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Fan Fiction

The Short Timers Chap. 1 Into the Frying Pan
Posted By: KilltheMonitor and Elite676<brent_winfield@yahoo.com>
Date: 27 July 2004, 7:55 PM

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      hey guys me and my bro are writing this together so I don't look so bad ha. anyway PLEASE leave all the comments you want. Maybe this will make up for MY NOOBISH ways in the past LOL.

      I looked up at a large sign hanging above the street that lead to a chain link fence. The sign read Camp Williams Complex 403. I looked back down and faced the fence, standing in front of the gate was two MP's both with MA5B Assault rifles cradled in there arms.

      I then grabbed my ruck sack off the street corner and approached the gate, and then I knew, that my life would change forever.

Chapter One

      I looked out of the small head sized window, that faced the large green luminescent planet of Tachina Seven. I then turned and faced the docking bay from the cat walk that I stood on, looking over the ten Pelican Dropships, and knew that each was my responsibility. I then faced the large group of Marines that faced the port side of the docking bay. Above them was a sign that read UNSCExacushaner I then looked around and took in the size and scope of the massive carrier, and was struck that the ship could so easily fall into the clutches of a Covy ship. I then turned his attention back to his Marines.

      There were a hundred and three Marines, least to say, they took up halve of the docking bay. I turned on my heels and walked towards the end of the cat walk. As I reached it I turned and walked down a massive metal stair well that lead to the main floor of the docking bay. I turned and walked towards my Marines, as I neared, one of the Sargent stepped forward, his hand whipped to his forehead, in a crisp salute, as he yelled to the men"ATTENTION"!

      Suddenly the whole regiment snapped into clean salutes. I returned their salutes and then said in a clear voice"At ease men". The men all lowered their hands quickly, placing their hands behind their backs and widened their stance. The Sargent then quickly stepped back in column and went at ease. I looked each Marine over. So young, so much wasted. I hated this war but yet I knew that it needed to be fought, I cleared my throat and prepared to address them. I have know these men since boot camp, and still I was nervous to address them. I wondered why I was so nervous to speak to these men as I prepared to speak. "Men, today we will be going into battle for the first time. And I want you to know, That I would trust my life to no finer men, and though I know that some of you will die today I want you all to remember that you died trying to preserve our freedom. and that you will be honored until the day comes when we are either defeated or until time itself ends".

      I looked them over one last time hoping when the day ended I would not have wasted those mens lives. I then unsung the MA5B that was slung on my back, and said in the most encouraging voice I could manage"Now lets go kill those ugly basterds"

      I then turned on my heels and ran to the lead drop ship, behind me I heard the foot beats of all the hundred and three of my Marines, following me into the jaws of hell. As I moved into the Dropships and entered the lead seat, I turned and faced my squad who were quickly boarding behind me, and said into the com, at Rodriguez and Michelson, "stow your jackhammer in the spare seat".

      "YES SIR!" they both replied, As the buff Rodriguez hefted the large launcher into the spare seat while Michelson strapped it in. They then both quickly took their
seats. I then waited for the rest of the squad to take their seats. Then I quickly strapped myself in my seat, I then turned and faced the cockpit, and yelled into the com,"Good to GO!"

      The pilot turned and faced me and gave me the thumbs up sign, as the pelican doors began to close. Then the bay lights turned red, there was com static as the pilots as they corraded their routes. Then there was a slight shudder as the pelican detached from its clamps that held it in its bay. Out side I could hear the Exacushaners docking bay sounded for everyone to clear the bay. I then turned and looked up through the cockpit window as the docking bay doors opened and the atmosphere was vented.

       Then as the doors opened fully the pelican accelerated, leaving the ships docking bay and entering space. Then I knew that this was the point of no return, Ether I would bring those men home alive, or I would die along side them in valor or in vain.

I really hope ya like this, I wrote it and prof read it while Elite676 gave me the story. Email me alsoif you got any good ideas.
