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Fan Fiction

Chapter 2: What we do to liars
Posted By: Kyle/Mutated Elite<cooldud91@hotmail.com>
Date: 7 April 2003, 3:05 AM

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authors Note: Sorry for the delay folks. Me and Mutated Elite were pretty caught up with school work... i was going to upload the fanfic a little while ago before i learned of this submission form. So, here is the new chapter of Legacy of the Spartan 3s. I would enjoy reviews...but remember, i'm banned. so is Mutated Elite (Why, i can't explain.) but anyway, enjoy the series!!!

Halo: The Legacy of the Spartan IIIs

By Kyle Gallagher

0943 hours, UNSC Longsword interceptor B0345671001 en route to sector Gamma 0B9 Omega

"Let's go." Pvt. Benson said.

"Okay! Let's see… The coordinate data seems accurate. Checking radar… scans show 3 inbound Covenant starfighters right… there." Greg pointed to a spot on his radar. He suddenly looked up from the radar screen to see that 3 Covenant starfighters,

code-named "Seraphs" by the UNSC, were opening fire on the longsword. "Benson, arm a missile. Take down one of those fighters."

"Uh, sir? I'm afraid that's a negative." Benson said.

"Why is that?" Greg asked.

"Because the missile launch system is damaged. Most likely back in the dock when an internal blast went off."

"Well, spray them with the gatling cannon pods."

"Yes, sir."

He flipped a switch and moved his joystick around. He fired at a fighter and saw several shots bounce off, but a few lodged in the fighter. Flames shot from it. The craft exploded, it's rear hatch opened, and a charred elite corpse with a blue cloud around it; it's blood.

"Benson, prepare a SAC 2 cannon round for those freaks."

"Aye, sir."

The SAC cannons (Small accelerator cannons) were small cannons that fired heavy rounds at a velocity usually of 50,000 MPH. They were mostly used on fighters, dropships, and as point-defense cannons for UNSC starships. Although not nearly a hundredth as powerful as the main MAC cannons used as the main weapon on starships, it could still easily reduce a troopship, boarding craft, squadron of fighters, or a full wing of banshees(The UNSC code name for covenant aircraft) to flaming scrap metal. Anyway, back to the action.

Benson charged the SAC cannon up to 120%. They would need the extra boost because the quick maneuvers of covenant fighters were so unpredictable. He aimed for a ship, and then fired. The craft shook and a split second later, a brilliant explosion engulfed the fighters in flames. The smoke cleared, and only small bits of charred black metal were left of them.

All of the passengers and crew cheered.

"That was a nice one, Private!" A technician said.

"Wait, look! More fighters!" Said Corporal Garrett.

"Missile system back online." Pvt. Benson reported. "Time to whoop some serious covenant tail."

8 fighters appeared on the window. On Benson's

viewscreen, 8 red dots appeared on the fighters.

"Goodman, buy us some time. Hold those crapheads off with the gatling guns." Corporal Garrett said.

"Got it." Said Pvt. Goodman.

Shots bounced off the covenant craft. Some ships engulfed in flames. They realized what was happening and attacked. The longsword shook with every shot. Greg looked out the window. He saw the wing being torn apart by plasma shots. He knew he had a mission. He knew he wouldn't fail for the UNSC… for Earth.

"Chief, we'll make it, right?" Said Karen, the sniper of Greg's red squadron.

"We've got to." Greg replied. "If we don't, then these covenant rebels will succeed in destroying Earth. Then mankind will be exterminated."

"Got it!" Pvt. Benson said. "I've got a lock. Here's a gift, you covie pissbrains, from me and all the boys back here, to you!"

He pulled the trigger on the joystick, flipped the control switch back to pilot mode, and made a quick jump away from the covenant fighters. He continued his journey towards the covenant command ship.

"That's funny." Benson said. "The coordinates are right, but… no command ship. Wait. There's something… No wait. It's just the remains of a covenant cruiser. He scanned it, and a hologram of it showed up on the holotank. A black, gnarled, burnt remain of a cruiser showed up, covered with holes, rips, and dents.

