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Fan Fiction

The Legend of Kazak'-Dun Chapter 2
Posted By: Kane172<Kane172@aol.com>
Date: 3 January 2003, 1:09 am

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      Kazak walked into the cities military academy as he walked along the path the kilongs turned raised one fist towards him and uttered "ZAN-LON"(Gods be with you) then their fist rocketed back down and they continued what they were doing.  Kazak walked into a small building at the center of the complex.  Inside Azun-ra was standing waiting for him with both claws behind his back he greeted his brother by grasping his wrist with his right hand and laying his left on the other shoulder and receiving the same action, they both nodded and released.
      "Kazak, I have something to show you." Azun-ra said with a hint of excitement in his voice
      "What is that my brother?" Kazak asked with the fire of expectation in his eyes
      "It is better to show you then tell you."
      "Show me then."
      "Follow me"
      The two generals walked out of the back of the building onto a path leading to the back of the complex. They approached a wall with a tower on the other side Azun-ra opened a door in the wall and they came upon a spiral stair-case leading to the top of the tower when they reached the top, Kazak saw the most glorious sight any Kie-Nekon general could ever envision, one-hundred and fifty warriors all standing in perfect alignment in a new type of armor technically beyond anything his enemy could imagine.
      "It is a new plate armor which is bonded to the flesh with Gangey syrup the sword is connected to the armor over the soldiers strong hand."  Azun-ra told Kazak as he starred in awe at this possibly invincible new armor at least until an other warlord discovers how to make it for himself. "Do you want a closer look?"
      "Show me everything." Kazak said then he raised his right arm and let out a roar.  The soldiers responded with a roar paralleling their general.
      "Come, there is much to see." Azun-ra commented to his brother
      The two proceeded down the stair case entered the bottom of the tower then Azun-ra opened an other door on the opposite of the side they entered.  Walking along a path with these new soldiers practicing in their new armor against wooden dummies.
      "Impressive Azun-ra who's idea was it so I can congratulate him on his innovative design?"
      "Sir, her name is Toec-ra she is my brothers daughter and she has entered our new kifong regiment."
      "My daughter came up with this new armor, I have been on raids too long it will be nice to see my family again the gods have kept them away from me too long."  
      "Speaking of you being away are there any changes in enemy tactics they are enforcing convoys they are using more and more riders and heavy infantry and even a few paragon riders, but they will not stand a chance against this new armor."
      "I am training a special unit that will constantly be on raids from now until they die in combat, do you wish to meet them?"
"I would like to see this special unit."
  "Follow me."
      They walked into a wide-open space where there was a ring of soldiers in the center all facing inward at the fight going on in the middle.  All of these soldiers had two swords jolting outwards from the top of their hands.  Kazak knew these men had battle experience.  The probably Azun-ra's personal guard by the looks of it.  Then he noticed one of the fighters in the middle it was Kosh his eldest son and Azun-ra's right hand advisor and warrior.  He was one of the few ambidextrous warriors in the city, Kazak was guessing that the rest of these warriors were the rest of them.
