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Fan Fiction

Stories of The Legendary Hell Jumper II: Massacre at Cote D'Azur
Posted By: lam<lamminator_21@hotmail.com>
Date: 18 May 2006, 11:32 pm

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      This is the story continuing the series of the legendary Hell jumper. As Jeremy becomes a corporal after his first mission, a new danger lies ahead for him and his squad, eager to grind them to oblivion. After knowing they're in the deadly situation, Jeremy now has to pull off the miracle he did last time to save them again with the help of the almighty Spartans. Will he succeed? Or will it be too much of a challenge for him? Nah...

(Inner colony system Reach, ONI facility, Marine camp)

      As Mackay watched her Hell jumpers gobble up the last of their roast turkey hungrilly, she chuckled and called them over.'Ok peewee's, get your ass over here and let me continue to tell one of the greatest histories of the Hell jumpers. Ahh...Once I'm done with you leather necks, maybe you'll toughen for a change like the true ODST's. Now that's hard to imagine...Hah!' Everyone ran over like a herd of bulls and dropped down on their seats. All but Johnson who took his time, relaxing and finally stopped when the others growled at him to hurry. He frowned and took his seat angrilly, giving a deep sigh as Mackay shook her head and turned away.'Alright El tee. You can start now! I'm growing impatient.' One of them shouted out.'Shut your mouth boy, so am I!' Mackay barked back.'Ok, lets start shall we? Here goes...

(Epsilon Eridani system Eradinus VII, Onboard The Deep Voyager, Conference room)

      Jeremy sat on one of the chairs outside the conference room quietly, thinking about what Mackay and the CO sergeant were talking about. He was anxious, but nervous and he same time.'What could they be talking about in there?' He thought. They were taking forever, it should take only a few minutes, but instead the minutes became hours. He was growing impatient by the second and was about to burst when Mackay walked out of the room when made her way towrds him. He took a deep breath and saluted her. Mackay did the same and patted him on the back with a few comments.'The CO and I have discussed about your actions at Eradinus VI. He says he want to talk to you for a moment. Don't worry boy, I told him how well you did out there. He was surpised for a moment so there shouldn't be any problems. You're a helluva marine boy, you should be proud.' Mackay smiled and added one more thing before she strode off,'Oh yea, be on time for the new mission briefing.'and walked away, leaving Jeremy behind by himself. He relaxed himself and entered the conference room, standing face to face with the sergeant. He was old looking, but strongly built and buff. Jeremy froze just looking at the man's giant body. After a pause, Jeremy grabbed a hold of himself and saluted the sergeant.'Sir! reporting as ordered, sir!' The sergeant examined Jeremy for a second and nodded.'So you're one of Mackay's new rectuits. Your luitenant told me everyone about you. You're beginning to impress me son, we have very few of your type around here. Too little to begin with...for saying so I'm promoting you to corporal. Keep it up and maybe you'll deserve more than just that.' Jeremy quickly responded to the CO's compliment and awaited to be dismissed.'You're free to go son. If only there were more like you in the Navy. Who knows what the changes will be in this war.' The sergeant finally said and left the room. Jeremy followed afterwards, heading to the briefing cabin, feeling good about himself for the first time in a while.

(Epsilon Eridani system Eradinus VII, Onboard The Deep Voyager, Briefing room)

      Mackay slumped on her chair, watching her squad play around with each other. She shook her head when seeing a marine flirting with a girl, another pair of Hell jumpers wrestling, and group playing cards. Most were new recruits who didn't even care or know what situation they were in with the covenant. It was like a regular school for them,'They're going to regret doing that.' Mackay thought.

      5 minutes passed by when Mackay finally had enough and hurried to the door in search of Jeremy, to beat the crap outta him. Just when she arrived at the door it slid open and Jeremy entered, nearly bumping into Mackay.'You're late...' Mackay growled. Jeremy stared at her in the eyes and knew it was trouble. Just when Jeremy thought it was the end of him, Mackay stepped aside and pushed him in. He sighed in relief and walked towards the briefing tables to join his fellow mates. Jeremy examined his squad and found something different. His whole squad were new recruits who stared at him like a dirty dog in the streets. All but Ken, Shawn, and Julie. He ignored the rest and made his way to his old pals, making a path through the unorganized group of marines. The mixed white/black Jamaican, 6'11 feet tall and weighed 290 pound Jeremy did it with ease. He chuckled and sat down beside Ken. Mackay made her way over to the overhead screen and began the mission briefing.'A'ight, it appears that Eradinus VII is under heavy fire and 93% of its surface is glassed. Looks like they are purposely ignoring Hoque, Downtown to find something there. The red zone is at the museum of human history. The covenant are probably searching there so, whatever their doing it's definitely not good. In order to stop them, we gotta search for the remaining survivers, evac them, and nuke the goddamn place to hell. The Spartans will assist us so it'll be a walk park. Am I right marines?' The Hell jumpers looked at each other and back at the luitenant and yelled in unison. Jeremy never seen a Spartan face to face before. He heard they were the best "of" the best, fear no enemy, and immortal servants of Thor. Nah, nothing is invincible, not even a Spartan. Jeremy left it all behind and cocked his MA5B AR and M6D magnum. Ken and Julie did the same, but Shawn was assigned to a S2 AM sniper rifle, due to his deadly accuracy.'Lucky ass...' Jeremy whispered. Shawn heard and laughed. After arming themselves, they made their way to the archer pods, specifically designed for them, Hell jumper style; land feet first on enemy territory. Each of the ODSTs got into their pods and one by one, they were launched down to the doomed planet, feet first. This is going to be a real battle...

