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Fan Fiction

Encampment - Part 1 - Scouting
Posted By: Kyle16<kalenfield@hotmail.com>
Date: 27 February 2005, 8:16 PM

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Master Chief, SPARTAN-117 raised his head, scanning, waiting. He checked the motion sensor in his heads up display.
He slowly pushed himself up from his scouting position, still as ready to pounce as a cat watching a bird.

One movement, anything, a slight rustle of leaves, he was waiting for his reason to unleash his anger.

Losing a fellow SPARTAN in an ambush was not something the Master Chief was going to take lightly.
Only years of military training from the age of six kept his control in check.

He knew anger and vengeance were both very dangerous emotions. He had seen many marines killed trying to avenge their fallen comrades.

It rarely ended well.

He checked his Battle Rifle, to make sure it had not been damaged in the frantic escape. The Chief was not usually the type of soldier to run. But even augmented physically and mentally as he was, even he could not take out an entire encampment of Elites and Brutes. Only three SPARTANS remained, not including himself.

Antonia, Grace, Dean and the Master Chief were Blue Team.
They had been transported to this plant on a Pelican dropship. Admiral Hoom had given the Master Chief specific orders to scout the covenant encampment, not carry out an assault.

The Master Chief had suggested destroying the alien encampment, and he very much wanted to do so, but he would never disobey his superiors.

He opened a COM channel to Grace,
"Clear." was all he said. She replied the same word.
The Chief waited thirty seconds and looked to his right, there lay the three remaining on Blue Team.

That was the way the SPARTANS had been trained, to make sure they were never heard or seen.

Antonia, Blue Three, crawled forward and out of sight, silently.

The Chief and the other two waited for the Blue wink of the light in their heads up displays.

The light winked on, then back off again.

The Chief crawled slowly forward, careful where he placed his hands, making sure that he did not disturb any of the foliage around him.

He didnt want to leave any tracks for the covenant to follow.

He crawled up next to Blue Three.

She used a series of hand gestures to say what was up ahead.

The Encampment.

"What do want to do?" she asked
"My job" the Chief replied.

He pushed himself into a low crouch to peer over the top of the thistle bush in front of him.

He zoomed in through his heads up display.

Tents filled the once open space, big, white, hexagonal shaped tents. He spotted thousands of Elites and hundreds of Brutes.

The Chief decided that this Encampment should not be allowed to remain.

There was nothing he could do about it though...

"Sir?" it was Blue Two, Dean.
"I do not think that this encampment is here for no reason. In fact I think something is going to happen that we may not be able to stop."

Blue Three cocked her head to one side quizzically.

"We should circle the Encampment," the Chief said "Blue Three and I will circle the encampment in a clockwise, Blue Two and Four, you will take a counter clockwise rotation. Move out."

"Yes Sir!" they replied and immediately set off to their task. The Master Chief did not waste time standing around, he began to circle the enemy encampment at a quick pace.

Twenty minutes they circled, without a hitch. Moving closer for a better look, staying back because of an alien sentry.

The Chief rounded the next big oak tree and stopped in his tracks.

"Down" he said, across the COM.

A dozen brutes and double that number of Elites dressed in gold marched through a stand of trees with a purpose. They were too intent with where they were going to notice the two SPARTANS sprawled out behind a nearby bush. The aliens did not even speak with each other.

The aliens moved in a direction that would take them to the heart of the encampment.

"I'd like to find out where they were going." Blue Three said.

"Yes..." the Master Chief mused.

He could not decide whether or not he should sneak into the enemy encampment, and risk being seen or whether to continue his scouting.

"Master Chief to Blue Two and Blue Four," he said over the COM.
"Blue Two here, sir" came Deans voice.
"Meet at my location"
"Yes, sir"
"Were going to scout the alien encampment."