"This definitely isn't the command ship. With the information I got from this chip in the grunt's suit, the ship looks more like this:"

He inserted the chip into the holotank, scanned for the information, and finally found the command ship. It was the largest ship he had ever seen, and the shape was much different than that of the charred cruiser they found here.

"Do you know what that means, grunt?" Greg growled.

"Ummm… I gave you the wrong information?" The grunt asked nervously.

"No, you LIED!!!" Greg screamed. "And do you know what we do to liars?"

"Umm… I dunno." The grunt said.

"You'll find out." Greg cackled. "Benson, bring us closer to that cruiser."

"Aye, sir." Said Pvt. Benson.

The craft drifted through the twisted ship, and finally docked in a blackened cargo hold.

"What are we doing here?" The grunt said.

"Welcome to prison." Greg said smugly.

"WHAT? You don't understand!! I'm too young to die!! I can't stay here all alone!! I'll suffocate--"

"Shut up, grunt." Said Pvt. Goodman. "This place still has atmosphere. You'll live."
"B-B-But--" The grunt stammered.
"So long, grunt!" The humans said in unison as they boarded the longsword and revved up the engine. They charged the engine to 110% throttle and sped away.
"No-ho-ho-ho-ho!!" The grunt cried. "Now I will never get home!! WAHAAHAHAHHH!!! I WANNA GO HOME!!! WHAT DID SERGEANT GAROLUS DO TO DESERVE THIS??"

"Well, have you found the exact location to the command ship?" Corporal Garrett asked.

"Not yet." Greg said. "I've found everything: Weapons information, shield charges, crew and passengers… except for the location. The covie battle net is a tangle of information. I recall that a system called the internet was used on Earth. It was a mess of billions of websites. The internet was a hard place to find the stuff you were looking for. Even with search engines. Until AIs came along, it was extremely hard to navigate. Man, if only I had an AI right now… THAT'S IT!!!"

"What?" Said a technician.

"The new AI transfer network device!" Greg exclaimed. "It can be used to transfer AIs like Dave 2.0!!!"

"You mean Abe's AI?" Said Pvt. Benson.

"Yeah! It has tons of information, extended memory banks, special calculators, and quick searching!"

"Well, you've got me convinced." Said Karen.

"Good. I just hope that Abe survived that assault. I'm bringing a COM channel online. Captain Tyson? Captain Tyson, come in."

"Go ahead." Capt. Tyson's voice said over the speaker.

"Cap'n!!" Greg said. "Listen, we need to ask you a favor."

"What?" Capt. Tyson asked.

"We need Greg."

"Dave? Yeah, sure. Thank god for that AI transfer device. Hang on a sec… There. I just transferred Greg into your ship's memory banks."

"Thanks. I owe you one." Greg closed the channel.

"Hey, Greg." Dave said. "You needed me?"

"Yeah. I need you to search the covenant battle net to find the location of a covenant ship… The Beacon of Magic and Power. A grunt told me about this place. He gave me coordinates, but they just led to the remains of a cruiser. I left him there to starve and catch the disease in there that will make you cough up blood and turn you into powder--well, I better not get into the details. Anyway, I need you to find the real location of it. Could you help me out?"

"Yeah, sure… one moment…hmmm…Admiral Haquizius is the captain…950 point-defense cannons…95036 crew…A-ha! Here. This area right here."

"Okay. Let's move out." Said Luke, the heavy weapons sergeant of Red squadron. "I wanna nuke their heads off."

"Initiating turbo boosters. Engines at 90 percent charge. Ready to go, Greg?" Dave asked.


"We seem to be on track… velocity 700 miles per second. We're getting close… you should be able to see it now."

"Look, there it is!" Greg exclaimed.

"How do we know that this command ship thing isn't just a bunch of garbage?" Karen asked.

"We'll have to find out." Greg said quietly. "Dave, get ready to dock in that hangar bay."

Next chapter: Part 3: A bunch of garbage?