(Eradinus VII, Outskirts of Cote D'Azur, Downtown)

      A group of jackals stay patrolled the shores of the city and stopped all of a sudden, smelling the air, searching with their sharp eyes for something, something coming on top of them. Not they knew, wrong mistake again.

      Up on the sky, about 20 comet-like objects dropped down at an incredible speed, ripping apart the clouds, and finally slowed down as the emergency rockets egnited and slowed their approach. In less than 40 secounds after hitting the clouds, they touched the ground surprising the patrollers. A grunt went up to one of the pods and sniffed at it. It was confused and shrieked as the hatch flew out, propelling the crushed grunt to the ocean. Then all of the other pods opened and bullet rounds came out of them. Instantly, the whole patrol group fell on to the ground akwardly, splattering blood everywhere. The Hell jumpers appeared out of them and searched the area for any more covenant.'Clear' Jeremy called out. Mackay looked around and agreed.'Ok, hudle up leather necks. Lemme give you your groups. A'ight Shawn, Spartan-058: Linda you gives us cover fire on the building on front of us. Blue team, follow the other Spartans and make sure they succeed in their mission. The rest of you follow my lead and clear the outskirts of this place. We'll join up with the Spartans later. GoGoGo!'

      As blue team continued their way to the museum, they came by a couple of unknown covenant species they've never seen before. These ones looked harmless, detaching vehicles and fixing them back with a dozen of swift tentacles. Jeremy didn't feel good being near them and took a shot at one. The alien wobbled for a second and fell when the others stared at it giving a loud screech echoing all over the city. Jeremy turned pale and regret doing what he just did, he felt the earth under him shake and suddenly a pack of grunts and elites marched toward just a block away. The Spartan with the insignia of an eagle with the number 117 under it, walked over to him and spoke in a deep, low voice,'Don't ever do that again.' Jeremy gulped at the figures enormous size and nodded silently. That spartan can beat the crap outta him with one hand. Jeremy didn't bother giving attitude back and aimed his AR at the incoming covenant. He remembered Mackay telling him one of the Spartans killed 2 ODSTs and injured one in a training ring with no sweat. Nothing has ever took on 3 ODSTs single handedly that easilly. He erased all of it from his mind and conentrated on the enemy. As they surged closer, he saw 3 elites suddenly dropped and blooded poured out of it's skull. He knew it was the work of a sniper rifle and knew it wasn't Ken's doing, it was the other Spartan...The covenant were know in striking distance, Jeremy opened fired with controlled burst at the advancing grunts and took them down easilly. The rest of the team did the same and wiped out the enemy in seconds.'Wow,' he thought, these Spartans were super killing machines. The Spartans continued on to the museum like it was a walk in the park and the other ODSTs followed in awe.

(Eradinus VII, Cote D'azur, Central Downtown)

      When blue team arrived at the museum entrance, they saw something they could've never imagined. The covenant were using the structure as some kind of base. A dozen shade turrets sat on every balcony, covenant snipers hiding in dark corners on the roof, and wave by wave of jackals marching on catwalks. There was no way they could take em all by themselves. Then the unexpected happened and the Spartans ordered Jeremy and the other ODSTs to regroup with the others and get escape. He nodded in comfort and they ran off back the outskirts. Unluckilly, the snipers spotted them and took fire. Julie got hit in the leg, Ken hid under a car and took suppresing fire with his sidearm's scope. Jeremy hid behind Ken treating Julie While she spoke on the headcom.

[Shawn, can you guys give us a little back up here? We're pinned by snipers on the roofs.]

[Affirmative blue team, we have a clear shot.]

      5 seconds later, the snipers stopped shooting and Jeremy saw a beam rifle landed right next to him. He strapped his MA5B AR and picked up his new best friend.

[Goodjob Shawn]

[Save it Jeremy, it wasn't me...]

      After patching up Julie, They made their way to Mackay's team and joined up with the rest of the squad.'What's a metter son, weren't suppose to be with the Spartans?' Mackay spatted out.'No El tee, they ordered us to retreat so they could take care of the museum themselves.' Jeremy answered back. Mackay frowned thinking that the Spartans wanted all the credits, but kept it to herself. For the first time, she wanted to kill the Spartans.'I understand, Lets finish off the remaining covenant and get outta here. Wee're going to nuke the city after.' Mackay commanded. Everyone saluted her and went off, silent and confused. 'Was she trying to kill the covenant or the Spartans?' Jeremy thought. Most of the ODSTs held a grudge on them and Jeremy knew that, but he never knew how much they hated the Spartans. Until now...

To be concluded...
