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Fan Fiction

Shadow's Chapter
Posted By: Knightmare, Spartan 451, Archangel's Blade, Shadow<Shadowolf16@aol.com>
Date: 20 May 2003, 11:06 PM

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Rebirth - Shadow's Chapter 1

NOTE: the "::"s are simply indications that the Covenant are speaking in their native language and the words are a translation of their chatter.


Shadow awoke to the deep resounding ground pound, wary of his still injured position. He kept his eyes shut tightly, hoping not to give away the fact that he was awake and aware that something was near him. Seeing how there was not a second ground shake, he slowly opened his eyes, only to have his windows met with the white light of the surrounding area. It took him but a second for his eyes to respond, and the blinding light slowly faded into the golden grasses and the deep blue mountains surrounding him. The winds blew silently, causing the golden grasses to wave quickly in the cool touch of the air. He slowly looked up, trying once again to arise himself from his laying position and survey the area. But he failed miserably, only to be met with extreme pain of his shattered legs. He collapsed back on the ground, having lost all hope of surviving the coming time of immobilization.

The ground shook underneath him again. But this time it was a constant rumble underneath his body. The ground shook his legs, causing an undying pain, but he ignored the stabbing throes in his legs in favor of finding out what was causing the rumbling. He raised his head a little, and seeing nothing, he slammed his own head into the ground...ear first. He listened closely to the ground thumps. They certainly had creatures of different sizes, and none of them had the same weight or leg speed of humans. They must be Covenant. There were two very large armies to his left and to his right. Was it a Covenant Civil War? There were so many different running signatures sprinting through his mind that he had never heard before. He had no time to ponder what these new running signatures were, or why the Covenant were still on the Earth, for explosions began to come from the ground around him. The Covenant tanks were already lobbing their plasma shells at each other. One came frightening close to him, but it did nothing but make him witness some uncomfortable heat. Unfortunately though, the grunts, jackals and elites from both sides instantly collided around him. Hundreds upon hundreds of blue and green beams were exchanged on both sides, sending bodies flying everywhere. A few of the aliens noticed his presence in the area, but didn't find him a threat and quickly dismissed him in favor of the more dangerous foes at hand. Shadow gathered enough energy to pull his hand out from his side and to his face.

"EVA, are you there? Tell me you're functioning."

He waited for a few seconds, but was greeted with only the blasts and explosions from the background. EVA was silent, and he was truly alone in this unknown place. Before he could think of something else to do in an attempt to get him away from the ravaging battle, a plasma grenade landed a few feet from him. He knew that it was far enough away to do nothing but give him minor burns, but he knew that it could send him flying through the air into some other danger. And that was exactly what it did. The grenade began to crack as blue beams of light came from within the small ball. Within a second, the beams were replaced with blue smoke and energy, and Shadow was blown back, landing head first at the feet of a noticing Covenant elite who in turn was quickly cut down in his lack of response to the surrounding battle. Shadow didn't feel the blood splatter from the elite above him, for he was unconscious. Unknown to him, the battle continued to rage on for another 10 minutes before dying down to silence. The victorious Covenant force slowly searched the mounds of dead bodies for survivors on both sides. Undoubtedly, they came upon the near lifeless body of the only human in the battle. The grunt that found him turned around and went screaming to his leading elite officers, who then turned to their commanding officers. The two commanders quickly responded and ran to the scene, wondering if the human had any information that they could extract from them.

"::Do you think the human will have any information?::"
"::I don't know. The grunt has told us that he was dressed in some strange civilian clothing. If this is so, then the chances of him helping us are quite low::"

When they arrived there, they were horrified at what they saw. Though Shadow's beaten figure was not nearly imposing, they both took one step back from the unconscious human.

"::This can't be possible!! Its him! The one that destroyed the entire First Covenant invasion force!::"

The elites were of course not there to witness Shadow's feat of destruction of the Covenant invasion force, as they were many a generation after. But they had read books and looked at many pictures of the one human that had ruined their first attempt at destroying the human race. The image of the man was branded in their minds.

"::But that was years ago! He was supposed to have died in the battle! That and even if he did survive, he should be dead from old age!::"
"::What should we do?::"
"::I...I don't know. We should keep him alive. Perhaps if we help him survive from his situation, perhaps he'll help us.::"
"::Perhaps. But the humans are our enemies. We have sworn to destroy all human life. We should really exterminate him.::"

The first elite leaned down and picked up the battered body and they walked off to return to their ground base.

Shadow awoke on a hard cold ground. Again, he kept his eyes closed tight to ensure not give away the fact that he was awake. He listened for anything that would tell him of his location and his situation. He heard the soft hum of Covenant generators. Judging by the cold hard floor beneath him, he was in a jail cell. He listened yet again, carefully picking up bits and pieces of info that would tell him more about his surroundings. He heard the high-pitched zing of a security camera above him. He didn't know exactly where, but he knew that it was far too distant for him to reach and deactivate. He heard the humming of the electrical jail bars in front of him. He leaned back slightly and knew that there was a wall behind him. So three walls surrounded him and the electrical bars were in front of him...perhaps about 8 feet or so. He couldn't be sure because the humming was different from what he was used to, and what he was trained to listen to. The Covenant must have made new technology passes quite quickly. But it only served to contribute to his confusion about everything. He slowly opened his eyes, seeing that there was nothing else to think about or to discover. Everything was as he had expected, except the camera above him was foreign to him. Even though he had infiltrated countless Covenant bases, he had never encountered such a device. It was quite odd to him.

All of a sudden, the beams of energy turned off in front of him. He normally would have attempted to escape, but his legs were still crushed. In walked in a golden Covenant elite, apparently the leader of the facility that he was imprisoned in. He was flanked by two other elites, each with strange devices, which looked like shocking weapons. Well, at least they hadn't come to execute him yet, though it seemed that torture was on its way. He looked up, his scraggly hair blocking much of his vision. He didn't need to look, for golden elites were but commonplace to him. The armor looked odd to him...changed in some indecipherable way. New technology again, perhaps.

"::Human, your face is well known to our race. But what confuses me is how you have managed to live this long.::"
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"::Human, if you had survived the great destruction of our invasion force, you would be hundreds of years old by now.::"
"::But I just destroyed the invasion forces before you found my body at the battlefield. It couldn't have been more than a day or so when you found me.::"
"::Impossible human. But your voice rings of truth. Perhaps forces greater than we can explain are at work here. I will not contest why you're here. But you will help us, or you will die.::"
"I'm already dead," Shadow replied snidely.

The frustrated golden elite, with nothing to say in response, nodded to the other two elites at his side. They nodded in return, and moved in. As the shocking devices headed towards him, he grabbed one of them from the side, ripped it from the elite's clenched hands, opened his palm to let it spin, flipped in a 180 degree spin and pushed it back at the elite, shocking him into a stupor. The other quickly moved in though, and everything faded to black.
