them unloaded their MA5B clips on the things unprotected back. It gave a load roared and dropped down dead. The spartan with the eagle insignia walked over and patted him on the shoulder.'Your one helluva soldier marine. So who brought you here and what are your orders. Jeremy was stunned for a moment and saw him getting frustrated.'My orders were to wait for green team to finish their objective and wait for evac.' The Chief seemed puzzled and told him to go on.'Green team was assigned to find the bomb you and your team planted and reset its timer to 15 minutes since the new wave of covenant arrived.' Jeremy saw his furious expression and backed away a few paces.'Did your CO even know we were still in here? or did she have other plans?' Jeremy turned pale, looked around to see all the others staring back at him. If he told them the truth, who knows what they would of done.'Sir, after you went into the museum, we lost your signal. The El tee thought you were KIA so it was her turn to take over. Since you were out of the way, she thought the covenant would continue their search for something that would be a threat to humaity, so she ordered us to proceed.' Jeremy stood there stiffly, just hoping they wouldn't find out. The chief his held ground and then turned around and ordered his squad to leave the hell hole like Jeremy wasn't even there. He was surprised and relieved that it was over and followed them out.

'How much minutes do we have left?' The cheif growled at Jeremy.'6 minutes and counting sir.' It was merely impossible to escape out of the city on foot. The chief tried to call for evac, but something jammed their communications. Just when all hope was lost, the group came upon a pair of LRV warthogs parked beside a pile of dead marines and covenant alike. Jeremy gave a deep sigh of comfort and made his way to the vehicles with renewed speed, followed by the spartans. When they reached them, Jeremy found one of the LRV's were missing a turret. It was no use, but to carry troops around the city, but they found use of it and filled it with the extra and injured spartans. Jeremy took the driver seat on the armoured warthog followed 2 spartans who took the sideseat and the gunner. After 30 seconds of preperations, the survivors drove to the hills on the outskirts of the city.

4 minutes remaining and they were still only half way due to the traffic ahead of them. A party of grunts and jackals lay ahead ready to fire their plasma, but were soon torn apart the M41 LAAG machine gun used by the front warthog. The other one followed behind since they only had very little fire power. The hill was dead ahead now and with 2 minutes left, they had a chance. Just when things started getting light again, a pair of banshees swooped over them and started firing their plasma and fuel rod cannons. One projectile nearly hit the unarmed LRV and another skinned the paint from the first hog. After the that it was the spartan's turn, they fired their MA5B's and with the help from the LAAG, the 2 aircrafts were chewed up by the bullets and caught on fire causing them to crash in a skyscraper. Ahead, 3 elites awaited the vehicles and fired. Plasma scrapped off the vehicles paint and splashed into the window, but came to a stop when the overkilled by the 2 hogs, crushing them under their tires and leaving behind flesh and gore. The grgoup made it over the hills just in time to feel a dull thud and knew an empty void was left behind them.

(Eradinus VII, Cote D'Azur farming plantation outside downtown)

[Bravo 32, come in over.]

[This is Bravo 32, I've been following your ass all the way Green one, need a lift?]

[Affirmative, I have injured and need immediate medical attention.]

[Okay, five to dirt...touch down, Get your asses on board so I can have my meal back at the Voyager.]

After sitting down, Jeremy pulled out an energy bar and ate it whole. He was dead tired and had to save up energy to face the El tee when he got back. Screw that, he thought, it was a time to relax and celebrate their victory; an entire covenant armada obliderated, an already dead city destroyed. Yea, it was worth it. The Master Chief who sat beside Jeremy patted him on the shoulder gently.'That was some good shit you pulled back their marine. Thanks...' Jeremy stared at the chief's satisfied face and grinned. He was being congradulated by a spartan...it was a good start to their friendship. Jeremy stared through the airlock and saw the UNSC cruiser up ahead and though,'they're not that bad after all.' When everything went peaceful and silent, Jeremy heard the pilot scream over the mic.

[What the hell is going on over there captain?]

[Boarding crafts! Lots of em! The surviving bastards from the city are trying to raid the ship and take it over! Requesting backup from any UNSC personnel! What the...]

The captain was cut off when Jeremy saw the cruiser's hull was being bombarded with covenant boarding crafts. The Voyager sent a wave of archer missles at the incoming hostile, but took out only a quarter of the hostile. The onlt thing that was defending the cruiser now was the the marines in the ship. Jeremy felt the dropship accelerate faster and knew they heading to another battle.
