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Fan Fiction

Harker's hellhole
Posted By: Keeper_of_the_Holy_Light<bissonjoshua@yahoo.com>
Date: 24 May 2005, 9:00 PM

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Mission log donated by: lieutenant Christopher Harker

The pelican rumbled as lieutenant Harker and his squad flew in. So much had happened in the past three and a half hours earth had been attacked London glassed and new Mombassa and many more cities had fallen. The pelican rumbled and shook hard, "Davison, Jackson, Carter prepare for a hard landing", screamed the pilot. The lieutenant and the three other troopers in the pelican plummeted toward earth.
Remnants of Los Anglos 4:41 P.M.5th hour of the covenant invasion
Lieutenant Harker emptied a clip of battle rifle into an elite sniper "die ya figin covie!"
He reloaded and threw a frag grenade "carter, carter how ya doing?" he screamed as plasma washed over a nearby wreck of a warthog. "Oh crap can't the medics get hear any faster carter bellowed as blood ran down his chest. "Don't worry the medics will get here soon" assured Davison. An explosion rumbled nearby and four elites and two grunts all equipped with plasma rifles appeared, they opened fire, Harker saw Jackson drop and lay still Davison rolled and primed a fragmentation grenade. This blew two elites and the grunts to bits Harker fires his battle rifle and dropped one of elites finally Davison shot the last one down. "Oh holy Jesus", lieutenant Harker swore, "they got Jackson!"Davison just sat down and watched as a pelican came down and the all got in. They arrived in Houston Texas at 10:06 P.M and got carter to a hospital when the enemy arrived Harker and Davison got to the barracks and grabbed weapons Harker grabbed an smg and eight extra clips and two magnum pistols while Davison took a shotgun and slung a battle rifle over his shoulder. Over the COM came the voice of the general Harvey Creigson "all units report to the trench show those covenant scum what humans are made of, show them no mercy because they deserve none". "You heard the man," yelled a female voice Harker looked up it was a major Harker saluted as she stepped up to him and said, "Time to move lieutenant I'll see you on the field.
Trench Around Huston Texas army base 11:39 P.M 7th hour of the covenant invasion

     Davison move, move, move Harker loaded his rifle and charged out to the field and fired at the covenant and he heard Davison crow, "there are two things I love to do that's drinking and shooting you losers. And guess who ran just out of beer?" eight marines ran up to were Harker and Davison were and asked, "so your our new loot?" "Guess", so announced Harker. One staff sergeant charged in "this 'aint no tea party you little sissies lets GO!"
They all charged out onto the field one of the marines who had talked to Harker fired and old MA5B he emptied a clip into an elite and a grunt who both fell back that's right you alien dumbass. Harker heard a rumbling and he looked up and saw a wraith tank coming "oh damnit fall back every one fall back." Harker heard the major yell the wraith fired and Harker watched in horror as two marines were enveloped in a burning blast of plasma. Davison grabbed Harker and yelled, "don't just stand there Chris!" Then Davison was caught in the chest by a bolt of plasma. He fell back and screamed in agony, "oh god, oh my god" Harker pulled him back and then threw him over his shoulder and ran back towards the pelican, they had to get back to the bunker. Harker got onto the pelican and lowered Davison down just then the major got on and screamed to the pilot, "Go get us out of here!" the pelican rose quickly and Harker bellowed, "Medic we need a medic here now!" A medic charged to Davison and gave him a shot of morphine "hang in there marine." he said. Davison coughed and blood dribbled down his face "sir", he asked Harker wear the covenant, wear are we? Harker just muttered, "don't worry about that just rest up." then Davison drifted into unconscious

     Houston Texas army base med bay 10:13 A: M 19th hour of the covenant invasion

Davison woke up and saw Harker sitting next to his cot on a foldout chair "oh my god what happened?" he asked the he tried to sit up but fell back "my god my chest is killing me." "Ya you took a hit make in the fight for the entrenchment. The doc said you will be up and combat ready in a day." Harker announced
Trench Around Huston Texas army base 11:36 A: M 2nd day of covenant invasion

Harker, Davison and carter who had been in med for almost two days now along with three other marines Clarkson Stevens and Harlod as the pelican landed Harker ticked of the marines inventory Davison had a Jackhammer rocket launcher and a smg carter had an MA5B a magnum pistol and twelve extra frag grenades Stevens had a battle rifle and a seven cans of foaming explosive twelve lotus antitank mines and ten antipersonnel mines, and finally Herlod and Harker both had a shotgun, sniper, magnum and plenty of frags each also had flares. They landed and piled out of the pelican they saw ten scorpion tanks and thirty hogs "good at least they would have armor." thought Harker the charged out into battle halfway out Herlod took a hit he got up and then Davison called "medic, medic!" two medics picked Herlod up in a stretcher an elite with an energy sword bisected another marine before he fell under a hail of bullets carter primed a grenade "fire in the hole", he bellowed .An elite commando fired a blast of needlers on hit a poor marine right in the eye the shard exploded inside his head and shards of needles blew his head apart Harker winced and then dropped to the ground. An explosion detonated and knocked Harker over a carbine shot caught Clarkson in the area around his left lung he fell and screamed, "I'm hit!" Harker dropped by his side "hang in there, medic, he," called out Clarkson leaned forwards blood gushed from his wound and then Clarkson stiffened and lay dead in front of the covenant horde. Harker's heart was now filled with hatred for the covenant. He fired his sniper he dropped one gold armored elites and took down two jackals and a grunt. Stevens fired his battle rifle and then he saw a scarab move in and it fragged two of the tanks when it exploded four bomber totally destroyed the entire scarab. Seeing this the marines were now encouraged and inspired to victory the major yelled, "hit marines hit 'em hard!" As they charged forwards when he saw two hunters. The pair of hunters fired and vaporized four marines Harker snuck behind them and then he saw an orange patch of skin his aim was true and the first one fell the second one fell the major ran up to him and said, "show them who is boss." Harker just smiled and said, "Well I sure wish I knew." A grunt yelled something in his high pitched squeaking voice when Carter shot him with his battle rifle the covenant fled in terror as the marines totally annihilated the scattered fleeing enemy. Carter yelled something but it was lost in the hail and zing of bullets and the jeers from the marines. Suddenly eight covenant drop ships appeared and out of each dropped twelve commando elites in black armor commanded by a zealot. Then the teams mustered the troops and they turned their moral restored they charged as the marines retreated.

AUTHORS NOTE: did you like my story? if so thanks if not then don't tell me please if you do dislike my story and you expres your dislike then expext to find your XBOX stolen and your computer full of viruses thanx ^_^
