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Fan Fiction

The Legend of Kazak'-Dun Chapter 4
Posted By: Kane172<Kane172@aol.com>
Date: 4 January 2003, 5:30 pm

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Two months after his raids began Azun-ra looked up at the sky that night he watched the gods (actually forerunner spacecraft that seemed like shooting stars in the night sky) zip back and forth in sky building a looking glass onto the planets surface to see who was righteous to them and who resisted their will.  As he watched the ring shape over the past few months Azun-ra was fascinated by the mighty ring of the gods, not yet complete it was only a half circle, but it was still a grand achievement because Azun-ra noticed its beginning at the battle of Fan-Kirgosh now a decimated ruin.  Just then breaking his train of thought he heard a quick snap of a twig and since they were almost fifty Gish paces (about a kilometer) away from any forest he knew that his enemy made a drastic mistake.  Azun-ra raised his left hand and glanced over to the watch guard with the horn, the guard nodded and readied his horn and was waiting for the signal.  Azun-ra's fist flashed down, as the horn blew enemy soldiers burst into a sprint towards the encampment.  The enemy bolted at adversaries, with jagged double-jointed legs, their eyes seemed to glow in the darkness with the fire envy.  By the time they reached the camp Azun-ra's army was barely waking, but they were ready to fight, they were fully armored, because their new armor was bonded to the skin, and swords were drawn.  The enemy didn't expect this kind of readiness, but held up a fight surrounding the camp while they were asleep.  As the warriors pressed inward towards the camp they tore the grass up from the ground with their hooves and were starting to through spears and arrows flying from the archers in the back.  Finally the enemies entered the now ready army for the few seconds felt like years to the awaiting and anxious warriors.  Who started to charge towards their foes with the thrill of victory in their eyes though the battle has barely started.  This startled their enemy and gave Azun-ra the upper hand it the wages of battle.  As the Elite Kie-Nekon soldiers endured through the battle mowing down enemies of all kind unsure of what they really are because of the opaque darkness.  Azun-ra still at the camp could only see scattered flames of torches in the midst of the chaos.  The weakened enemy raiders attempted to endure the night and fight until daybreak but the last soldier lost his soul minutes before the first sun rose.  As the sun rose and light flooded the land the warriors could finally see each other with blood dripping from their swords and armor and bodies at their feet.  The soldiers looked left then right trying to see if anyone was still fighting.  Then at the other end battlefield they could hear roars of victory they ran up the hill to see who it was when the saw who it was they also began to roar realizing that they fought over the hill deep into enemy ranks away from camp and that their brothers in arms had defeated an army massive enough to take on a small city.  All the could see from the top of the hill was dead bodies, pools of blood and their comrades standing with their swords raised to praise the gods who had blessed them with two red sunrises.  Meaning that the gods had blessed them that night.  Azun-ra turned to Kosh and asked if he had a count of the dead yet.
"Not yet General but we have three scouts counting as we speak."
"Good, we must start moving again if we are going to catch that Black Guard convoy by night fall.
